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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. NEWS FLASH: Backstreet Boys become Backstreet Men in secret Backstreet ritual.
  2. ...because everyone here in the Western fandom is totally okay with everything, right?
  3. Oh, we COULD buy more drinks...we just didn't WANT to. The thing was expensive enough as it was...
  4. Yes. When the Gundam Movie Trilogy was released on DVD in 2000, they rerecorded all the dialogue (having to recast characters whose VAs had passed away) and added sounds effects. Many fans complained. The next DVD release (in...2008...? 2009...? Somewhere around there...) had both the "Special Edition" audio AND the original audio.
  5. ...and I just got back from an AMAZING concert. She did two today, one at 3:00, one at 7:00. Tochiro went to both, Renato went to the 3:00, I went to the 7:00. She promised, via Twitter, that there would be no repeat songs throughout the day, that it would be two totally different sets. As such, I was sad to hear that she did some of my favorite Mylene songs during the first set. But first off, the venue was TINY. No, tinier than that. No, really...only FORTY-FIVE people could fit in this place. TINY. Going in, we were asked to spend ¥1000 more to get two drink tickets. This was not optional. Then we were asked if we wanted to spend ¥1800 more to get a special Chie Kajiura glass, in order to toast her for her birthday. This also meant we would get to stick around longer after the show. Tochiro and I did so, but got a warning beforehand that the glasses were not actually used for the toast, but instead, we had to buy a separate drink, so we shouldn't use our second drink ticket until after the show (we failed to heed that warning). So yeah, the show...very few Mylene songs during the main set, just "Love Song" and "Pillow Dream," which, in another odd bit of Chie synchronicity, were the two songs that I earlier told Renato that I didn't care if she played or not. There was one new song, one cover of Kate Bush covering Donovan, one of the songs from "Overload," a few songs from "Loophole," and a hell of a lot of songs from "Confusion." The most amazing thing, I think, was her band. She had a keyboard player, a guy playing tablas (!!), and a trumpet player (!!!). And mostly, that was it. She brought out guitarists for two or three songs, but mostly, it was this odd trio. After the concert proper, we had to go outside and line up again to come back in for the toasting. We came back in, everyone ordered another drink (and I owe Tochiro ¥500 for that), and we waited. Finally Chie, her band, and the two guest guitarists came out and played an amazing, six- or seven-minute version of "My Friends," while she introduced the band. Stunning. We toasted her birthday, then she came down from the stage and just mingled...going from table to table, talking to everyone. Tochiro did most of the talking when we met her, but she did sign my "Guvava" sticker. So yeah...awesome night.
  6. Yellow's other half hasn't aged so well...
  7. Okay, THAT'S awesome. But if you start clamoring for a sequel, then you're cut off. Totally.
  8. Thank you, Keith. It takes a village to correct Wanzerfan.
  9. But that's not the song's title, is it? SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR Andy!! Call the song by its REAL name!! EDIT: Err, it's NOT back, DarrinG. Unless you can point me to some kind of sequel or tribute album, or...hell, ANYTHING...
  10. Like so...?
  11. Next March... http://www.amazon.co.jp/機甲創世記モスピーダ-ブルーレイBOX-4枚組-Blu-ray-大山尚雄/dp/B007XNCYJ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1342665539&sr=8-1
  12. Oh, who the f*ck cares...? HG is dragging out a 25-year-old OVA and pretending like it's new. If you go for that, I've got some nude pics of Madonna to sell you.
  13. "This video contains content from Funimation Entertainment and Victor, one or more have blocked from your country on copyright grounds." Does this person have a name...?
  14. A hint as to what our evening was like...
  15. BELIEVE me, Renato knows who Noboru Ishiguro is. He met him. Even the most cursory run-through of this site should show that. Renato means, who's your co-host?
  16. I'm not sure if an anime convention counts as "Macross in THE WEIRDEST PLACES." I'd kind of expect it, personally.
  17. I agree with UN Spacy. LoGH is his best. But, at 110 episodes of the main series, plus fifty-some-odd side stories, it's a lot to fit in before the panel. MORAL: KNOW YOUR SH!T BEFORE YOU AGREE TO HOST A PANEL.
  18. Then how would you explain, as Renato brought up earlier, all of Grace's people getting viciously and pretty explicitly massacred in the second Frontier movie?
  19. Sort of. It's life-size, but it doesn't fly.
  20. Not next. Maybe for #006...but I kinda doubt it.
  21. That booklet (which has some really cool pics!), and the latest episode of Macross the First, which covers Minmay's birthday (and is REALLY good!!!)
  22. Hey, if someone gives me the raw, I'll sub it. Honest.
  23. Again, I thought the mono version had it ALL OVER the stereo version. Tell me why 5.1 is an advantage again...?
  24. Okay...after about two or three months of being worried that the "First" plotline was getting too aimless, I feel reassured again. Mostly because of a TV plot, with an DYRL location thrown in for, er, just because.
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