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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. It's a reproduction of a page that's in issue #1 of the new Chronicle. The VF-30 isn't there... I *think* the VT-1/VE-1 pic may be new (bottom row, third from the left), and I can't recall if Tenjin did the VF-3000 and Variable Glauj (second row from the top, on the left) in the old version or not. All of the other pics look familiar. Oh, and there's a typo on the page... unless there's a VF-1SS and it looks exactly like the VF-2SS...
  2. It's Jimmy Hoffa all over again...
  3. You win.
  4. No, as I said... "Someone who should know." Bendo knows nothing.
  5. According to someone who should know: "No, this article and the author's conclusions are almost COMPLETELY wrong on virtually every point."
  6. Kawamori didn't do the people... Masayuki was the character designer for Plus, and Yuki Nobuteru was the character designer for Escaflowne.
  7. Err... what about "Robo-Geisha"...?
  8. BLASPHEMY. Hangin' time.
  9. Indeed. I just wish he could tell a story properly...
  10. Be that as it may, I'm just saying it's weird that Freiflug88 is remembering the NEW series rather than the OLD series.
  11. There were plans for one in the early '90s... it never came to fruition (probably thankfully). EDIT: Ninja'd by Terry...
  12. That's weird... in the old Yamato series, the spaceship IS the old battleship, but in the new 2199 series, the spaceship was indeed built under the battleship.
  13. Really? Whoops...
  14. Those are different. We're talking about the films directed by Inagaki in the '50s, starring Toshiro Mifune as Miyamoto Musashi.
  15. Wow... I didn't know that. I feel crappy now...
  16. Yeah, Tampopo is also one of my all-time favorite movies. I still eat ramen like this: (Several of my friends have asked, "Why do you say 'Ato de ne'?" ...which just gives me an opportunity to show them the movie.) EDIT: And oh, hey, look! It's Ken Watanabe when he still had hair!
  17. Samurai Trilogy is timeless.
  18. Yeah, both of those are pretty stellar, too.
  19. I had Roy Bot... probably still do somewhere.
  20. I think my favorite semi-recent Japanese film is 1997's Swallowtail Butterfly, directed by Shunji Iwai. It's a really strange but engrossing movie, kinda SF, kinda not, about an unspecified time when Japan has the most powerful currency in the world. Hence, many people come to Japan to make a little money, so they can go back home and be rich. The themes cover immigration, racism, rock (the music is the film is stunningly good), counterfeiting, tattoos, Frank Sinatra, prostitution, the yakuza, cassette tapes in people's stomachs, and having one's jaw ripped off by a shotgun blast. It's funny one minute, ultraviolent the next, then heartbreakingly sweet or sad. It's not flawless (at two and a half hours, it feels a little overlong), but it's still an amazing film. Unfortunately, I don't think it's ever been released in the west, but the Japanese edition has English subs on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhSa3aiN_DE
  21. Issue 10 (3/26/13) Mechanic Sheet VF-4 Lightning III VF-1J Valkyrie SV-51 Character Sheet Ranka Lee Macross 7 Character Connections Guide / Triangle Timeline Mikhail Braun History Sheet The UN Forces and the Anti-Unification League World Guide Sheet Inside the Macross Glossary Sheet Glossary Episode Sheet Macross Plus Production Data Macross 7 Ep. 6: "First Contact" Song Sheet Diamond Crevasse / Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be late Goods Sheet Takatoku Toys 1/3000 SDF-1 Macross
  22. Oh, sorry. I guess the pic of the Mahoromantic DVD box set plus figure was entirely necessary. As have been the pics Shaorin's posted over the last few years of his amazing vintage VHS player. My bad.
  23. Adequate, certainly. Excellent...? Maybe we just have different standards...
  24. Dude, really...? You should've called or something...
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