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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. If you're accusing Keith of being "herd-mentality," then you, uh, don't know Keith very well...
  2. I dunno about the music, but yeah, AKB members are voicing most of the characters: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2011-12-13/akb48-anime-9-voice-audition-winners-announced
  3. Let me put it this way...if Lady Gaga were making a movie, and Joss Whedon were involved, and (knowing Joss Whedon) he threw some Firefly references into the movie... ...and if you were a promoter, trying to sell as many tickets as possible, would you say, "It's a Firefly movie!" or would you say, "It's a LADY GAGA movie!"...?
  4. "Won't you make a baby with me? On the net!" EDIT: Or as Renato said a few months ago, "Thank you for ruining my life with that AKB ad."
  5. I think the Disney dubs are the best English dubs ever... but really...if you go carrying pictures of "Warriors of the Wind," you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.
  6. They look too much like Tommy Yune pics...otherwise, yeah, it'd make me feel nostalgic, too.
  7. I especially loved his Nausicaa pic...but that's just me...
  8. There's an English dub...?
  9. And, er...was it good for you?
  10. I envy you, being able to see it for the first time...
  11. He doesn't. Apparently, he was GOING to, but as Keith said, plans were changed. If you want to know what happens to Kamille, Fa, and a host of the minor characters, Double Zeta is a must-see. That said, again, it's NOTHING like Zeta. Expect chickens. Lots of them.
  12. Vol. 4 ain't done yet. Probably summer or fall.
  13. And BEST OPENING THEME EVAR, right...?
  15. AreaSeven, it saddens me that you picked a song that has no actual Monkees members beyond Mickey Dolenz...
  16. Totally. Anyone who'd cancel a project based on what fanboys thought of a preview is... Wait. This IS Harmony Gold we're talking about, right? Okay, maybe they DID cancel a million-dollar show based on what thirty or forty fanboys thought.
  17. No, he's talking about CHARACTERS. Good. Now if you could help other people understand what you mean, maybe you'd have something...
  18. 'NUFF SAID! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08-XGlRYXQM
  19. I dunno, man...I'm with VF5SS here. Hardcore '70s Battlestar Galactica fans panned the new version before it even aired. Ditto Beast Wars. And yet, those shows still aired, and became popular. Maybe RT3000 would've brought in a New Generation of fans...and tons of dollars with them... I guess HG will never know...
  20. That is my triumph, and that is my tragedy...
  21. Don't just COMPLAIN about it, do your part to make it more interesting! PROTIP: saying that the Robotech novels are great...? Not gonna work.
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