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Everything posted by regult

  1. I am a bit intrigued: how do those canard wings fit in battroid mode and doesn't it make transformation a bit difficult? I see the battroid picture and they're kind of limiting leg poseability!
  2. My models are all yet to be built to date, save the plain F, which is looking good in battroid mode, but would look even better in fighter mode! You're going to wrong way if you want to display 1/100s in fighter mode, the model kits really look much sleeker and faster, the 1/100s look very much like the 1/60 but smaller and made with a cheaper-looking plastic. In battroid mode they could look sleeker than the DX version, so I honestly recommend 1/100 battroid, 1/72 fighter. Heck, I actually recommend 1/72 everything, but you have a point and I am really not there yet, 5 unopened boxes, it's insane! I have VF100s S (*Ozma is the most solid of the trio) in fighter mode to show off the skull print on the back, and legs stay in place only thanks to bluetac. The F and G are both a floppy mess and hardly stay together on a stick. You're better off with the tiny landing gear provided.
  3. Can't read all the Japanese, the first line seems to mean "work in progress", but that's sitting on a 1/72 stand, so it certainly is not a VF100s, it's more like a model kit sized thing, anyway, Bandai never introduced a painted kit mock-up, only a cheap sculpt made out of some brittle off-white material. The Q-rea being a rare exception, so I am still puzzled if that actually was the model kit assembled or a painted sculpt. (on the top of the photo there is a price tag and author's name...)
  4. VF-25: if there was a Yamato version besides the Bandai version, an existential question you have my young Padawan! Totally impossible this hypothesis is not, Bandai chunky and Yammie 1/60 (Versions 1 and 2!) already coexist.
  5. Don't jump to conclusions here! the picture shows an early sample, probably hand-made sculpture... maybe we don't even get a Klan pilot (unlikely) of your dreams come true and there is no face, only a helmeted "head" with minimal details a la VF-25 (those "pilots" have hands amputated out of the box!!)
  6. the lucifer looks good only with gears up that gears down+gunpod deployed picture makes it look like the atmospheric mode was no more than an afterthought for Kawamori San. In fact, the wing sections of the SR-71+forward fuselage of the Su-27+"Feet" of the SV-51 are quite weird looking now that we have the actual model pictures.
  7. all these mods! quite a departure from the original design... I am not sure the canopy looks better this way, but it sure is hard work and I am looking forward to its completion.
  8. If you try and get a reply, I'd be happy, I've been needing a left wing since beginning of this year!
  9. Nice! Q-rea cockpit opens revealing Klan-Klan inside! (this makes me wonder if I still need to get the model kit)
  10. How many Yamato valks = a BMW? that is the question!
  11. I am going to risk sounding gay by interrupting the nipple and orifice talk, but I'd still like to see some men in uniforms for variety...I do see figures of male characters of other anime on the shelves of toyshops, not sure why they're no Macross male characters in über cool poses wearing SMS jackets or space suits (with the exception of that single Alto gashapon figure)?!??!?
  12. Sure does but the promotional photos (as usual) make it look enticing! (now wondering where should the golden arches be printed)
  13. A long time passed and I still cannot get over the hip-joint placement...that still is the deal breaker. The custom clear coated, panel accented version looks really really good and poses a serious threat to the snap fit model kit, with the exception of those hips too high up...(now hides away from this thread)
  14. no way I am getting this re-colored silver macro Klan, I like the original colors better (which are quite different from the "real" anime colors, meaning they did try different palettes and textures and got the one I like )...if Klan wore her casual wear instead (like in the gashapon figure) that'd be a totally different story! EDIT: which brings me to wonder if there will be any more follow-ups to the gashapons??! I'd like to have the entire SMS characters in their uniforms and/or spacesuits! The Saint Seiya style Alto figure is nice, but it's not the same!
  15. bhwaahahahaha...that'd be so lame, but so possible!
  16. nice work lolicon! mine is still unpacked...after seeing what you call "amateur" approach, my plan seems simply a sacrilege to the model!
  17. Says on the box "Fighter Special", cannot read the Kanji, too low res... But the size, thickness and presentation of the box suggests it actually is non-transforming, only a fighter mode model with a fancy stand.
  18. because maybe they lost records from over half a year ago and suddenly, by some divine providence, Yamato got a SV-51 sitting around scrapped for parts? I am not sending emails for fun...not hard to understand people do grasp any hope to fix a 200-dollar toy right?
  19. re-sent order for SV-51 Nora wings, no response yet again, I think this is going nowhere...V2 VF-1 Roy shoulders not available? yet one more thing I needed (just broke a few weeks ago)...
  20. scary stuff...frankeinsteinish...
  21. I've seen the same Hikaru and Max versions a while back in In's Point, upper floor a corner shop. I honestly still don't think these GNU valks are worth the price tag, and the VF1 is not exactly the "rare" valk we need to have no matter the scale. Even though the VF100s are a bit pricey, at least they transform (partsforming is flawed but the model IS transformable after all).
  22. The white on the F is the brightest, on the G it is a bit off-white, while on the S it is probably darker. I personally compared the F and the G's white parts because I intend to build the superparts in and never remove them on my second F and then reuse the intake/hips of the F on the G, but realized it's a bit too white compared to the other white parts. I am a lame builder, seldom paint unless absolutely necessary, but will start clearcoating on these valks to avoid decal destruction.
  23. regult

    1:18th Valk?

    I actually own 2 1/18 jet fighters and they're absolutely gorgeous, even a VF-25 or SV-51 would still be manageable, though humongous indeed. The F-15 has already been shown (it's a bit bigger than the VF-25!) the Su-27 is supposedly under development (and this is about the size of the SV-51)...so it is, like Graham pointed out, more a matter of licensing than technical feasibility. For fighter mode models, there is always the option of making 1/72 diecast VF models...if it has to be big and battroid, I really think they could follow Gundam's jumbo-grade.
  24. regult

    1:18th Valk?

    There are 1/18 plastic aircraft display models, have most moving parts like folding landing gears, closing bay doors, control surfaces, cockpit canopy, etc. There is close to 0 metal content in them, probably some screws only, but they look really good, especially if they're well-painted and weathered. There are also those jumbo grade Gundams, but I have no idea if they have decent articulations, but sure they're not metal. Point is: I think you guys can forget about expensive robotics and high metal content, you may be lucky if you get a jumbo-grade type battroid, or a fighter-mode-only model in plastic. I am a lousy model maker and collect diecast aircraft models in addition to valks, so I'd love to have a pre-painted valk model range to chose from! most of my Yamatos are in fighter mode anyway...what a waste.
  25. Yes, spare parts unused in SuperMessiahs can be reused for other VF-25s all the time, but the Alto's white is VERY white, while the Michel's G is off white. I use a bare plastic, clear coat only approach on these transformable kits. On the toy forum there was a 1/60DX toy painted to look like a cannon fodder, guess with a kit set and good modeling skills the kit is only perfect for the task.
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