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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Great write-up! Thanks for that! I like the idea of the Macross shrine and the Omikuji. Seems like they definitely tailored parts of the exhibit to the season. Apart from that and the VF-30, though, it looks pretty similar to the Tokyo event.
  2. AWESOME. And, for the uninitiated, the bottom-right-hand corner is the important bit.
  3. I always thought the APHOS was making the stuff levitate...
  4. Heh.I was there. Good show.
  5. Admittedly, I haven't seen it in a while, but all I remember is "Beyond Human Comprehension" Protoculture science... I don't remember any "magic."
  6. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79vo7stIM6w
  7. That too, yeah.
  8. Ten years since Tenjin joined the team! YEAH!!
  9. The single is out next month.
  10. Enh, it was all done and paid for nearly 20 years ago. It's not like it's a NEW dub or anything. Hell, it's already been released in Japan before... (well, 3/4 of it..).
  11. On a related note, about two blocks from where I work...
  12. Next episode will be the final one, Episode 26. And, uh, I think simply no one really cares about this show enough to record it and save it for posterity. Badly edited Macross episodes sandwiched by barely-animated super-deformed Sheryl...? Enh.
  13. Yeah, that made me curious, too. And they didn't even finish Sayonara no Tsubasa... it ended with everyone approaching the Vajra planet.
  14. Oh, HELL yeeeeaaaaaahhh...
  15. Gubaba's on the wrong person's shoulder. Other than that, yeah, it's pretty amazing.
  16. Already covered. Next spring.
  17. I think the "why" will probably never be known, unless it was similar to Macross 7 TV, where they wanted to hide the involvement of the singers at first, to create the impression that Basara and Mylene's voice actors were also singing the songs (despite, of course, the fact that Chie Kajiura's and Tomo Sakurai's singing voices sound nothing alike). But for Mika Okudoi, Emilia's singer, she lists the song among her credits on her website: http://micaokudoi.com/ (at the bottom of her "Biography" section)
  18. Use 'em to wallpaper your pad. It'll be a CHICK MAGNET, I tell ya!!
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