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Everything posted by regult

  1. here goes a pair of pictures of the VF-25F in Gerwalk mode sitting on the revoltec stand I was talking about. Sadly, legs don't spread out enough to achieve a menacing "A stance" when the connector is on! Haven't tried Battroid, bundled with the VF-25G, there is a Fighter mode connector that I tried to use and almost broke the toy, not sure how it's supposed to really attach.
  2. The Q-rea are the size I'd like them to be, unfortunately, they always turn out smallish and "to scale" with Valks. The red Vajra is what I'd call MASSIVE! Nice toy, a bit pricey, but it's not December yet..
  3. Thanks to electric indigo, I found another place to get the scans. If you read carefully, you'll notice the nose gear on that Ozma is a custom build, extended strut for better looks, so it is considerably longer than the stock nose gear strut. Honestly, I am starting to dislike the looks of the armored in fighter mode. seems like a battroid-best piece.
  4. isn't that part of the fun? after all, you want to "build" dioramas!
  5. @!#%$#^megaupload!!!! "This service is temporarily not available from your service area"...
  6. You've made it seem so easy!
  7. Has anybody tried inserting the display stand adapter for the the VF-25 into a Revoltech display stand? it works, even looks better than the one Bandai intends to sell to you.
  8. My VF-1J Hikaru broke, more or less 5 transformations since I got it quite some months ago. Been displayed in battroid mode almost since I got it, but today, I decided I wanted to pose the guy, and while moving the right arm into position, heard a crisp "Crack" and I knew exactly what had happened. Tried the glue solution, but didn't succeed.
  9. I guess they're taking their time, but really would like to see more pictures of the Q-rea and the VF-27. In the August issue there seems to be some information on the DX Quarter?
  10. Action doll: looks better than the Sheryl version, anime-accurate wise... Nyan-nyan tuna buns: captures the essence of some promotional material out there, but could use some more facial anime accuracy! Still, I am a bit tempted to get this one! Which magazine are these scans from? I am not good at pinpointing Japanese hobby magazines.
  11. At least we had a chance with the Q-rau, poorly executed and all, it was made, twice. No Regult has been made so far...I think that's one of the most blatant absences! (no, revoltech and matchbox are not the same, to start, they're not 1/60)
  12. Thank you for not throwing regults to the trash!
  13. OMG, Ozma looks so cool in EXgear, I want one now...
  14. I was thinking about that episode too, haven't had time to re-watch it, but there may be a chance he was actually wearing a simple space suit w/o EXgear?
  15. Thanks Jarrod for the replies, I think we all still want it despite the exposed locking mechanism and what a nightmare this would be if you want to properly build and paint it! I will basically have it unpainted, only decaled and clear coated (with a rattle-can!). Still waiting for prices to drop a bit after the initial hype (in Hong Kong shops tend to treat new toys as fresh seafood, it's not like the plastic is going to go bad after the first days! and No, it was confirmed that it cannot stand w/o the stand.
  16. Most likely, it is a matter of time for Bandai to release the entire SMS members, except maybe Pixie Squad because there is not much gimmick to its uniform...or maybe they'll do a Superpack Klan?! Was Sheryl wearing Luca's student/civilian EXGear in that panty chase? in that case, we may also get the three boys in school attire? And then there is the Macross F movie version coming out this year. So much to speculate about...
  17. I am not sure if we're blessed or doomed in Hong Kong: the toys are mostly cheap and available, but there is simply not enough space for all of them, and even when prices in some shops are in synchronization with HLJ (guess Yamato needs help clearing inventory), buying a whole bunch of 1/60 valks and whatnot is not good for the wallet. Despite this, I could not resist getting myself a long wanted SV-51 Ivanov, despite the negative reviews and the bad experience with a floppy wing on the Nora version. I wanted to have the black one! I was happy the wings could fold correctly (hinges were right) but the next morning, I realized the second leg section (the one after the intake and before the knee) in the right had exploded and has hanging on thanks to friction in fighter mode. I got an exchange, and out of the 3 boxes available, none was really flawless (I know this is not news to most of you), I settled with one after the owner did some adjustments to it. I wish I were more interested in the VF-1 (also on sale), which is much more solid as a toy, but I just love the SV-51's looks. At the prices they're going and the fact that I cannot get a spare wing from Overdrive/Yamato, I guess we'll not see a reissue, let alone an improved version. If you really want one, this may be the chance, but it certainly is not Yamato at it's best.
  18. so the locking tabs are molded into the armor parts and not the base model parts, right? I mean, if I were to assemble this model without armor, then I'd get the same model as the initial basic VF-25S release?
  19. I heard it was HK$628 at Animate, courtesy of ff95gj who reported the price.
  20. Isn't Aya Endo (Sheryl Nome's speaking voice) doing the voice of the character doing Sheryl cosplay in the Banpresto series? That's all I think I know about Lucky Star.
  21. I actually stumbled upon the female Saint Cloth Myth figures over the weekend and although they were technically not wearing any armor, they could, as rightly pointed out dragonshyru, serve as the basis for a Sheryl figure in EXGear. By simply looking at the figure sitting, it isn't hard to visualize an electric chair instead of a "cockpit" environment. I know it would cost more, but a more enveloping instruments panel and stick would help a lot in making this even cooler.
  22. Talking about decals, the slide for the armor is common to the "F" and the "S", namely "SMS001" and SMS007"...the "SMS 00" and "1" (or "7") are individual decals that you have to align yourself. The basic model is still in the box, so theoretically, with the decal+sticker set, Bandai absolutely CAN release a stand-alone "armor pack" just like the "super pack". No idea what happened to the deculture decals shown in Shizuoka, expect them to be stand-alone for retail!
  23. This is sad...I wanted a new story, even a side story would have been better than a re-telling!
  24. Thanks Graham for the reminder, to follow your lead, the lighter "armor" for the VF-25 is referred to as "Superpack", not FAST pack in Macross Frontier.
  25. The EXgear IS most of the cockpit. What you see is mostly EXgear, except maybe the "frame" (at least the part behind the pilot) and the transparent stand. If they don't include the stand, it's going to be impossible to display like that. Too bad it does not come with an actual cockpit, I mean, front panel, stick. No need for a "glass" canopy, but at least the hardware surrounding the pilot. Guess it's a matter of cost. I am still quite excited about this little figure.
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