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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Christ, okay... COST COST COST. That and the fact that (as I pointed out previously, but you ignored) Frontier has already brought in a new generation of fans. What, do you think a "generation" is two years or something...?
  2. The novels are still lame. As James Luceno (half of "Jack McKinney") himself said, "Robotech is a show without a creator." They were making stuff up on the fly. Macross, however, has creators. And most of the books written for the show (or movie) are written by at least one of those creators. The Robotech novels are fanfic (i.e. written by people who didn't know any more than you or me), but the Macross novels were written by the people who CREATED the world of Macross.
  3. Okay, you're right about that...it's not in Robotech. However, can you explain the AMAZING COINCIDENCE of, for example, in the same episode, "I don't care about YOU, how's the girl?" or perhaps an "Anti-Unificaton League" showing up in Episode 15, despite the arrival of the SDF-1 supposedly causing a cease-fire? How about Dana's "little brother"...? Good for you. Why are you on a Macross forum again...?
  4. Not trying to be offensive...just quoting one of the Robotech fans who showed up here recently. (I feel a certain entitlement because his response when I joined RTX was, "What the frakk are you doing here?" [Except, erm, he didn't say "frakk;" he said a MUCH RUDER word.] I wasn't anywhere near as rude when he joined this site, so I've got to embarrass him SOMEhow... ) Thank you! I look forward to delivering it!
  5. Even so...THIS is more Chie that the ED (and again, she's not even in it!): Tochiro can back me up, here.
  6. Oh, please...tell me what's going on in Japan, 'cause I'm DYING to know...
  7. You keep'a usin' dat word. I don'na think it means wat you think it means. Possibly, yes. Oh, I'm sure. Those people would be MISINFORMED (to put it politely) and WRONG (to put it bluntly). Okay...here's some names I'll give to Robotech fans, to use as they see fit: Orson Scott Asimov. L. Sprague DeCarter Isaac "Doc" Smith Robert Anson Michael Valentine Smith David Benford George R. R. Bear Satisfied, guys...? So..."Your hair or your life" is SUCH a common phrase that TWO people thought to use it...? How about (as other people pointed out) the use of "Protoculture." Is that a common phrase as well? It seems to me that you're attributing more creativity to Carl Macek than is warranted, honestly.
  8. Sorry...I can't unless you want to buy me a scanner and a second copy of the book. I can do bits and pieces, though, if you like. Really...? Huh. Guess he doesn't realize that his own scripting efforts were based off of a translation, huh? Let me put it this way...I got to the point in the Misa novel when Prime Minister Harlan J. Niven (BEST NAME EVER!!!) was assassinated. On a whim, I Googled his name...and found it in half-a-dozen ROBOTECH timelines. He's NOT a Robotech character...he's barely even a MACROSS character!!
  9. But, for the last 30 years, it hasn't...with TONS more yen going Gundam's way. So you're saying it'll change now? On what basis?
  10. ...well, not QUITE nonstop... I found room for this, as well:
  11. What I've been listening to nonstop for the past few days:
  12. Macross doesn't generally copy Gundam, though...
  13. Well...I wasn't talking about you... But this is the only thread here RT fans check, and some of them seem to think it's the most active thread on the site. They should be shown different, don't you think? Oh, and just to give the Robotech fans a thrill... I've finished translating the first 100 pages of the Misa Hayase novel. Riber (that's Carl Riber to you Robotech fans) just died a couple of pages ago. You'll all be pleased to know that the novel is pretty much incompatible with Robotech, since it has Misa (again, that's Lisa to the Robotech fans..."Misa" is where y'all go on Sundays, right?) growing up in Japan. I eagerly await the "creative" fanfics to be made out of the novel, once I release it, in a month or two.
  14. TheLoneWolf makes a good point. How many members are there who post ONLY in this thread? It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, really. RT fans who get banned from RT.com think, "Well, Macross fans care about Robotech, and complain about it, so I'll post on Macross World!" So they come here, and care, and complain... ...and pretty soon, the thread is full of ex-RT.com members, caring and complaining, so current RT.com members think that Macross fans care and complain, and the cycle continues.
  15. That video is the most un-Chie thing she's ever done. Hell, THIS video is more Chie than "Dakedo Baby"...and Chie's not even in it!
  16. The big problem, of course, is that a lot of the RT fans don't come all the way... They come here because they got banned from RT.com, "and hey...Macross is kinda like Robotech's shittier younger brother, so why the hell not?" Few of them rarely open themselves up to the wider world that Macross has to offer, and they stick to this thread and this thread alone...which is kind of a shame.
  17. Yeah, I'm with Legioss here. HG did use a translated script (which, IIRC, was later used for the subtitles of the Robotech Perfect Collection). Otherwise, it'd be a MASSIVE ASTRONOMICAL COINCIDENCE that both Macross and Robotech have Hikaru/Rick say, "What's more important, your hair or your life?" among many, MANY other lines which are virtually identical in both.
  18. Ahem... And it SHOULD be Minmay's birthday party, but since Minmay was last seen under a pile of rubble, I wonder what Mikimoto's planning?
  19. THIS. And I think Blackconvoy is forgetting about Macross Zero, as well...
  20. And it SHOULD be Minmay's birthday party, but since Minmay was last seen under a pile of rubble, I wonder what Mikimoto's planning?
  21. Because Sgt. Shonen's Exploding Plastic Eastman Band request it: (Also, I'll go out on a limb and say I prefer the 1984 DYRL movie mono mix to the 1992 stereo mix.) I'm not sure the "new generation" who got into Macross because of Frontier thinks so, though...
  22. Didn't Frontier already do that, though?
  23. But even then, there's very little to work with. If people are to be believed, then Michael Bradley isn't working with HG anymore, and there aren't enough Yellow songs from the show to fill even half an hour.
  24. But...you agree, there's not enough there to build a feature around, right?
  25. I'm not sure any Robotech fan who's railing against the new project has actually SEEN Mospeada: Love Live Alive. (NOTE: I am not a supporter of the new project, or really, any Robotech project.) There's barely ten minutes of "new" footage in Love Live Alive, and most of that is a Yellow concert. Whatever Tommy Yune is planning to do with it, it'll have to be HEAVILY reliant on new animation, if he intends it to tell any kind of story at all.
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