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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. And Bill Rogers spoke truth. Macross Plus DOES already know how great it is. EDIT: Can I be annoyed that the host is a Macross fan...? I'd prefer not to be associated with him...
  2. So I picked up this rather strange book of essays today (alas, all in Japanese) called "Ore no Kancho ["My Captain"]: CAPTAIN LEGEND - A BOOK FOR THE SPACE AGE." As it sez on the cover, it "contains 24 captain's [sic] wisdom," including (from Yamato): Okita, Hijikata, the Captain of the Andromeda, Mamoru Kodai, Susumu Kodai, and Yamanami... (from Gundam): Bright Noa, Paolo Cassius, Reed, Gadem, Flanagan Boone (but not Char...?), Eipar Synapse, Henken Bekkner, Beecha Oleg, Emary Ounce, Gomez, Mitas, and Zinnerman... (from Macross): Bruno J. Global, Maximilian Jenius, and Jeffery Wilder... (from Vifam): Scott Heyward... (from Gunbuster): Tatsumi... (and from Blue Submarine No. 6): Tokuhiro. Again, not much there for people who don't speak Japanese, but from what I can glean, the essays are kind of fun, detailing how each captain reacts to unexpected developments and reversals of fortune. It's kind of a self-help book that way, I guess. http://www.amazon.co.jp/俺の艦長-廣田-恵介/dp/4758012679/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364647150&sr=8-1
  3. You don't really like anything, do you?
  4. I agree. I'm getting a creeping feeling that I've read more sources than the Chronicle staff has, and it's not even my native language...
  5. Looks like we have the special guest for our next podcast! Muah-hah-hah...
  6. I just want a good movie...
  7. Well, from my (SORRY!!) still-not-yet-finished translation of the Misa novel, I get the feeling that the Sara Base crew was pretty small. Certainly, Riber went there in one ship with very few passengers, and when they evacuated the base, it seemed like it was only because the UN Forces were desperate for ANY able bodies they could find. So, yeah... it might have been small craft. The Misa novel specifies ten, however.
  8. I liked 0083, too. Although I think it works better AFTER you've seen Zeta, so you already know who all the sinister people at the end are, why they're grinning evilly, and why the Federation soldiers are putting on those neat black uniforms. i.e. I think it's meant to be more of an, "Ah HA! So THAT'S how it happened!" rather than an "OMG! What's gonna happen next!?"
  9. Hell yeah, there were! Or do you mean to tell me that jet boots AREN'T mecha...?
  10. I hear ya. If I'd seen 08th MS Team first, I'd probably like it best, too. It's well-directed and well-animated. But since I saw 0079 first, I'm like, "Wait...Balls and Mobile Suits...? In OCTOBER of 0079...? And MASS-PRODUCED GUNDAMS...? Those are GMs, right?"
  11. No, seriously... I'm halfway through watching 08th MS Team again, and while the production values are amazing, and I can totally understand why people who never saw the original Gundam like it, I can't bring myself to enjoy it. Seriously...where's the pain and death...? Where're the Newtypes...? Where're Amuro and Char...?
  12. Who knows...? Issue 6 and the recent (i.e. TODAY) Issue 10 didn't have new pics. Everything else has.
  13. Probably both. If the MAXL Custom had ever been covered in Space Whale pollen, I'd hedge my bets, but since it wasn't, I'm pretty sure cover and interior illustration will be the same.
  14. Oh, and HEY!! Congratulations, White Drew Carey!!!
  15. GAH... I walked right into that one...
  16. Nah, Roy already berated him for not taking advantage of Minmay while Hikaru and Minmay were trapped together... Hikaru just thought, "Damn, better make up for lost time!"
  17. I gotta say, I had trouble finding this one. The normally reliable Books Ruhe in Kichijoji didn't have it, so I scurried over to Kichijoji Animate, where they had... one copy. (*whew*) I'm puzzled and a little worried... maybe I should just subscribe.
  18. Good point. Still, it's worth noting that before the flashback chapters of The Origin began, Gundam Ace asked fans "Do you want a flashback section?" and the overwhelming majority said yes. I don't think the same thing happened here (unless I just missed the poll...).
  19. So now that the book is out, what does everyone think? As I said before, I think the story is beginning to meander and drag a little too much, and I hope it gets back on track soon. Do y'all agree, or no? Interestingly, the book comes with a questionnaire, and among more typical questions ("How did you find out about this book?" "Who is your favorite character?"), they ask "Where would you like the story to go?" with two possible answers: "Follow the TV series" and "Tell an original story." I'm checking the former box.
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