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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thanks all for the support. I decided not to weather it, have other models to build cool8or: Trust me, there are mistakes there, I had to repaint it like 3 times and used multiple decal sheets.
  2. Thanks Gabe and Edwin. I might still try a bit of weathering, but I am reading about aircraft weathering which is something I haven't done before.
  3. Thanks guys. Yeah lots of plans, but I have to take a break from them, it was so much work it wore me out
  4. Finally finished, my first Valk kit. Some mistakes here and there but overall it was a great learning experience for the next one. Public thank yous to Noyhauser and Capt Hungry for providing spare parts and decals, since I was careless. OOB, painted with Tamiya acrylics.
  5. Bump
  6. Wondering if anyone has a Hasegawa VF-1S decal sheet for sale. TIA.
  7. Thanks for the replies! I tried this last night with very good results, I also did it with gloss paint, which seems to level itself a lot better.
  8. I am still working on my first valk. I noticed that Hasegawa includes a lot of the black lines (thick) of the model as decals, now I know the best approach is to mask and paint and forget about those decals. Now my question is, my base coat already has Future on it, I didn't plan to mask and paint again but I will, what is the best approach to end with a smooth painted on effect? I mean, how do I prevent the edge of the second coat of paint (the black) to be raised? Thanks in advance.
  9. xPLAN303Ex


    Hi all, I am building a Hasegawa VF-1S and just noticed I lost the back part of the pilot seat, turned my place upside down, nowhere to be found, I think my cat got to it first Anyway, it is a long shot but I am looking to buy the parts if someone has a spare. I studied the posibility of a resin seat from a modern jet, but given that I have already assembled the fuselage halves together I think that'd be a little bit painful to do, still a good possibility though. Thanks in advance.
  10. New to the board from Kirkland, WA (10 mins from Seattle). Originally from Colombia.
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