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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. My problem is that I vastly prefer the 1984 "theatrical edition" of DYRL (with the mono sound and the un-FB2012'd ending) to the 1992 "special edition"...
  2. "Glad to be home with you, feeling..."
  3. So...what, photo-negative Ranka...? What's she advertising...?
  4. Do we actually get to go into space...? If so, I'M THERE!!!
  5. Erm...that's Arthur C. Clarke.
  6. I am SOOO there!!! EDIT: As long as Tochiro can buy me a ticket, that is...
  7. Yes. Now where's the customizer-who-likes-a-challenge who'll make this a reality...?
  8. I was lucky enough to meet Ray Bradbury four times at book signings, the first when I was 11 or so, the last when I was about 17 (he seemed happy to meet the giddy 11-year-old clutching a paperback copy of "Dinosaur Tales," less so to meet the sullen teen holding a first-edition hardcover of "The Stories of Ray Bradbury"). He was everything you'd want him to be, larger-than-life, totally full of himself in way that somehow felt charming rather than annoying, and a great raconteur. My favorite stories involved him as a kid hanging out around the Hollywood studios, doing things like meeting W.C. Fields (who signed his autograph book and said, "There you go, you little son of a bitch!"). I also loved his tale of writing the screenplay for the film of "Moby-Dick"...he found himself blocked, unable to write anything, afraid of desecrating the novel, until he woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, pointed at himself, and intoned "I AM HERMAN MELVILLE!!" The writing apparently came quite easily after that. I reread "The Martian Chronicles" roughly two years ago, right before coming to Japan, and found that I liked it even better than I did when I was in 8th grade, or in college. I meant to go back to "The Illustrated Man" soon afterwards, but never quite found the time... But anyway...thanks, Mr. Bradbury...you were spectacular.
  9. All that said, by going back through the old Macross books, I've managed to find some of the sources, and have definitely concluded that some things (like the "Megalord" being the name of the SDF-2 pre-refit, and "Megaroad" as its name post-refit) as logical inferences based on the material...which would be fine if the material were completely consistent...which it sometimes isn't. But that's for the original series...for Macross 7, I'm still pretty much in the dark.
  10. Put them aside. I tell ya, Feast for Crows alone is nearly 1000 pages, and I finished it in, like, a week. Once you start 'em, YOU CAN'T STOP!!
  11. Oh hey...it's the OLYMPICS!!!
  12. If you've just been watching the series... whatever you THINK is gonna happen, ain't gonna happen. I tell ya, Book 5 is real game-changer... even more than Book 3.
  13. Okay, I just finished A Dance with Dragons, and thus I'm all caught up... And uh, Looking forward to Book 6!!!
  14. I have to admit, this is why I kinda hate the "DYRL is a movie within a movie" explanation. It sounds fine until you actually stop and think about it for a sec.
  15. Volcano at least had Tommy Lee Jones being Tommy Lee Jones. And unlike, say, Dante's Peak, Volcano had a ton of lava...which is, y'know, what people want out of a Volcano movie. That said, I found it odd that there were no Hispanics in the movie anywhere... Anyway, my choice is Invasion from Inner Earth, which most people will never see, but which I once caught on afternoon TV. It was wretched.
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