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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. But, if it's not clear in the series, isn't that A PROBLEM with the series? If you need to hunt out issues of B-Club in order to bolster defense for a show, that generally means the show can't really defend itself.
  2. The Anti-Unification Forces also assassinated Prime Minister Harlan J. Niven (who has the GREATEST NAME EVER), blew up one of the Grand Cannons, and caused guerilla warfare to break out all over the U.S. Did the UN create as much havoc...?
  3. It's been nearly an hour since I've heard that one... I'm afraid I'll forget how it goes. (Seriously though, I just read that chapter earlier today.) I hear ya. After finishing the first book, I watched the first episode of the show, and...didn't like it all that much. I'll probably give it another chance after the books have faded from my memory a bit.
  4. You've got a point here, Keith, but still...Pterobat knows whereof she speaks. Just because one dislikes poorly-placed fanservice does NOT mean that anime is not for that person.
  5. I, too, tried to ignore it, I really did... but...
  6. Four, though, is HAWT.
  7. Spell checker doesn't know everything...it's a viscous circle...
  8. That's the first one that popped into my head, too. Utterly devastating.
  9. This question is probably unanswerable, but I recently noticed that some of the dialogue in FB2012 (notably in the middle of "Ai Oboeteimasuka") isn't from DYRL. At one point, Misa says "An alien song?" and Hikaru says "Song...?" Soon after, Misa says "Forever, anywhere, anytime... Just a simple love song." The second part of that sentence is in the movie, but the first isn't. I wonder if these are just bits of dialogue left on the cutting room floor after making the movie, or if they actually brought Mika Doi and Arihiro Hase back into the studio to record a couple of extra lines.
  10. Ah. I see you've read the fanfic, then.
  11. Not even a PDF...still just a TXT file, alas.
  13. Okay...Robotech fans agree that Macross should get a remake. Does that mean it's unanimous? http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2147576&forumid=31&pagenumber=2
  14. The Pink Floyd > Pink Floyd
  15. Whaddya wanna bet that the "ejectable lifeboat module" gets ejected at some point?
  16. Dude, I don't even know what you're so hot and bothered about anymore. But I do know that your grasp of anime history needs some work.
  17. Ouch...I can be harsh, but I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE... But yeah, from the most easily-measured standards available (i.e. finance), Frontier has been a rousing success. The TV series spawned two movies, a whole slew of comics, two Macross (not just Frontier)-related magazines, raised the profiles of everyone involved, and brought an entirely new audience to Macross. And speaking personally, although I'm not 17 anymore, I found the characters relatable and the plot pretty solid. There are certainly some things I wanted more of, or could've done without, but generally, I thought the series was good. And the second movie in particular blew me away.
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