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Everything posted by regult

  1. regult

    yamato's next move

    Did Graham say this before? If not I hope he's not going to have to "silence" me for throwing the information but quoting him: "it's NOT the Monster, but it is BIG and it transforms"...anyway, in a day the speculation is going to be over!
  2. I am Mospeada newbie and was wondering if there are good toys/models of the Inbit variants with their glossy finish, vivid colors and big sizes...they are like more crab-looking Queadlunns to me (Rau or Rea, nevermind). Those guys (especially the cannon fodder "Grab") are growing on me. EDIT: Yes, I know there was a Robotech/Matchbox release (somebody's avatar shows it)...are those any good? are there any other alternatives?
  3. almost forgot: on my running around toy shops in Wanchai district in Hong Kong today, I came across a VF-25F set with a signature on it...the price tag was a little over HK$ 1K (forgot how much exactly but it COULDN'T have been 11K when the normal thing goes for 200-360). The funny thing was the message by the price tag: "autographed by singer of animation"... I've never seen the signatures of either May'n nor Megumi and the shop owner didn't bother to find out! Either case Kawamori-san's autograph on a VF would have made more sense??!?! Would you pay extra for a plamo that claims to be autographed by the singer of the soundtrack of that anime??? I remember an episode when Charley Brown found out another kid was faking autographs on baseball bats, balls and gloves...
  4. Seems from these scans that the super parts: 1) come with custom colors for each livery, they are red in the VF-25F Alto Custom... 2) there is only a sheet of either stickers or decals (from the color it seems to be a sticker (no waterlide decals for heard-core model makers?!!!?) 3) MANY parts will not be needed (crossed out) if you want it with Super Packs on, which makes me wonder if I want to go through the disassembling of the built up standalone VF-25F to exchange for the Super Packs...good excuse for getting the bundle, yesss! (no time to build it, boooo! I have a Ozma waiting there and I BET when the armor comes out there will be many redundant parts...so more money goes to Bandai) Lastly, my big question: 1) will the stand alone version of the Super Pack come with all color variants for everybody's valk? I don't own an airbrush, and missile bay doors are meant to be opened and closed so decals are a no-no for me: PLEASE do include pre-colored doors for sub-skilled snap-fit plamo builders!!!!
  5. Agreed, but the whole reason why I still didn't pull the trigger on Omega 1 is the looks of the other 2 modes...too much anime-magic maybe, the design team at Yamato probably did their best.
  6. I've just finished watching the show for the first time today! Of course I did see the evil Robotech adaptation back in the 80's but honestly I had completely forgot about that besides there were crab-looking alien robots and bikes... Guess the inclusion of Legioss/Tread was a good idea, otherwise the entire Western hemisphere would be unaware of Mospeada altogether. I did fall asleep to some episodes...Macross, which I rewatched not too long ago, has a faster pace, better narrative and probably more exciting mecha sequences. The Legioss are quite stiff most of the time...and if you've just watched MacrossF, you'll have a hard time readapting to 80's animation. It's a good show in itself, but I wonder how well it would have done outside Japan without the little push from Harmony Gold... EDIT:spelling
  7. I sooo agree with that statement..
  8. Supposedly I have the latest (V3.0?) standalone VF-0S with the extra padding behind the tailfins, feet locking, rubber inside shoulder ball-joint and non-exploding arms...but it does seem to be a bit suspicious: it came with yellowed taping (as if it was packed a lot earlier than late 2008) and the following issues: 1) heatshield to fuselage gap: the cockpit is not so as tight as I'd like it to be (or as the V2.0 1/60 VF-1S) 2) leg to backpack peg is neither as tight as I thought it would be 3) feet do have a locking mechanism, but barely...sometimes the weight of the battroid still makes the feet retract into the leg. Of course there is the landing gear, which is nice looking with its outward splaying mechanism, but when you try to roll the thing, they do wobble a bit although they do stay deployed. I never handled a V1.0 VF-0S in all its floppy mess, but this supposedly new version isn't comparable to the V2.0 VF-1S...maybe I was expecting too much from the reissue or some unscrupulous seller repacked a lemon?!? EDIT: clarity and grammar
  9. I am not so sure the landing gear design on the VF-0 is the absolute best, from a technical perspective, my main landing gear are floppy and it is hard to deploy the nose gear. They do look fantastic of course, but could have used some better engineering.
  10. I am wondering what's that wallpaper you're using on your computer!?? I like that crisp pic of a Super VF-25F
  11. I thought about asking this question in the newbie section but since there is a thread discussing about songstress and songster, I was wondering why I cannot seem to find information regarding who is the singing voice for Emilia Jenius, I only know the Senyu is Michiko Neya, but wonder if she really did the singing in Heart & Soul and Flash in the Dark. That is a powerful voice and I would like to know if there are other songs by the same singer. My vote goes to Basara...for so many reasons, including the ability to sing a protodeviln to spiritia ecstasy!
  12. I guess it depends on how you see a VF: is it a flying warplane or a giant walking battle robot? I prefer to think of them as flying machines, so "platoon" sounds a bit weird to me. Maybe in Japanese there's no difference between squadron and platoon??
  13. I didn't vote because I still don't own one, and this survey would help me make up my mind, design/accuracy issues aside. I have always been concerned about the paint chipping around the pieces with black and red stripes that inevitably rub against each other, although I am surprised that most of the paint chipping happens in the backplate? How may of the "mine's broken" have paint issues? Thanks for your feedback.
  14. Probaby I will be banished for this but I will come clean: I voted NO, because honestly, I don't like the looks of the VF-4 at all
  15. regult

    yamato's next move

    Did I say this before?: Make the 1/60 Regult already!!! Gosh, you already did 2 versions of the 1/60 VF-1!! I don't believe Zentran mecha toys with contemporary technology would not sell, although maybe Yamato don't want to develop any new toolings in 2009, so all we are getting are all kinds of repaints and mods of the VF-1 (but we do get a new VF-1 in the GN-U line...weird)
  16. Anytime!...I just spent quite some money on the VF-0S (supposedly version 3, still a bit floppy especially compared to the VF-1 V2.0, I hope I haven't been cheated with a repack of the "shoulders-vaporize-'n-fighter-mode" version) After so much anticipation, I will probably have to pass on the D at this point, my wallet is too thin.
  17. Pete, that sounds GREAT... I say let us have revoltech fraulein meltran! mmm..... (we're just daydreaming!)
  18. Since they're making yet another VF-1, it's time to make a GN-U Regult or Q-rau...they didn't transform in the first place! Then my wallet will reallky bleed again.
  19. The reason why I prefer a 1/60 to the Revoltech (I own two, so one has the missle pod and the other does not) is that a contemporary Yamato Destroid is very entertaining without the transformation feature of a VF, and it's one of those things that have been missing (despite the Matchbox version, no modern re-release) from the macross mecha lines. I do understand that enemy mecha are considered to be less popular than hero mecha, but if Gundam plamo is of any reference value (which baddie is not represented??), and adding the fact that Zentradi are not technically "classic bad guys"...I am not sure the Ragult (or the N-ger, Q-rau, Glaug...) would do poorly on the shelves. Keep in mind: Macross is for the Japanese market, so shipping fees are completely NOT a concern for the manufacturer. If there was a concern, it would be the present market conditions and the weakening toy industry in China (so many factories are closing or agonizing). I am not holding my breath for this mold to be developed, but taking into account the new Macross popularity, I wonder if Yamato would ride on it and surprise us with a new mold instead of eternally making EVERY VF-1 ever seen on or off screen, just like the very welcome and playable DEstroids, which are NOT piloted by any main character that I know of and DO NOT transform or have led or make noised by pushing a button. And to answer Pete, I would definitely buy every Zentran/Meltran Revoltech or GN-U, but so far only the Regult has been made! EDIT: The Q-rau was not popular? if this is true (I am not so sure it is!) than it would be because of the poor articulation vs price ratio. If poseability was anywhere close to the contemporary Destroid, you bet it would have ben re-issued many times and in many different liveries...which again makes me daydream about how wonderful a Regult would be
  20. yet another VF-1...guess it's REALLY very popular
  21. yes there was...there's a close up in episode (i forgot) when Ozma and Cathy are hiding among rumbles (they're hiding from Leon), Ozma picks one of those dolls up from the dirt, but I am not sure if it looks exactly like that toy. One suggestion though, they'd probably do better with red/orenge buttons as eyes instead of black!
  22. I need to learn that Gubaba=Azrael and Nanase=Gubaba... So there will be more atmospheric flying! hmm...does this imply we'll pick up where the TV series left on Vajra homeworld??? The fact that the triangle will be "stirred" also suggest it's going to be a sequel and not "one day in the life of Frontier" like that M7 "film"
  23. Hey everybody, I guess most of you do not own the now extremely rare Regult (and/or Glaug) early toys, and even if you do, you'd still like to see an updated version just to complete that Macross diorama. All those VF-1s and Destroids NEED enemy mecha, and all we have is Millia and Max's Q-rau, which are not brilliant figures themselves! I am sure this topic pops out every once in a while (one of those classic themes in MWF), but since Yamato seems to have a great time milking their licenses...maybe taking on a often neglected subject as classic Zentran mecha like the Regult or the Glaug would be a good idea.
  24. There we go, the cycle repeats itself ("Hey they did it right this time! I am buying!"..."hmmm, it's not good enough, I hope they further tweak it!"..."It's crap! I will cancel my order/I pass"...) Gracias Ignacio, yo estoy en Hong Kong, así que voy a los tiendas no virtuales a ver con qué me topo, y generalmente me sale más barato que comprar desde HLJ u Overdrive, pero no siempre hay surtido por acá. Te preguntaba porque nunca me pareció encontrar tiendas en la calle que vendieran este tipo de "juguetes" japoneses en Argentina.
  25. Ignacio, Dónde conseguís los modelos de Yamato en Argentina? Back to the cockpit length issue: after taking a closer look at the pics, I am now convinced they actually extended the cockpit further back, so the overall length of the valk is still exactly the same as the single seat versions...no mod to the swing bar or anything structural. I am still convinced this was an honest effort, despite Minmay's awkward sitting posture, hope other hardcore twin-seat lovers won't feel compelled to discredit the toy when they realize it's not longer at all!
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