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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Eh-HMM... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37976
  2. Finally listened to the whole thing. I may be the only person who never bought a Yamato Valk to listen avidly to this... but honestly, it was fascinating, through and through.
  3. But WB has announced nothing about the director, right?
  4. Yeah, I agree. And really, if anyone should kill Haman (NOOO!!! SHE SHOULD WIN!!!!), it should be Char.
  5. Zeta Haman is among my all-time favorites. But I agree, there are DEFINITELY worse endings out there...
  6. Personally, I hope not. But then, I work in Japan, and send my money back to the US. Don't mind me. My financial ruin is nothing compared to you saving a few bucks on Macross stuff...
  7. Errr... Which of the previous four or five posts are you referring to...?
  8. Haman should've TRIUMPHED!!!
  9. Well, there are rules in place about attacking other members, aren't there?
  10. I'm gonna do my best... but I'm preparing myself for disappointment.
  11. Astroboy SUPER SAIYAN Hikaru, apparently...
  12. For COTB, I'd say that the SCRIPT is often accurate (not always, but often). However, the acting is uniformly terrible. And even in the places where the script is accurate, the writer(s) make(s) some stunningly bad decisions about how to render certain phrases in English ("The women must not penetrate" being the first example that springs to mind). That said, the subtitled version from Kiseki wasn't much better... "My engine blocks are angry at me!"
  13. I didn't mention any of that because it wasn't really part of my point. Getfresh says that all the sequels are based on "the DYRL universe," which simply isn't the case. The TV show is canonical, but all the sequels DO use designs that were first showcased in DYRL. However, that also use designs from SDFM TV. That there's an in-universe explanation for all this is nice (even if I find it a little far-fetched), but it has nothing to do with the fact that Getfresh's statement is incorrect.
  14. But you also said that MOSPEADA was BACK. It clearly isn't. Saying it never left the "true fans" isn't the same. Why did you lie....?
  15. You lied, I died. I hope you're proud of yourself.
  16. Why do you hate Max's VF-1S so much...?
  17. Say what you will. I love Bright Noa chasing chickens.
  18. You can thank Save and Tochiro for that.
  19. They use both the TV show and DYRL. Officially, the TV show is "canon" and DYRL is a propaganda movie made in 2031. But some designs are recycled from DYRL (Exsedol in 7, the Macross in Plus, Hikaru's VF-1A in Frontier) and some are from the TV show (Milia's flight suit and VF-1J in 7, the Zentradi uniforms in Frontier).
  20. I'm disappointed. M O S P E A D A is apparently N O T back...
  21. Me too. Good job, Tochiro!
  22. (PSST... I knew that... I was being sarcastic, yo...)
  23. I got pretty much everything, until they started singing, "I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane"... WTF is that sh!t...?
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