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Everything posted by VF19

  1. all you need is a pin vice, a drop of paint, and a paper clip.
  2. Id take A Hi-Nu, Amatu, and the second and Yojimbo versions of the blue frame astray. but especially the Amatu
  3. If you know enough about the background of Star Wars then you know about Cortosis Weave. If not, I imagine what makes it special is that its made out of some rare element, harder than diamond, blah blah blah, and its just that well built. Or its just so damn cool.
  4. Please excuse me while I drool all over my keyboard. And then I demand that bandai screw over the first versions, and conceentrate on the second and final versions of the astray. AT LEAST MAKE IT A B-CLUB KIT MAN!
  5. I was aware of the armament differences, Hikuro. All you have to do is look at them. I just wondered what made the gold frame special.
  6. VF19

    Dry Decals

    Yah, I know that, what im having trouble with are the little letters like the anaheim Electronics decals, tried pencil, finger nail, everything. Cant figure those out.
  7. someone post pics of the three frames, I have a decent I dea of what they look like, but Ive never seen the gold frame.
  8. hmm. Its telling me that the old boards are offline! DAMN! I DONT GET TO SEE THE BEAUTY THAT IS WM's WORK!
  9. VF19

    Dry Decals

    By this you mean the point? hmmm. thats a good idea...
  10. VF19

    Dry Decals

    Yah, Im just getting around to building my C1 Plus, and I cant figure these dam things out! so basically, you just cut out the one you want, press firmly, and rub with blunt object for period of time, correct?
  11. On the original statue.......when did they start making chinese dresses out of saran-wrap? And on Misato... DAMN!
  12. yeah, I like imageanime alot, I get most of my stuff from them.
  13. While im waiting for this, I just may have to pull out FM3 again. God I love that HPBC. Bodysmashing time....
  14. They mention the name Thousand Birds in the episode, if I remember correctly.
  15. Chidori/Lightning Edge Forgot the literal english translation, Thousand Birds.
  16. Ive heard it was called the Phoenix as well. I just think its a good looking plane.
  17. If that happened, Id kill the artist. Slowly.
  18. VF19

    Avengers 2036

    Thats cool. Me likes.
  19. G. Kaiser = Old school Getter stlye Dixen = Gundam YF-37 Rafaga = Macross Pulsion = Eva Bolon = fruity kids style stuff Twinzam V = The merging robot style, two fighters into one robot Diana 17 = Almost G Gundam ish, works on the Mobile Trace system. Gourai = Equivalent to the gouf custom...kind of. Plays the same role. Wise Duck = Monster Theres all the mecha in Tech Romancer....that was an awesome game.
  20. Man, stop makig kids stuff. lets talk R.
  21. VF19

    Avengers 2036

    TWDC is right. she had silver gauntlets. btw, make an SV-51 Archangel. I mean the version with the metal wings. that would be cool.
  22. Well, I did just sign up for them about 2 days ago, but my friends in my clan all got theirs fairly quickly. The 8 keys are so we have spares.
  23. I signed up for about 8 keys......still havent got any of em.
  24. How'd you find that out? Either way, nice work. Excuse me while I change my pants.
  25. holy crap, i couldnt ever hope to have th at many. and you have a dark and high elf warhammer army. damn. just damn.
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