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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Yes. They're really calling it Robotech: Love Live Alive. <Insert facepalm of your choice here>
  2. Well...he attacked RenegadeLeader's post, not yours, so why do you think he's here for you? Incidentally, I wonder if Love Live Alive would be better received if they'd just bothered to change the title...
  3. Still, the points he makes are pretty valid, so I'm not sure it matters who he is. And if he's a member disguised, whether banned or otherwise, the mods'll find out and get rid of him.
  4. R.I.P. Michael Davis (bass) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM6nasmkg7A
  5. Awesome! Thank you!
  6. Oh, stop being so bossal, Keith. You're making me fluggle!
  7. I just want to point out that yeah... These titles would've been AWESOME titles... ...and er, they would've been AWESOME trailers... ...but "back in the day," we would've NEVER made actual movies out of 'em.
  8. Greg Snegoff is talking out his Khyber.
  9. You miss the point. Robotech as you know it is dead. Go enjoy something else. Like, maybe, Futurama.
  10. A for effort, but still, if this thread were closed, the site would attract a lot fewer idiots.
  11. Ranka ice shavings tasted DELICIOUS!!
  12. They did. I saw them. Y'all are jealous now.
  13. I did, man. I ordered it, and I ate every last drop. Umm...I didn't go THAT far. My favorite, though, was the "Keitai-kun" ice cream. There were two women working that booth, and when you ordered one, the first woman would should, "DAKISHIMETE~" and then the second one would shout, "GINGA NO, HATEMADE!!!" Actually, wait... Come to think of it, that was embarrassing, too...
  14. That said... It was kind of embarrassing, ordering a delicious ice cream treat named "My Boyfriend is a Pilot."
  15. The majority of them really are clueless, aren't they? Lambs to the slaughter and all that... But seriously...Robotech fans... Why are you here? If you read this, you should join our side. We have dumplings and ice cream.
  16. Oooh...Chutes and Ladders...that's got UNTAPPED POSSIBILITIES!!!
  17. I said that Stratos 4 is a good anime, and that VF5SS did a podcast about it. No links. Make the neckbeards WORK for their rage, I say. When did he ever finish it...? He's on Youtube now, after all...turning everything to black and white in order to get Starz Media off his back.
  18. It's so great it even got mentioned on RobotechX. What ALSO got mentioned there was the theory that MaverickLSC's hostility towards Shoji Kawamori was caused by Kawamori sleeping with Mav's wife, but MEMO1DOMINION deleted that particular post.
  19. Okay, you got the job. Sketchley will write the 2024 Battleship remake. You heard it here first, folks!
  20. I dunno...I'm curious to see what you'd do with, say, "Operation." Or maybe (since AgentONE brought it up) "Hungry Hungry Hippos."
  21. In a "How badly will this suck?" kinda way, yeah.
  22. I do indeed. I think a couple of guys even did a podcast about Stratos 4. It was quite awesome, IIRC. And that's all I'll say about that. As for Exo's idea, I'm kinda for it. It's a little sad to see people here complaining about Robotech while still hoping desperately that something good will ever come out of it.
  23. I just imagine him saying, "It's a felony to tease the order-box, sir."
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