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Everything posted by jappjones

  1. Truest statement I have ever heard.
  2. That's what I was thinking the whole time I was watching Frontier
  3. The odds of death chart: secondary characters Nanase 2:1 - Knows too much about the Larva, gets Grace'd. 3:2 - Killed by Vajra, Luca gets a "NOOOOO!" moment, almost rouses audience sympathy. 4:2 - Struck by stray gunfire, lives long enough for deathbed love confession. Luca blames himself. So does everyone else. Ozma 2:1 - Shot by that Guy that Looks like the Evil Admiral from Nadesco for for Coup Interruptus 3:2 - Terminal Pineapple cake. 8:3 - Pissed off the writers by circumventing death last time, they make him fall down an elevator shaft and impale himself on a clown. Kathy 2:1 - Throw herself infront of Ozma to save his life from Evil Nadesco Guy. 3:2 - Death by Vajra rampage, Ozam goes berserk.(Double down if he dies as a result) 13:4 - Kills herself when she realizes she's exhausted her characterization options and her only marketable skill now it stand around a look a littlelike Misa Hayase. Canaria 2:1 - Pegged by a lucky "Shipbuster" beam setting up her Koenig. 4:1 - Running around inside the city when the Vajra attack being a doctor, get's eaten trying to save civilians. 7:2 - Tries to develop a vaccine for Sheryl at Alto's request, assassinated by Grace to hide the truth. Bobby 7:1 - In a miscalculated Hotblooded moment, headbutts something with the Macross Quarter, depresurizing the Bridge. Bridgebunnies 7:1 - Purple Hair, F's -the-Captain, and the Ugly One get sucked into space when Bobby Depresurizes the Bridge. (Double down if Bobby's Gay Love Forcefield saves him and the captain).
  4. Ok so how about this?
  5. Ozma = Roy Mikhail = Max Klan = Miria Luca = Kakizaki Wilder = Global Monica = Vanessa Lam = Shammy Mina = Kim Bobby = Claudia Kathy = Misa Kamjin = Grace VF-25 = VF-1 Monster = Konig Monster Macross Quarter = SDF-1 Macross Battle Frontier = Grand Cannon what do you all think?
  6. Hey everyone, I have been on this site since 2000 and never signed up until recently...cant wait to get to know everyone. quick question, which Macross F fansub groups are the best for MKV files? I have a problem with the subtitles stacking on one another from Frontier episodes from gg. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Thanks Ja
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