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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Oh, I certainly would... If I were doing such a thing in the first place (which I'm not, of course). It's true. It is. Of course, one wonders why he doesn't get a new laptop...
  2. So...if, as a hypothetical question, I wanted to release a fansub of DYRL... I shouldn't feel too bad about it...?
  3. As far as I can tell, Toho doesn't matter so much. Big West and Tatsunoko own most of it, and both of them need to be a part of any negotiations.
  4. Okay...checking some references... I have it on good authority that Toho, Big West, and Tatsunoko all have a stake in DYRL. According to said source, the divvied-up holdings of Kiseki and Celebrity have nothing to do with it. Basically, BW and Tatsu have to work out their differences in order to make a North American release happen.
  5. Again...it worked for Friday the 13th... (and apparently, Gatchaman did something similar). I mean, if no one checks their back catalogue when the Variety ad appears, what are the chances they'll check it when the actual product arrives?
  6. Indeed not, since the Megaroad isn't scheduled to launch until September.
  7. So...how much does an ad in Variety magazine cost, anyway...?
  8. The big question, of course, is: do THOSE COMPANIES know that they have the rights to DYRL...?
  9. Just wanted to say that I love the 2012-themed banner... Can't wait to see what MW has in store for 2040!
  10. Not sure what you mean exactly...
  11. Uhhh...yeah, sure. Represent, yo...
  12. Sorry, Keith...you've got passion and fire on your side, but TheLoneWolf is pretty much always correct when it comes to actual FACTS.
  13. Errr...yes, that set is a beut, definitely. But...ummm...it's not available in America. And, uhh...definitely not available with, err...subtitles...
  14. Honestly...who cares about the Robotech sound effects when the REAL Macross voices, sound effects, and music can all be heard on DVDs from both AnimEigo and ADV?
  15. To be fair, at least he's honest and forthright about not liking the remastered edition. It'd be really easy (and infinitely douchier) to not buy it but but SAY that he did.
  16. Nothing. You can get them free on Macross World.
  17. Does that mean you want MORE...? Okay, since YOU DEMANDED IT...
  18. More: Still want more...? I got 'em.
  19. For all you Robotech fans... Here's some pics that Memo gave me about a year and a half ago (I dunno why, I didn't ask for them, he just offered them): Want more? I got 'em.
  20. You mean the afterword, right?
  21. They kinda did. It's volumes 3 through 5 of the Macross II novels.
  22. Yeah, the series is over...probably one last kitbasher said, "Hold on! Let me do ONE MORE!!" or something like that.
  23. I picked up the second Visual Book this evening (the second volume of the novel will have to wait until at at least tomorrow) and, just like the first one, it's really nice. More battroids, more fighters (including EXTENSIVE use of the new Hasegawa VF-11), and even a little glimpse of Chelsea's NEXT fighter (which doesn't show up in the novel)...the VF-11B Nothung II.
  24. Nothing, that is, except hovertanks. Apparently, having a hovertank protects you from EVERYTHING.
  25. You've, uh, never been to an ACTUAL Fire Bomber concert, have you...?
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