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Everything posted by VF19

  1. I am well aware that Japan relies on the US heavily, I just find it amusing that they are still limited in what they are allowed to have in their armed forces. More on topic, I don't think it would have been effective at all, because turbojets give off SOOO much heat, that you couldn't possibly stop getting painted from a Heatseeker. If it didn't detect the heat from convection in the body panels, it would most certainly find the exhaust.
  2. They just really haven't had a need to, seeing as they are limited to a self-defense force. They don't need long range fighters. I imagine they will be getting some Typhoons, if they can.
  3. No, I said one looked like a canarded F-16 or a Rafale. The foreward section of the first one looks EXACTLY like a Rafale.
  4. Anyone else listened to Sol-Fa? It's AKFG's new album.
  5. My favorites are Asian Kung-Fu Generation (Max probably likes this one too) L'arc~en~ciel, Dir en Grey, The Pillows, TM. Revolution, and for some Jpop, Ayumi Hamasaki and Nami Tamaki. What are yours?
  6. The fact that there is a big, red-head girl with European armor on a drab background with an awesome crest? Too bright. If you recolored her armor black, and made her skin almost ghost like, i'd like it plenty more.
  7. You guys should just go the extra half-mile and build full size ones. Lose the ski ramp. The point about the Harrier and Amphibious assaults is completely true, however. No one really notices Japan as a military threat anymore, but a sudden purchase of say....30 harriers could make them a point of interest from our UAVs and satellites, and that they don't want. Personally, I don't think their weapons should be limited as they are, anyone who had a grudge against the US and could hold any power to take action against us is long dead by now. Same for Germany. Germany was just under teh power of an insane dictator who had plenty of health problems and mental dementia. The german people aren't warlike in nature (Trust me, my entire family is german, all the way down my dads side.) and have incredible military forces. The KSK, GSG9 (Well, I still don't know if they are allowed to handle things out-of-country) etc. Times change. Grudges are lost. Anywho, back to discussion of planes. Lockheed and Dassault should sue, David. You caneven make out the panels on the body of the 16 in that pic.
  8. The Razgriz is an actual Demon from Norse myth....she was the decider, essentially a Nordic Anubis. Personally, I HATE what you have done to that symbol. Sexier isn't better. The "Dark Athena" Razgriz has it's own story, and portrays the exact description from the game. Especially since you put it on their crest, too. I am well aware, it is only a symbol from a game, but that is still a work of art, on part of Namco's design team. The Razgriz isn't supposed to be pretty, it's supposed to symbolize the bringers of death and peace.
  9. Either a Canarded F-16 or a Rafale.
  10. Submersible subamarines are available.....the Japanese had three of them, I believe, in WW2. Each carried three seaplanes, and were some of teh biggest subs ever.
  12. Indeed.
  13. VF19


    Once again, this proves that Millia has excellent boo....sters.
  14. VF19

    VF Girls

    The Tokyo Marui M3 Super 90 shotguns are a NICE touch.
  15. Just replace the white with a grey that is dark, but not black, and not neutral grey.
  16. Looks exactly the same.
  17. Do the leading edge of the wings in the same blue on everything else. It adds a little bit of flair to it. And instead of the Green, do ALL the cameras (Eyes, chest, above the v-fin) in a blue instead of green. Flows better.
  18. We're at A4's already JSArclight? When did that happen, and what are the new features?
  19. Old. They make a Beam Rifle one too.
  20. Since when have the Marines been doling out SR25s? Harris, ACOG, Forward RIS...That looks more like a modded 16A2 now that I think about it. Maybe an Old SPR?
  21. Who says the shells have to be explosive? SABOT rounds are just tungsten darts. Anyway, let him call it what he wants, even if it is a Typo. Nice work, guys. I wish I could use/had a 3d modeling program. I could try my hand at some designs, but they will be nowhere near as good as Boxer's.
  22. I know of the 7.62x51 mm NATO, and the new round being produced for HK's new SL9SD, the 7.62x39 Subsonic round. AK is something like 7.45mm. That's the concept between the SR47, so our troops can salvage AK mags from dead bodies.
  23. Shot of it firing?
  24. Same.
  25. OD or Woodland camoflauge. Take a GIjoe sniper rifle and make it a SWAT Sharpshooter labor. Can you imagine a 76.2x510 mm shell?
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