So, What are your favortie anime songs. mind you, these dont have to be opening or ending themes, they can be any song. I know I personally like Haruka Kanata, the Naruto 2nd season opener.
*waits for hordes of Aussie MW'ers to maul VF19 like a dingo eating a baby*
Anyway, we don't really know any more than we did when this topic was first posted, right? When is this AX panel?
I think they wanted to do that back on the old boards.
Man, I wish I had all the stuff to do something like that, but I have no freaking clue where to get it from. Nor canI panel line or really even paint well, for that matter. anyways, nice work valk. *sigh* I have to go get one now.
lol, thats what I thought. that thing looks like it should be half buried in a crater, with the other leg somewhere in the crater, sticking out of the side or something, along with the arm, and the pilot climbing out of the wreckage. IOW, that would make a great diorama.
The game isnt lagish, its your settings. this game looks beautiful on medium graphics settings and 800X600X32. Thata what I have it running on, and almost no lag. Also, defrag your hard drive a couple times, that helps alot.
Ive gotten so many knife kills so far, it isnt right. i usually sneak around with an m16 scoped, and stealth kill as much as possible. ive become very good at it lately.
Understatement. I've been killed by more people with PPSh's and grenades randomly thrown around than by every other method in the game combined. But once I find a good concealed position, let the body count commence.
Well, if that means something along the lines of art of the doppleganger, substitution, misdirection, illusion, and transformation, then you have it. i dont know the japanese names.
Ah, whatever, you take it estacado.
I take a sharp knife, kinda drill a hole where you want it to be, than push the knife into the edges, making a cut on the outside of the hole, then spread it out a little.