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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I appreciate the sentiment, but I wish you'd use punctuation. It'd make figuring out what you're saying much easier. Just sayin'.
  2. Because they need the money NOW, obviously! (Actually, I kid, I kid... I keep seeing ads on TV for weird DeAgostini projects like car or train kits...each issue of the magazine comes with some parts for the kit, and when you collect them all, you can put it together. That's gotta cost more money to produce. Of course, the people who are desperately awaiting the next train part probably think we're weird...)
  3. Heh...not as long as some of us...
  4. But three years from now, it won't be the 30th Anniversary...
  5. ...and NO ONE cares...
  6. I dunno, man...a COMPLETE Hasegawa or Yamato collection is gonna cost you a ton... Me, I'm worried about the new Macross Chronicle, since I'm already behind on Gundam Perfect File and the (also weekly) Tale of Genji magazine...
  7. It was. It came back...but I don't think it appears every month in Gundam Ace.
  8. First pic is Mikimoto and Kawamori, and second pic is The Checkers, right?
  9. No, I think he just said there would be SUPER SUPER BIG NEWS!!! before January 1. And I think both the A&E boxset and the announcement that Love Live Alive actually has a title could count.
  10. There's this really great site called Google to help you answer questions like that... Maybe you should check it out?
  11. It's hard to say. The books tend to be a little less than 200 pages, and the Newtype Ace chapters seem to be either 20 pages or 40. So we're up to 120 pages so far of Volume 4. Next month doesn't have Macross the First, so it'll be May or June at the earliest.
  12. How is it strongly implied? Is it just by the words "Space Proving Wing," or is there more?
  13. It depends on what you look at. According to the liner notes for Re:Fire, Basara never went back to Macross 7 after Dynamite (his parts of the reunion album were recorded separately from the rest of the band's), but in Macross 7th Code (set 7 years after M7), he's there on City 7.
  14. Probably the novels. Maybe Shadow Chronicles.
  15. Issue 5 is the one with the Macross booklet, not 4. So no need to worry. As for what's going on...
  16. Let it die completely. Really...Robotech was a good thing in the '80's, when anime was weird and scary, but honestly...who needs it now...?
  17. Yeah...it caused quite a stir at the time.
  18. ばぁろ~!! 酒が恐くて戦が、できるかってぇ。

  19. Didn't the marching-beat snare drum give it away...? It did to me, and I was, like, 13 when I watched it first...
  20. Okay, let's get some REAL rock in here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEZcUONkz2Q
  21. It's the second track on the "Ready Go!" single.
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