"North Africa... Area 88 is a bitter, blood-stained battlefield.
The front line's front line.
Even the simple luxury of walking on the runway is dependent on the graces of Allah.
But we abandoned God and shook hands with the Devil.
We are the mercenaries of Hell."
Area 88, my favorite anime.. well next to SDF Macross & DYRL at least.
As I understand it there are only three OAVs, Acts 1-3. The first two are pretty much standard OAVs, the last one is more like a movie, it might have been a movie, I'm not sure. I have the second and third Acts on LD, got em cheap when the format was being abandoned in favor of DVD.
As someone mentioned the first Act is available on DVD, the other two you can get on VHS if you don't want unreadable subtitles. The second OAV had horrible dubbing and I don't think the last one was dubbed at all, so they'll most likely never be released.
The OAVs are a lot darker than the comics as I understand it, more realistic.
Area 88 also has a great soundtrack, the first one covers Acts I and II, the second covers the third, I have both. I think the BGM is better in the last Act, but the Vocals are outstanding in I and II, three of the songs are sung in english by Derek Johnson and are just great songs, full of soul. The rest are sung by MIO. The soundtracks are right up there with Yamato and the original Macross IMHO.
I heard a rumor that the OAVs (at least the first two) are edits of a TV series, but I've never seen an Area 88 TV series available anywhere, plus all the music from the CDs is in the OAVs, so I kind of doubt this... or at the very lest it was a very short TV series.
You can also see Area 88 influences in Striker Fighters Project 1, a flight sim. You play a mercenary in a fictional middle eastern country flying good guy (western) jets against bad guy (combloc) jets. Sound familiar?