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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. One of the girls in this video kissed me once...can you guess which one...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrektANM-Lg
  2. "Who knew your uncle was Kenny G? RIGHTEOUS, MAN! BEST PARTY EVER!!!"
  3. You want my subs? I'll hand 'em to you if you wish!
  4. Have I posted this yet...?
  5. I try, y'know? But there's only so much a li'l fuzzball can do...
  6. That's kinda how I feel...much as I want this Blu-Ray set to succeed (and I do!)...really... I've GOT the series, I've GOT "Perfect Memory," I've GOT pretty much all the extras EXCEPT the Pachinko stuff... so, uh...what do I do? (Now, if my subs and Macross Mech Graffiti were part of the deal...? That'd be a different story...)
  7. Personally, I think it's hilarious that Doug Bendo has restricted me from giving feedback on not one, but ALL of his podcasts. ...guess I'm pretty scary, huh? Poor guy...
  8. I'm sorry to hear that Maiden...you rock, and don't let nobody tell you diff'rent!
  9. If you can sign a hatstand and put it in a gallery, then yes.
  10. For the first novel, the ISBN-10 is 4048706543 and the ISBN-13 is 978-4048706544. For the final novel, the ISBN-10 is 4048861220 and the ISBN-13 is 978-4048861229. For the Visual Guide 2, the ISBN-10 is 4048861212 and the ISBN-13 is 978-4048861212.
  11. ...no, you wouldn't. But you're fairer than I am. I used to think that all Robotech fans were insane, thanks to idiots like the dude who accosted me in Books Nippan in 1987, demanding to know why the Armies of the Southern Cross were never even given A CHANCE against the Invid. Then, thanks to JT, I changed my mind, and decided that some Robotech fans were okay. More recently, I learned that, no, most of them are insane. I think of of only two (maybe three) with their heads screwed on straight. The rest? Ennnh....
  12. No, really...I was talking with a Robotech fan here a couple of years ago who DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MACROSS PLUS WAS... For another Robotech fan, I uploaded something to Megaupload, and he said, "Uhhh...how do I download this...?" And Wanzerfan, as I hinted, can't even use the web for fact-checking. Thus, Robotech fans don't understand the internet.
  13. ...and Flash Crapper. Yes, we know.
  14. But we totally are. We've got the VF-19, for example (which doesn't actually exist, thanks to the awesomeness of the Logan).
  15. I get the feeling most Robotech fans can't even really use the internet. cf. Wanzerfan.
  16. Another Robotech fan making crap up on the fly... http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2135575&forumid=24 ...which of course is nothing to do with what the Macross Quarter actually does or why it's named the "Macross Quarter."
  17. Ah-HEM! Yes. He also sang the themes for Combattler V, Tekkaman, Golion, and a slew of Kamen Rider and Sentai shows.
  19. Ah, leave it to Yui to break up the thread just when we're getting somewhere...
  20. SOMEONE clearly hasn't watched Mazinger Z...
  21. Yeah, those are new, too. Nice touch, as you say.
  22. Isn't that also what led to "Rupan III" and "Captain Herlock," as well?
  23. Thanks, I'll let him know.
  24. This is totally my new favorite idol group: Although, really, in order for AreaSeven to pay attention, I should link to this video (which he'll love, whether he says so publicly or not): EDIT: Oh, and Keith should like it, too, based on the narrator...but I'm not sure if he ever checks this thread...
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