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Everything posted by ambient73

  1. Fantastic pic And speaking of A380 quality issues.... Do I get a travel voucher out of this?
  2. LMAO...Joel McHale is a god! Just started watching Naoki Urasawa's Monster I am up to ep. 8, and very impressed so far. Think I'll check out the manga, as well.
  3. Speaking of robots...I submit "Deadly Friend". Wes Craven should be ashamed. Sharktopus...seriously? Sy Fy is taking this to a whole 'nother level, LMAO! "Sy Fy original movie"=ultra bad SF I always have to laugh at the roaring sharks. I guess ol' Bruce just happenend to have found and swallowed a lion out in the Atlantic
  4. Not impressed with Bentley, at all. Never understood why anybody would choose a Continental GT over a DB9/DBS or Gran Turismo
  5. I don't know, the TL HAS gotten pretty homely, and don't even get me started on the ZDX...but I think the TSX is one of the best looking sport sedans out there.
  6. Ferrari recalls 458 What is it with Ferraris and Lamborghinis ...Porche, Aston and Maserati manage to build great cars that don't spontaneously combust.
  7. So US is not worthy of Scirrocco, but they try to foist this overpriced Passat on us...AGAIN! A lobotimized monkey could run that place better
  8. Speaking of the Viggen... Always been one of my favorite aircraft.
  9. I am seriously impressed by your weathering and detail skills...beautiful kit!
  10. Absolutely AMAZING diorama! I am seriously impressed.
  11. Ask and you shall receive The Great Saber version w/CP-02(due in May) looks very nice as well. @Slammer Agreed. This being from Yamato and all, it's going to be absurdly high priced. The least they could do is give us something a little more creative than a Zoid that has already seen too many variations to count. Shield Liger/Blade Liger=overrated & oversaturated, wouldn't spend a dime for another. Yammie Reese Genosaurer, Shadow Fox, Storm Sworder, Konig Wolf, Rev Raptor or Champ 'Horn, now those are some Zoids I would pay dearly for.
  12. Anybody seen this yet? Future Darwin Award recipient How the hell do you not see that! And then proudly consents to a roadside interview...Bubba probably called all friends and family telling them, "I's on TV, ran o'er sum reeel big rocks dur!". Hopefully he will remember this lesson in rubbernecking vs. keeping your eyes on the road. Dog's thinking, "somebody save me from this idiot, PLEASE!"
  13. Best post of the whole thread ↑ I can just picture this on 24 IMDB page character list... ___________ ... Freckles ___________ ... Agent Cover My Ass ___________ ... Potato Face Seriously though, 24 is way past it's prime.
  14. That was a monster storm system...beat the @#&! out of us here in AZ. 7 feet of snow at my place These guys(auction company AND owners) had plenty of warning about how nasty this series of storms was going to be. The head in the sand approach turned out to be rather regretable...I don't see R&S getting many consignments next year. All those beauties trashed...makes me sick
  15. God, those are nice! Everytime somebody add a new post, I wanna run out and grab whatever is being posted. Must excercise self-restraint
  16. Those are some seriously nice figs you guys have...jealous I wish my wallet could keep up with my addiction, but I can't justify paying $70-120(why so dang expensive?) for a fixed pose figure these days. There are some that I just MUST pick up at some point though. Here are the few I do have: The ones I have room to display In storage
  17. Yeah, I could definitely do without the tacky add-ons I understand that they will be a dealer added option(for the goofballs), thank god. It's the color that has me salivating! The rumours are that it will be a limited, extra cost color and probably be rolled out late summer/early fall 2010. I hope it does well, so GM will see fit to come up with some more interesting non-basic colors.
  18. I've always been partial to metallic greens...way to go, GM! Although I am a little disgruntled at the V6 only/non-RS thing
  19. "See, what happened was, I was trying to commit insurance fraud avoid a low flying pelican...HONEST! Trying to figure out how Beavis could mistake a Veyron for a Lamborghini...jeebus
  20. Dangit, sniped! Dumbo gets an A+ for the inventiveness of his BS explanation though. The Veyron has never been that appealing to me...design's a little ugg, IMO. More importantly, why do so many of the jokers that can afford these supercars seem to be so damn stupid?
  21. Really? In every comparo test so far, the GT-R has been trounced by the ZR1 Not saying that the Nissan is a bad car, but it just can't run with the Corvette.
  22. They're all so great, it's hard to choose...but, I'd have to say the 25th anniversary YF-19.
  23. I really wouldn't want to have to climb those stairs Wow...that is absolutely stunning! When I look at that, I feel as if I am in an actual hangar. It really IS all in the details. Superb job, ron5864!
  24. St. Johns, Arizona New member, but look forward to being a part of the forum for a long time!
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