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Everything posted by regult

  1. well well...seems I'll be signing up for one of those stand alone TV white versions...don't need more "packs" and already have the hikaru gummy. Fokker-semapai is coming!!!!! (do we have confirmation of it not having self-exploding-radioactive-autism-inducing-shoulders?)
  2. this highlights the vf-17 conspiracy theory even more!
  3. When will we ever have a decent VF-171 toy?? (there was the VF-17 chunky, but it's about time for an update). I am starting to think, like Graham, there is a global conspiracy against it, c'mon, look at the 1/250 collection for example...still no sign of the VF17 family? even the VF-4 has been finally materialized! Bandai: go ahead with the VF-171 Frontier version, Yamato: go ahead with the Diamond Force VF-17, now, off you go!
  4. Those pictures made me want them for a sec. but after reviewing my finances and the marked-up prices, I think I am a happier person without those toys...now, when is the armored Ozma coming out?
  5. besides the head arrow being black instead of yellow, am I right to say the TV versions should be bright white (a la Hikaru TV?) At least that's how Yamato interprets the cleaner white on SDFM compared to the darker DYRL? palette. If the TV Fokker is bright white and not off white, would that make it more interesting? I'd probably get one, especially if it comes with the new swing bar attachment under the nose cone.
  6. but I still bet mecha collectors in Japan (the main intended market for these 16K-plus-yen-toys anyway) don't mind pink, therefore the green went to the webshop. It'd be interesting to know the actual production runs for each color, but I totally agree with 1)there needs to be a new vf-25 mold, not more repaints 2) the vf-27 mold has little or no other repaint alternatives...yet, why webshop exclusive !!!!!!
  7. so, if the Tamashii Web Shop exclusive green VF27 with forudo boostaa does not have "102" printed on the leg and tailfin, it'd be inaccurate right? do we not yet know if it will be printed or we'll have to slap lame stickers on it? it is kind of silly Bandai hasn't come up with a cannon fodder VF-25 and they would go ahead with a so-called "production VF-27"!!! wouldn't it be easier to just call it the "Grace O'Connor custom"?
  8. :o :o you didn't have to break yours to prove me wrong! looks like glued, or am I wrong again?
  9. if you mean the VF-27, trust me, the tires+wheel hub cap are one piece only, like a oreo sandwich with a hole at the center. I painted mine and I am pretty sure, you're right about the plastic being rubbery. I still think this is light years ahead of the VF-25.
  10. I was wondering the same thing a few days ago, it is also listed on yamato's website as "new", and photo does show the Hikaru version
  11. I agree the gears are easier to take out of the bays, but struts are painted: raw metal is not so shiny. They did not paint the gear hubs though, all-black one-piece plastic is definitely not as "realistic" as the yamato rubber+metal approach. I am not sure I like how they don't seem to lock when deployed, so it is up to oneself to keep them straight. Certainly would not bother comparing it to the VF-25DX's gears.
  12. I was surprised during my last trip to Paris a few weeks ago, I knew they'd be some manga, but there was a lot more than I expected. Haruhi Suzumiya novels were translated and officially published in French for example, together with a ton of other manga. I must admit, I am not so familiar with all, but so it happens that by living in Hong Kong, it is easier to stumble upon them and maybe one or two with catch my attention. Eh..battleships? you mean that strategy game designed by the Computer Club guys?
  13. forgot to add: the linked pages are in Spanish, and the cam obviously has no English subs, actually it has no subs at all.
  14. Thanks for the welcome to haruhism! I had no idea there was a M7 reference in the Haruhi TV series, until I saw the preview and laughed, pleasant surprise. I just saw this interesting slideshow made with scans of the film strip, given away to moviegoers as souvenirs. And on this page you will find a two part cam rip of the entire movie, horrible quality, and I sadly could not contain myself, watched most bits with some fast forwarding. As far as I can tell they've been very true to the novel.
  15. Graham, a shop on the 1st floor of Richmond 111 in Monkok had the Q-"RARE" for HK$390 or so, I passed. It actually does look darker than promotional pictures, and limbs are less rubber-looking than the Klan Klan custom.
  16. i didn't watch the tv version, only the movies, and I am not sure I liked it or not...maybe I should've watched the series instead? Maybe the movies were too condensed, as typically is the case. One thing I definitely did not like was the character design in the second film, especially the deadly Yoko. Also recently I've avidly watched both seasons of Haruhi Suzumiya after a long time discrediting the series. I was probably misled by the character design (the old seifuku+miniskirt="moe")...but how I changed my mind after watching pieces of "the adventures of Mikuru Asahina" on youtube! now I am impatiently waiting for the movie. Already read the novel and really hope they did a good job animating the story. Shangri-la is in the hard disk but can't get myself to watch it (there is also a schoolgirl!oh wait, there are plenty in Macross F too!)...
  17. I can't believe I've become a haruhi fan...watched the 2 "seasons" and looking for the theatrical version of disappearance with no luck, reading the translations too. I can't believe myself! Like Pete, I used to think this was "another anime for lolicons" (as if I had enough "mileage" to know what generic means)...until I heard more and saw the Adventures of Mikuru Asahina on youtube. I now even have a figma nagato yuki figure and another revoltech version with Shamisen.
  18. First I have to thank shiroikaze for finding that DVD cover I was looking for! Second: that pic of the Zentradi trio is highly suspicious, seems it could be a group portrait of somebody's friends...not like the author was trying to be faithful to the characters.
  19. Here reviving an old thread. I have been looking for pictures of an amazing member collection, with some dioramas, custom lights in uncluttered and orderly cabinets. Can't remember if that was MaveRick or somebody else's collection, but would love to see those again, spent the last two hours looking for it but there must be something I am doing wrong... Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction. EDIT: found it here and here and here...really nice
  20. 1) it is not a requirement for factory workers to know English (nor Engrish) 2) it's not a requirement that factory workers must watch films, anime or anything the merchandising they are asked to make is related to. 3) imagine they asked an American factory worker print Japanese text on toys. YET... 4) Bandai does have a QC department, or do they?
  21. I have a silly question for the serious collector: the Bandai "DX Chogokins" (*mostly plastic anyway) seem to have a poor paint application, supposedly the shiny plastic surface is the culprit since it does not help paint attachment to itself. OK, what happens with a a clear coat? doesn't it have the same adhesion problem? won't it just come off as well and take the livery with it? I still haven't found "Future" or it's equivalent in Hong Kong, sounds like it's the best alternative.
  22. is there such a thing?
  23. Agreed, fighter (and gerwalk) may be quite a leap forward compared to the VF-25, but in battroid, it ain't such a fantastic-looking toy. Let me reiterate that I'd be all over a V2 VF-25 if they applied all the design features of the Lucifer, so far I've bought none.
  24. so we're keeping the discussion under the same thread? I don't see myself buying any VF-25 unless they come up with a new sculpt, it is completely doable with the same basic mechanics of the VF-27, not sure if it makes financial sense for Bandai though. In any case, Bandai needs to let go of the shiny plastic that hates paint...and also get the same paint Yamato is using: that thing is resilient to scratches. What Bandai makes up for sturdy engineering, it loses in paint quality to Yamato, as if painting was just an afterthought for the toy giant.
  25. I think eugimon has a point here. I am maybe lucky the metal parts on my VF-27 don't look that bad, but the left ankle was barely clicking out of the box. I kept it in fighter mode after first transformation. I stayed away from the VF-25 for 2 reasons: you can't fix ugly, crotch seemed to fail too soon.
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