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Everything posted by regult

  1. In fact, the figure's prominent feature everyone likes to talk about are a separate piece that attaches to the torso...they're maybe of the same hollow construction as the boots (no pun intended).
  2. There was a discussion about this somewhere and even a diagram done by a fellow mw'er of Klan with super pack and Michel's VF-25G side by side...but I cannot recall where that was. Honestly, I think the face is fine, looks like Klan before battle...at least it looks better than that chibi-klan released last year. I need advice from those of you who have experience with these type of figures...is it resin, ABS, or what? I need to fix the legs (boots) and "pony tail" (they're detached!). Details on the breakages are here. Thanks in advance for the input!
  3. Here is the figure towering over Alto Saotome in his SMS uniform. Klan looks fine as is, but I am afraid the crack on the right leg will worsen with the weight of the torso and eventually fall off the stand. Suggestions on what type of glue are VERY welcome, please give me more data than just a brand, because for instance, there is no "Future" polish in Hong Kong (goes by another name?)
  4. Hi folks! Some of you probably have read this thread about my probably QC-rejected Banpresto Klan figure. I got this from "the underbelly of toy retail" in Hong Kong (it was just one shop in Monkok's Richmond111) and I there was no helmet...so I cannot ask for a replacement from the "normal channels". Let me ask the experts on model making what's the best way to fix this otherwise magnificent display piece. I am sure many of you have quite a lot of experience with Banpresto figures, I am not even sure what they're made of...Pictures attached illustrate the issues described below. 1) left hair "pony tail" was not properly glued and got detached, material is soft (or rubbery) to the touch and fully painted with what I think is acrylic paint. 2) right leg is cracked, still attached (with some glue smudges) but there is a visible crack and there is nothing other than the thin "shell" of the figure holding it together, the "boot" is just glued along the boot/thigh joint line. The thigh seems rubbery too. the leg feels different, more like plastic or resin. 3) left "boot" is completely detached, but since there is a long "insert" from the thigh inside the boot, the figure can actually stand (with feet plugged to the display base) without these pieces being glued together, this leg seems to be resin or plastic too, it's not as "rubbery" as the torso or hair. I have no experience with this kind of figures, I don't know if superglue (Loctite gel) is appropriate or what should I use to bond these different materials, especially the legs, because the figure's torso+hair is really hefty, but the legs are actually just plastic or resin "tubes" (yes, they're hollow) that need to be plugged into the display stand to achieve balance on this head-heavy figure). Help please!!
  5. As I said earlier, no, I didn't get the helmet and none of the 8 or 9 figures in the box I was searching through had a helmet, so I guess they didn't make it through QC and got to the underbelly of Hong Kong retail. I knew what I was paying for, so HK$ 320 seemed reasonable for sth not so easily found in the retail market. I think this is half what you pay for ordering from Overdrive, and anyway, I missed the preorder dates twice! By the way, the white and light blue SMS stand for the "secret" Sheryl and Ranka figures was there too, I was offered one but I chose the black "M" instead. (edited for clariy and some spelling, should really check before posting!)
  6. Simple, I don't have the Michel figure yet...and I don't think I want the one with the school uniform anyway, looks nothing like Michel! Looking forward to a flight suit SMS squad. And the boob problem is persistent in the regult household too....ms. regult was complaining about me having such an aberration of female breasts displayed on my desktop.
  7. Not sure if this question should go here, or I will maybe post in the model/customization forum, does anyone know what's the best glue for this kind of figure? I need to re-attach the left leg, seal a seam on the right leg, and glue in the left chunk of hair. Maybe some of you here know what materials these are made of: hair is rubberish but the legs seem a bit more stiff/brittle. Help me fix this beautiful figure!!!
  8. Sorry for the late reply, forgot to state the price: HK$320 I paid, didn't even bother negotiating with the shop owner because I was searching inside the cardboard box among around 9 klan figures, all damaged to a certain degree, and NONE had the helmet (*notice mine has an empty right hand??). The process took around 30 mins and that wears off the patience of any (Hong Kong) shop owner. These "back door" products are not my favorite, as a fellow mwer said, they're most likely stolen from the factory either way, so in a way, they're worthless (like samples, they have no "price tag" for the manufacturer)...the only reason I bought it was because she's Klan Klan, she's not chibiklan, and I missed the chance with overdrive and will never get it with 800 Yen in a Family Mart in Japan. Here is a comparison picture with my assembled 1/72 VF-25F. Notice she's actually taller by a head or so (you need to exclude the stand she's on. I think she's still a bit oversized for the DX, I am kind of more comfortable with the Alto/Klan scale, with means she'd need to be significantly smaller than the VF-25G she slaps on the head, and thus never be able to wear the super pack...anyway, bless anime magic! (edit: spelling)
  9. sorry, forgot to rotate the pictures...it's 5am and had a long saturday...the 10 cm Alto is for size comparison., she's taller than a 1/72 Bandai VF-25 by over a head. I need a Michel figure the same size as Alto and I'd be a happy collector!
  10. I was happily surprised to find this figure in Hong Kong today. It wasn't properly packaged, some had serious QC problems (missing hairpiece, shoe bow, unglued leg, paint smudges...basically, these were "back door" products from the Chinese factories, but I gave it a shot and although my legs are pretty detached, I think I can fix it. There were some paint transfer and here and there, but with a bit of enamel thinner with a cotton bud and common eraser on the acrylic paint parts and pretty much the smudges are gone. Here are some pictures to share. I guess those who pay the price for a properly packed and QCed product will be amazed how pretty this figure is. This is my first fixed pose feminine figure bigger than a a Gashapon and I can't wait to fix it. Would love to get the helmet, but...at this price?!?
  11. I try to stay away from posting here since I don't own any DX VF-25 BUT I honestly always wanted to get one simply because I am not a good model builder...but after seeing Alto and Ozma with my own eyes more than once and reading this thread every once in a while (Michel, Luca), I have to sadly stick to plamo (despite being a newbie builder).The DX is too expensive for what it is, and now the color mismatching makes the Kawamori remarks even more "PRish" IMO. I still stand by all the comments I made in the past: short neck, head lasers, leg position in battroid and fighter (THE deal breaker for me), crotch connector, fighter nose area crooked, landing gears too short (should not even bother deploying them), lower fins straight, shoulder screw snapping... I still wait for the day we get better value for money on a transformable VF-25, Bandai, Yamato or whoever may be! (edit: grammar and clarity)
  12. Thanks Chris for the prompt reply. I already built the Alto a long while ago and had a terrible experience with the decals since I left them exposed with no clear coat...and they were all quite "digested" by Mr. Mark Setter. Thanks to a fellow member I have an extra set of decals for the Alto paintjob and I also got he superpack combo...maybe someday I will start building it up, so your step-by-step would be greatly appreciated. I don't own an airbrush and due to lack of space it is impossible to get a decent one...I am amazed that a rattle can can do the trick, so I am now taking a reassuring look at the 3 unbuilt kits.
  13. Are you still there Master Cheng? I want to see when you apply the decals and how you will protect them...since you already said you'd not mask and paint the red/black stripes! I am not sure how the stickers will look on the model but my first attempt with decals+setter looks good at first, but renders the decals so flimsy they come off when anything comes in contact. I am not sure how to clear coat the model without an expensive airbrush and neither how the decals would turn out without setter/softener on such curvy contours.
  14. Should I prepare a 1/200 bottle of champagne for the launch ceremony??
  15. I love your decals too...so you mean a can of tamiya clear coat can work??? My first VF-25F has most decals damaged as of now (less than 10 transformations)...I did use some softener and left it bare, that's the mistake I guess. I have painted some models with spray cans but it is crude, may spit gigantic drops sometimes and with such small parts as the VF-25, do you paint them assembled or apart from the skeleton (like that retro custom)?? I have just made the mistake of buying the Alto's VF-25F Super and Luca's RVF-25 with ghosts, so with Ozma's VF-25S, I have now 3 un-assembled kits sitting in a corner, fearing my inexperienced hands.
  16. how long will these thing be on the shelves and where can we find them?? I am so getting these if I can get myself to Tokyo!
  17. I was aware of the shoulder screw problem, and not the hip joint?!? Just when I was finally getting excited about the DX Quarter! Why do we have to worry about breakages when these toys are so expensive?! life sucks...
  18. Don't give up on me man! I never complained about the size of the WAVE, I just never liked it for it's price tag and clumsy transformation...and I am not complaining because Yamato is putting out this huge version, I am complaining I don't have the space to display it properly, w/o it looking like a new family member standing in front of the TV or by the dinning table.
  19. Shipping??? I wish it could perform a fold-jump and instantly appear at my door. Expensive is only one of my concerns, the hugeness is really THE most relevante issue for me...anyway, it will make me happy to just see this behemoth on display, so if any of you guys will buy it, please let me bring a six-pack, some snacks and just sit there and watch the thing for a few hours with the DYRL? OST playing in the background.
  20. The whole Skull Squad is there with Luca and his 3 ghosts! beautiful...I am probably going to buy all the kits and never finish building them! I only managed to barely finish the 1st VF-25F, but now I also want the Super pack combo, and plain Ozma has been sitting in the box for months. Interesting how Bandai plamo did not show off anything extraordinary/unheard of during the launch ceremony in Tokyo! One would have expected a VF-27 or the Vajra kits since Yamato showed-off the big-arse SDF-1 and Bandai DX showed the amazing Quarter toy
  21. My first post in this long discussion about the DX Quarter...the sculpt looks fantastic! Like most of us, I curse and rejoice at the same time: too many cool macross collectibles coming out recently but too little time/money/space for them (yes...space is also a concern for those unlucky ones living in the average Asian apartment...I'm soon going to need one friggin extra room to store all the 1/60 valks, the Quarter...my other collectibles! There goes MORE money!)
  22. Yeah, you are right, should have asked in that thread first...I have already sent a message to Overdrive and crossing my fingers. IT's fugly to have a wing that sags/collapses on such an expensive toy.
  23. Honestly without anime-magic I just cannot start to imagine how this thing can transform at all...
  24. Thanks guys for the info on Invid/Inbit crabs...I will keep an eye on them. I am a lousy modeller and don't own an airbrush so customization is out of the question, the only 2 models I've built in the recent years was 1 Zaku II V2.0 that was basically snap fit (some sanding and transfer decal) and the VF-25F that came out pretty nice but after some handling I am afraid is coming down to pieces soon. I need a toy, and I know my wallet and wife will hate me, coz after the Grab will come the Blowsperior. If Beagle made a Fuke/Houquet red ride armor, I am probably going to have to rob a bank to get it under current financial circumstances.
  25. I have realized that my recently purchased Yamato 1/60 SV-51 Nora has a left outer wing that either doesn't stay straight in clean configuration and inevitably sags with only the wingtip fuel tank...never even attempted to attach the booster, which would certainly make it collapse. This doesn't even take into account the fact that the whole wing is...er, floppy. Upon closer examination, I realized the left wing's upper and lower parts are not as well glued as the other wing, which does stay straight with the help of the metal sliding tab, worse of all, I also noticed I had some glue smudges on it... Since Overdrive is offering replacements for broken parts, would I be granted a new correctly assembled wing? It's technically not broken like an exploding shoulder, but it certainly will never be able to look like the box picture claims it does. I ask because somehow I got the impression only exploding shoulders on the VF-0 are being catered for... (EDIT: tried to edit the misspelling "verdrive" to "Overdrive" but couldn't do it)
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