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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. If this is true, it sucks: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/357610
  2. Looks good to me, too.
  3. And rather graphically, at that. Maybe they were just covering their eyes during the Eva-03 scene...
  4. I like that too, and EoE seems to me to be just as open ended as the series. Don't need it. I have all the DVDs.
  5. This is a new manga created by a Macross World member's relation... it's pretty much a gag comic, about a girl who buys an American cat (much bigger than Japanese cats) and is pretty shocked by it. It's honestly funny, even if you don't understand Japanese. Please buy it! http://www.f-bungei.jp/Essay/?cID=15&nID=1
  6. That depends on if you think Instrumentality is a good ending or bad ending for mankind... Me, I lean towards the latter...
  7. As VF5SS said, no. He flat-out states that his friends call him "Michel" (ミシェル) while his real name is "Mikhail" (ミハイル). Why they chose to Romanize his name uniformly as "Michael" is anyone's guess. EDIT: "Michael" (as in "Michael Jackson") would be マイケル.
  8. "White Rose Campus: And Then...Everybody Gets Raped." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0288217/ Also celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. EDIT:
  9. Wow... what interview was that?
  10. It could be any one of the quotes from the Lemon Angel book...
  11. I was surprised by it, too... but, y'know, as you say, "Word of God" and all that... All I'll say is that the novelette "Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences" has Global coming to the Hayases' home to hang out and talk with Misa quite a bit.
  12. Like Renato, I can't see the video, so I'll just assume it's the medley from the single. And yeah, I like it. As Save pointed out to us, the scene was very "Let It Be" rooftop concert. It was good.
  13. Love Live Alive had more new songs.
  14. I think you're missing my point...which is that TV Shinji isn't "weak" or "girly," he's actually quite strong.
  15. I've seen variants of this same argument from people who like the movies but hate the series AND from people who like the series but hate the movies (basically, that it's either great that Shinji "finally manned-up" or that it's terrible to see a "manned-up" Shinji)... and frankly, I don't buy it either way. Now, I realize that all giant robot shows are basically adolescent wish-fulfillment. All 13- or 14-year-old boys wish they had some powerful machine they could smash stuff with... but to me, Shinji put some added realism into the mix. Here's a kid who is going out and risking his life...and getting hurt. VERY hurt. A LOT. Most of us try to avoid painful situations, which is what Shinji does. Confronted with such monumental expectations (and the probability of serious injury or death involved), most of us wouldn't jump at the chance to confront it. When you're facing an enemy that overpowers you by quite a fair margin, wanting to run away isn't "girly," it's sensible. Shinji's dilemma is that if he runs away, there's no place to run to, because there's no real "back up" to take his place. This seems to me an honest and reasonable dilemma. You WANT to run away, it's LOGICAL to run away, so you TRY to run away... but where do you go? On the other hand, however, you've got people saying that Shinji was too "manly" in 2.0, apparently forgetting that he was just as decisive in the corresponding episode of the TV series (Ep. 19, but who's counting?), realizing that HE was the only one who could save the world. It was all pretty much the same. (And anyway, he gets decisive, he fights and defeats the 14th Angel... what does he get? More suffering and pain. If someone said, "Hey, Gian, let's fight... and somehow they take off your left arm... and then they say, "Hey, let's fight again" and take off one of your legs... how many times would you accept their challenges to fight? How much would you have to lose before you gave up and walked away?) My point being: I don't think TV Shinji is "girly," and I don't think movie Shinji is "manly." They seem pretty much the same to me...but TV Shinji definitely delivers less on the "Oh-man-that's-so-cool-let-me-live-out-my-power-fantasies-with-this-character" fanservice.
  16. AND BY "under rated," he means, "Worse than Dorvack."
  17. Well, the preview at the end of 2.0 promised "Eva-08 and its pilot"...
  18. This site is an amazing fount of Macross information. However, if you don't search for it, you won't find it.
  19. That depends... It's been confirmed by at least five different people on this site alone. How many more confirmations do you need before you believe it?
  20. I don't think that's MARI's Eva...
  21. There's already a thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30496
  22. It's footage from the pachinko game.
  23. I got the SDFM book. It's fairly slim, and it only has three new pieces of artwork (including the cover). Most of the book is the same color shots of the mecha that we've seen in everything from the This Is Animation Specials to Macross Chronicle. It's a nice little book, and very well done, but there's very little that's new in it.
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