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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I dunno...I remember that scene, but I don't recall anything that made me think Hibiki was part Zentradi...
  2. That's definitely implied. What makes you think that?
  3. Yeah...when I got to that point, I was thinking, "Wow, this is a model/toy customizer's WET DREAM..." But, at this point I'm getting a little...not worried, exactly, but wondering...how long is this series gonna be? I remember when Gundam the Origin started and I figured it would be about seven of eight books, but it ended up being 23. Macross the First ran through the early episodes at a pretty rapid clip, but Mikimoto seems to be slowing the story down a little...which is fine, but I really hope the comic doesn't take a decade to complete.
  4. After reading the latest chapter, I gotta admit that I really have no idea where the story is going...
  5. Ah, okay. I see what you meant. Sorry.
  6. You are not alone.
  7. I just put 'em in a box and put that box in my storage space.
  8. You mean Macross the First volumes, right? This is going to be in Volume 5.
  9. Dude! Are you coming on to electric indigo...? But yeah, AWESOME build. When I first looked at the pictures, I thought, "Wow...the Blood and Chrome Galactica looks pretty good!" Then I read that it was a kit. Mind BLOWN. (so to speak.)
  10. Macross 7 essentially explained the whole "Supervision Army" thing...what other questions do you have?
  11. The Key Club is the place where all the has-been glam-rockers played...
  12. Her hands are too small.
  14. The DVD release put everything together...I'm sure the BD version will follow suit.
  15. RIP MCA: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlfd1o_galactica-sabotage_shortfilms?search_algo=1
  16. Damn...that IS good, I admit...but I still think Bill Murray is better. Stacy Hedger has more talent, but Bill Murray is funnier.
  17. Yeah. We know that now. We didn't know that when Tochiro first posted the news, hence all the back-and-forth and head-scratching for a few posts.
  18. For me it was TOTALLY overshadowed by the Macross Event in Ikebukuro. Ah well.
  19. Okay, I went to the Ikebukuro event today (with the 1/1 Valk), with Tochiro, Save, some of our friends, and, er, Minmay (or at least an incredible simulation), and while it definitely had more WOW! factor than the Shibuya exhibit, I think I prefer the Shibuya one. Shibuya had more background and making-of type stuff, and focused more on the first series, whereas the Ikebukuro event was more video, music, and statues. After the event, we went to the Nyan-Nyan Cafe, and all of us independently ordered the "Lynn Minmay," a blueberry drink, instead of the "Ranka Lee" (melon soda with ice cream), the "Sheryl Nome" (some pink soda - strawberry, maybe? - with an Oreo cookie on it), the "Super Galactic Man" (based on Alto, not sure what was in it), or the "Decul-CHA" (tea). Then we went around collecting stamps for the stamp rally, went back to Shibuya, and turned them in, which netted us a free mini clearfile. All in all, a good day. Oh, and when you first walk in to the Ikebukuro event, there's a star map similar to the one at the opening of Frontier TV, but I think they calculated this one out a little better. EDIT: Oh, and on the Valkyrie development wall chart, they used the Pink Pecker Team to represent the VF-11C. I laughed. EDIT: And one more thing I thought was funny: The sign next to the Sheryl and Ranka statues saying, "Low-angle photos are prohibited." We don't want any panty-flashes, after all...
  20. If they had their own space fleet, why would they need to hijack the UN's Oberth-class ship?
  21. Hmm...I can't recall. Can you give me an example?
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