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Everything posted by regult

  1. were there female figures in the Saint Seiya series? I am not sure how or when Sheryl will turn out if negative. This figure shares the body with Saint Seiya figures, so I am not counting on a completely new body THAT easily.
  2. gosh, the Quarter got so buried after weeks of no news! Hope to get a closer look and at least an idea on release date and price.
  3. Thanks a bunch alfye for pointing me to the CollectionDX reviews. I should've thought about that before! Seems the EXgears owe a lot of R&D to this figure collection, even the "transformation" into cockpit configuration is similar to the feature of the cloth transforming into small statues! that's so neat!
  4. honkhet, you are really a fast builder of VF-25s! How long does it take you to assemble, decal and paint (clear coat I guess, I didn't notice any "metalization" of the skeleton) one of these Bandai Macross plamo?
  5. Well, the box art should be the same as the original version, I meant the box was so new, that it looked factory fresh... Miriya is so right: if this model kit requires a lot of skills (which I lack), then it's doomed to become poop in my clumsy hands. I can slap together a modern Bandai gunpla (...not into Gundam really, should I say "macrosspla" instead?) and even apply waterslide decals properly (which will eventually peel off during transformation and handling!), but gaps, re-engraving panel lines, painting, coating, etc. are not my fare. I guess I can only make poop out of this old kit, to paraphrase miriya!
  6. Will wait for the actual thing to hit the streets to make a final decision meanwhile, since I've never been too much into figures, let alone Saint Seya (spelling?) stuff, how does the articulation on these toys fare compared to, let's say revoltech? I am sorry if this is a strange question. pictures of articulation (dare I say inner workings?) would also be very very welcome.
  7. Realized there is a twist to these "display" items, namely, keychains! Alto's F in gerwalk mode: Alto battroid: Ozma's S in battroid: Available for pre-order at HLJ already with a release date set in August, price per item is listed as 665 Yen a piece. They're apparently 8cm. tall in battroid, wonder if it's exactly the same mold as the "display" versions because they used the same pictures and probably photoshopped a keychain on it.
  8. 呵呵!我早覺得那是城隍廟附近沒想到就是樓上!
  9. thanks for the feedback, if there are gaps and needs putty, then I guess I should refrain from buying it, my skill level will not produce a decent model from something like this.
  10. I've come across the kit recently, and the box looked so new it should have been the re-release. Anyway, as some of you may already know, I'm not exactly an expert modeler, so I'd like to know how good the kit comes together, what's the size, and if any of you have a completed or unassembled example, how does it look. Thanks in advance.
  11. 附近沒有小籠包或生煎包嗎?你拿一籠就跟Ranka的造型一模一樣啦! (Since Dana is in Shanghai, there should be authentic Chinese steamed or fried bums, complete with bamboo steamer, the scene would be so Ranka in Nyan-Nyan uniform!)
  12. What's that Frontier episode Pete is referring to? I am a bit confused, Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome lap dancing? I am currently pondering whether to watch MII or not, already in my HDD but could not get past the OP sequence yet. I can't believe M7, so hated by most, was much easier to swallow at the time. Maybe my mental state was more "receptive" then (not too long ago in fact). So, besides games, only MII is missing from my Macross experience as of today. Oh, well, and that Plus movie version I cannot locate. Been wanting to see how graphic the love and dead sequences can really get.
  13. I say take away all the girls from Macross, leave only the manly pilots and their mecha!!! (of course I am kidding).
  14. I've seen and talked to Graham, he's real for sure...NEVER seen AKA "Shawn" online or offline, what is the dark mystery surrounding him? More veteran MW'ers please illuminate me!
  15. I didn't have the chance to compare the assembled model's 1/72 rifle with that of the 1/100, only the aft section was the same size, and that was appalling enough. The "G" does look good on its own, w/o rifle. I have it on battroid mode since day 1 and don't intend to transform it anytime soon. The wings are a bit loose due to the detachable feature. The speakerpods look good indeed, although for the price tag, finishing is a bit rough here and there. Another random issue I noticed is the lack of the second stripe on the wings (the gray stripe across the wing near the flaps), but they did print the gray stripe on the leg, near the exhaust (?). The visor in the G is supposed to be bright orange, and I see a hint of yellow in the translucent visor in the 1/100, but usually it looks darkish, grayish. from any angle probably due to the dark blue recess in which it is embedded, maybe it is too translucent (does not contain enough orange pigment). About the Armored F, I doubt it will come with the oversized rifle...more my personal wish than anything else.
  16. I finally did get a replacement from the shop which argued they don't exchange, they don't have stock left, and all sorts of lame excuses. no need for drastic measures this time!
  17. After seeing this "simulation", I am more confident the armored version is better displayed in battroid mode. I am still not sure if I will pay 2 times the price of a regular kit for this one.
  18. I may be late to agree to this statement, but I definitely would love to see a VF-0 figure someday, and Yamato's line is quite nice, even though they don't transform and don't come with a stand.
  19. Looks nice in these studio shots which will most likely end up somewhere in the box art. I am still disappointed they misplaced the hip joints again, for some obscure reason Bandai is consistently lazy with the VF-100s...and I am not sure at all I am getting any more without improvements. Tried assembling the 1/72 sniper rifle to the "S" because my "G" is in the battroid mode and I didn't want to bother, and I am sad to inform there is absolutely not enough clearance for the landing gear to touch down. You have to attach the rifle to the shield AND the usual gunpod hole, that makes the tip of the rifle point downwards, hence elevating the aircrat, preventing the nose gear from touching the ground, also, the bulk of the rifle is barely clearing the main gear...so I don't know why I bothered exchanging the model for an attachment I am probably never going to use anyway (the oversized rifle).
  20. Vifam7: there seems to be a regression to the "F" loseness on the "G", so I am afraid the "improvements" on the "S" were merely accidental. Did I already say the sniper rifle is exactly the same as the 1/72 plamo (except the tiny 1/100 handle)?? the gun is as tall as the "G"!!
  21. Plamo and assembled toys are two different stories: injection plastic runners don't need much human intervention during manufacturing and packaging. toys need to be sorted (parts), painted, assembled, packaged, mummified in tape and packaged. There is a lot of human intervention, and management is essential, I agree with ff95gj: it's not where you get the thing done, it is HOW you get that done. There are many high-quality toys manufactured probably next door to crap, and all go under the Bandai brand (shrug), what bothers me most is the carelessness gone into design (shortcuts and "cheating" by recycling the DX1/60 mold for the 1/100, using the 1/72 sniper rifle for the 1/100!!!!), it's just a lack of respect towards the collector. And for those of us in Hong Kong, relatively low prices are definitely welcome, but remember to get a receipt for your purchase, and do ask "What happens if I discover it's a QC-defective crap later at home, can you replace that with a good one?" I will, and if negative, I will put the thing down and walk away.
  22. Just to spoil the party, the sitting figure seems to be a bit uncomfortable, the arms have a hard time finding the control sticks I am wondering how the final product is going to be presented. I now see some room for improvement on the cockpit mock up.
  23. Looking nice, pretty boy Alto Saotome gets a seat? ("ejection" seat is not appropriate, since the EX-gear is ejected, not the seat). Yet another Macross toy-line I want to collect! This is terrible... Maybe I can forget about an eventual gashapon SMS flight suit set, this is way better! but I still want so many things, there just isn't enough room for all of them, and my wallet is hiding away.
  24. I don't think so, that's why you NEED a stand look how the gunpod's tip is hanging even lower than the nose gear? from the side profile the problem is more apparent. I wonder how they did the previous pictures with gears down...maybe the gunpod was not installed for those pictures? In any case, it would have a very pronounced nose-down attitude anyway. I like model aircraft with gears down, but I guess Armored VF-25 will be a Battroid-only model if I eventually buy it. I was quite sure I would, but now that I see this pictures (presumably for the box art), I am not so sure anymore.
  25. the vf-100s rifle is a bit crude compared to the crisp details in the 1/72 model, but it is a bit more "solid" rifle transformation: 1) unpluck the targeting device, it's just a locking tab, no targeting visor at all 2) unpluck the "closed" fore part of the rifle and substitute with the "open" version. 3) play "Michel has a huge 1/72 rifle" the rifle has a 1/100 handle, so it's not possible to properly attach it to the 1/72 hand (the bandai guys did know sth was wrong with the scale but only bothered with the handle!)
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