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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. No. She was ONLY excited about FB7, in defiance of all logic and fan-feedback.
  2. Just finished watching the latest episode, covering Macross Zero Eps. 1 and 2. I was kind of surprised that they cut most of the battles out, but left Sara's tits'n'ass in. And Sheryl looked WAY more excited about FB7 than anyone else was.
  3. Pfah...you think that'll actually CHANGE anything...?
  4. Before, y'know, we got totally spoiled by the battles in K-on an' crap, right...?
  5. So were you as freaked out by her website as everyone else seems to be...? http://www.chie-kajiura.com/
  6. If it's not an adaptation of either "The Phoenix on the Sword" or The Hour of the Dragon, I'm not interested.
  7. Honestly? Not QUITE as cool as having Chie Kajiura sit and talk to Tochiro and I for a while, but a damn sight better than Aya Endo looking me in the eye and deciding that I wasn't worthy of the signed poster.
  8. I'm totally envious of his jacket. Did I mention how nice it was? It was REALLY, REALLY nice.
  9. Okay, Renato and I saw it today. So here's my review, lovingly entitled... Macross "F*** '美,' Seven" or A Pretty Amazing Day Organized About a Pretty Bad Movie PREVIOUSLY, ON GUBABA'S MACROSS 30 ADVENTURE: Gubaba and co. went to Tokyo Dome City, got a lot of stamps, ate some bad food, and got a little tin button for their troubles. Part 1: Tokyo Dome City Stamp Rally REVENGE!! I finished work at 3:30 and walked down to Tokyo Dome. Renato was working in the area, too, so we met up there. I paid ¥500 to do the second stamp rally, which immediately got me the Sheryl clearfile, companion piece to the Ranka one from the first stamp rally. Since the six free stamps were all in the same location as last time, finding them was a piece of cake (compared to the trouble we had a few weeks ago). The stamps had changed, too. Last time, you may recall, the stamps were of Ash, Sakura, and Vigo (from the Musicalture) and Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay. This time the stamps were Basara, Mylene, and, er, "Guvava," and Ishtar, Sharon, and Sara. After getting those stamps, Renato and I went to the "Silver Moon" café to get the "event" stamp (the one you have to pay for). Renato ordered a Pink Monsoon (some kind of soda with fruit in it) and I got a Sheryl-and-Alto spicy hot dog, which was pretty good. For this, we also got coasters. Due to a mix-up, I ended up with two coasters. Awesome. We met up with Save, and he gave Renato the full set of U.S. Renditions' release of Orguss on VHS tape. He also did his very best to lower our rock-bottom expectations for FB7 even further, and succeeded quite handily. Then I turned in the stamp card, reached into the box to pull out a button... and got a VF-25 one... with a little piece of paper attached to it saying "B Prize." Apparently, a few of the buttons had extra prizes you could win. In my case, I got five mini-posters for the 2009 Crossover Live. Again, awesome. Then we said our goodbyes to Save, and went off to Shinjuku to see the movie. to be continued. Part 2: The Movie Tochiro has already recapitulated the "plot" as it were, so I won't bother. Let me just say that... y'know how sometimes, all your friends see a movie first, and they all say it was terrible? And then you end up going, expecting a godawful piece of trash, and you end up being pleasantly surprised...? Yeah, that didn't happen here. I wasn't, however, MORE disappointed than I expected, I hasten to add. My low, low expectations were met exactly by the movie. That said, the music was good, and it was kinda fun seeing Macross 7 on the big screen. I also grooved on the ending. Other than that, though? A waste of time. It would've made a good TV special, or DVD extra. The ending could've been released as a DVD packaged with the new single. But in a movie theatre, for full price tickets? Nuh-uh. BUT...there was ONE MASSIVE THING that made up for it (actually, two). As we were getting ready to go, a guy with poufy "rock" hair and a really nice brown leather bomber jacket scooted past us from the back row and nearly tripped over Renato's bag of Orguss. He looked at Renato, Renato greeted him like an old friend, they shook hands, and then the guy zoomed off again. "Don't you know who that was?" Renato asked me. "No," I said, as one big suspicion came slamming into my head. "That was Yoshiki Fukuyama." Needless to say I scooted off as well, walking hurriedly (but, y'know, casually) out of the theatre, hoping to run into him again, but we didn't see him as we went down the eight flights of escalators. However, once we got to the lobby, we DID see him, going down the final set of escalators (and away from us). We waved hello, Renato called out, "What did you think of the movie?" Fukuyama hemmed and hawed and called back, "Well, this was the first time I'd seen it..." And then he was gone. But Renato's eyes were already elsewhere, next to escalator, in front of the screen showing Yamato 2199 Chapter 3. There was an older guy standing there, with long, greying hair and a baseball cap. "I think that's Yutaka Izubuchi," Renato said. We approached him, and yes, indeed it was he. We introduced ourselves, but then his lady friend arrived, and they went into the movie theatre together. So yeah...the movie? Not so good. The experiences around the movie? Once again... awesome. to be be.
  10. Nah, it's normal, I think. Weirdly enough, I was just rewatching Iczer-1 recently, and Nagisa's high school teacher calls her "Kano-kun." That said, I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it in the real world... but I'm guessing they do. Nah, it's normal, I think. Weirdly enough, I was just rewatching Iczer-1 recently, and Nagisa's high school teacher calls her "Kano-kun." That said, I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it in the real world... but I'm guessing they do.
  11. I like how they had Sheryl get sucked into an alternate dimension at the beginning of Macross II, and had her get spit back out at the end of it (last night). Next up: Macross Zero.
  12. We did all we we could to bring your hopes down. If you still had any hope, you have only yourselves to blame.
  13. And (to keep Renato from repeating himself) Anime Friend was not the problem in the crappily-animated episodes. The problem was one of the Korean studios that Anime Friend contracted: Star Pro. All of the bad-looking episodes have Star Pro's name in the credits.
  14. "Goodbye Girl" is frakkin' AMAZING.
  15. That never got mentioned during the musical. Of course, it never got denied during the musical, either...
  16. The two reviews I've heard so far are not promising.
  17. Thursday afternoon sounds good.
  18. Hey, at least you're seeing it opening day! I've gotta work, so next Thursday is the earliest slot that *I* have free...
  19. This is all the live-action I'll ever need... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyLp4KKgC9c
  20. Err, Minmay... his name's HIKARU. Who the hell is "Rick"...?
  21. Bear in mind, it never becomes the hardcore mecha action show that I think a lot of people wanted it to be (it comes close at times, though). Think of it more like Gundam ZZ or G Gundam. I still think it's worth watching the whole series though.
  22. I'm pretty sure it is, but the "backstory" to the macross30 website is more a joke than an actual part of the Macross story.
  23. Don't crush my dreams, Sketchley. Anyway, my new favorite Macross girls, all five of 'em:
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