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Everything posted by VF19

  1. One thing they havent thought of for anti air is the conept of the Grazer round used in the M16kurz. A plastic shell filled with buckshot, which bursts on impact. Scale that up to 30mm, and god knows what it'd do.
  2. Or: The guy who directed catwoman rapes your childhood!
  3. Yes. It's worth it. BY FAR. GO GET IT NOW.
  4. I'm going to piss off everyone who said anything made by Sid meier in this thread. I'm good buddies with his son, and I know him well. I've been to FIraxis's office god knows how many times. I saw Civ 3 when it was in development, tested it in teh office, and gave feedback.
  5. The concept of teh 5.7 FN round was to penetrate body armor, and then tumble inside the target. Since it was Jacketed Steel, it ended up being used to kill bad guys through two layers of drywall, a 2x4, and stucco.
  6. Please excuse me while I drool senselessly on my keyboard.
  7. That thing is so a Frankenstein of a Glock 17/possibly 19 frame, and a SIG P220 series Slide.
  8. The maps are technically smaller, but feel bigger.
  9. Eldar own you ALL. The termies are ungodly powerful, and the dreadnoughts......my god. WHAT HAVE WE CREATED!
  10. Yah, cause you see so many drive-by bayonettings.
  11. Great. CN f**ks up more great anime.
  12. Personally, I think the Goth SDF1 up there rocks, if it weren't the SDF1. The valks are.......original.
  13. I took.....ummm.....artistic liscense with this, sorry Jrseph, it in no way changes your work at all, just makes it a wall paper.
  15. Those last few ar stunning. As for the one of the storm, it had the kind of, "Yah, it's me, you're f***ed" kind of aura.
  16. You will never, refer to me as a negative nelly.
  17. I am definitely gonna get this, but I could just as easily spend 130 bucks on amdriver stuff. Both are equally cool.
  18. In these ever so timeless words: "A new Flash Gordon movie! or, Stephen sommers rapes your childhood!" I take comfort. Screw this movie. Unless Aura is hot.
  19. We should burn you.
  20. There is no way a feddie cleanup crew could remove two 80 foot wings that fast, even if they were there. If they were, they would be in the E ring. There did not seem to be enough fire to accord for that ammount of fuel. A crashing plane would throw all of its fuel, stored in the wings at least a good 500 feet forward, clearly burning the exterior of the building, and torching all the grass outside. That hole is not big enough for a 100000 pound aircraft traveling at 530 miles an hour. No way. You're talking around one hundred thousand joules of energy. That wall of E ring would not be standing. And it COLLPASED 20 minutes after. Did you see how small the collapsed area was? THE ENTIRE LENGTHOF THE DAMAGED SECTION. In essence, they are saying something with a 170 foot wingspan and a 20 foot in diameter fuselage DID NOT destroy some of the structure. I'm on their boat.
  21. Agreed.
  22. No, its the Gold Frame from hell, basically all the good bits of the blitz, with all the good bits of the Astrays, with a few extra goodies afor flavor.
  23. "Gore and senseless vampire bondagerape your TV, with BLOORAYNE 2!"
  24. I saw that pic. and immediatly began bowing to the picture. "SEXY. SEXY. SEXY. SEXY. SEXY." EDIT: I made a double post useful.
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