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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. ... ...get a rope.
  2. No, it's an actual honest-to-goodness musical stage-play. As such, it'd be kinda difficult to fit mecha in.
  3. Like so...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krj3dwKEaSk
  4. Not sure, but one of my Japanese friends who has the set explained the basic situation to me. I'll ask for more details next time I see him.
  5. Either way, they gapped the audio at certain points in the Gundam 0079 box, for words that weren't considered offensive in 1979 but are considered offensive now.
  6. I swear...this guy is to '70s and '80s anime what Weird Al is to pop music in general... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbNCZDX4t_Q
  7. Considering that the show was at midnight, it definitely WASN'T an all-ages screening.
  8. The theatrical edition is what was shown in theaters (obviously) in 1984, and what was released on VHS tape soon after that. The sound mix is mono, and the FB2012 footage isn't there. The Special edition, from 1992, has a stereo sound mix (which I don't like as much) and adds the FB2012 footage to the end (I prefer the original cut to black).
  9. No, you're not. But that said, I haven't found much recently that I *really* loved.
  10. Yeah... EXACTLY.
  11. So Fukuyama's feeling better...?
  12. A spoiler for WHAT?
  13. Isn't there already a thread for this...?
  14. "OP and EDs: Creditless OP (Macross Special Version) Episode 3 First Brodcast Version OP Creditless OP (Standard) - Mono - Stereo Creditless OP (Super Deformed Version) Creditless ED (Macross Special Version) Creditless ED (Standard) - Original Version - Lynn Minmay Version" The only one that surprises me in the Episode 3 OP... what's different about that?
  15. The sound mix is also very different, which is mostly what I prefer about the theatrical cut.
  16. Just wait. It'll appear eventually.
  17. Still wasn't enough time for me to save up...
  18. I don't follow your logic...
  19. Damn...the Blu-rays are coming fast 'n' thick, aren't they...? It's like a BD Itano Circus!!!
  20. Yes...but not with the BD, right?
  21. No, I just mean that no one on the staff has said anything about it, one way or another, except for Kawamori in an interview in the back of the Sheryl shojo manga, who said that all iterations of Frontier were equally valid.
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