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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Huh? Who am I hating on...?
  2. I don't think of Mylene as being a terribly moe character... she's not very clumsy, she doesn't call anyone "onii-chan," she doesn't look like she's five... if anything, she's more tsundere. I suppose you could make the case for it (which is why I said "arguably"), but I don't really see it.
  3. Your positive ratings are likely because of your support of sexy girls. Knowing this forum, your negative ratings are likely due to same.
  4. We can be friends with CoryHolmes. Totally.
  5. Look, I'm just trying to figure out if Ep.08 of Frontier will be a deal-breaker for you or not. Nothing more. So what is "true Macross storytelling" to you...?
  6. Macross 7 doesn't really have any moe (arguably). Macross Plus has none (inarguably). Macross Frontier has a fair amount (inarguably). I'm not sure what you're saying here... I know I'm asking a huge favor here, but if you could just come out and EXPLAIN your reasoning, I'd be grateful. Honestly.
  7. Er...I'm not sure you're helping...
  8. That doesn't really answer my question... You told me what "true Macross storytelling" ISN'T...but what IS it...? I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I really want to know your answer. EDIT: And I don't think I said they were similar. In fact, I think I said the exact opposite. I positing that YOU are saying they're similar.
  9. But, the original story, to me, is semi-serious, mostly-comedic goofiness, with some pretty awesome robot action thrown in sometimes. On that basis, Macross 7 might be similar. So... can you be more specific...? What's the "original story" to YOU...?
  10. Okay, you're just bizarre then. DuelGundam2099... you should meet CoryHolmes. Everything that everyone else likes, he hates. Everything that everyone else hates, he likes. You two should get along fine.
  11. Heh. EDIT: I had five stars, until I questioned the involvement of Hiroshi Ohnogi in Macross Frontier. Then, suddenly, I dropped. Fate is fickle that way.
  13. You may not like 'em all so much by the end... just sayin'.
  14. If it were almost anybody else doing the manga, I'd agree with you... but this is Mikimoto. All of his comics to date have ended up plotless and going on way too long. Macross the First seems to be leaning in the same direction, so I'd like a little course-correction at this point.
  15. I'm not sure there has ever been a Macross "craze" (except maybe post-Frontier)... and I dunno. Overall, for me, each of the various Macross shows has a different "feel" to any of the others. So I guess my question is, what is "true Macross storytelling" to you?
  16. I second Einherjar. Keep going through the original.
  17. It doesn't look like she's recorded anything else, and I can't find anything about concert performances. It looks like she had her one shot, and for whatever reason, it didn't pay off.
  18. Any attempt to make Independence Day suck less than it did, fails. I know it was a huge, money-making smash, but it sucked. Associating it with something as great as Macross...? As Fozzy Bear always sez...
  19. I don't think the Fan Liner was ever actually produced. At least, I've never found any evidence of it existing, beyond the commercial.
  20. So, after many MANY years of hemming and hawing, I finally watched ALL of the 08th MS Team, and I gotta say... I liked it. It was really good. I'm still somewhat annoyed by the retcons (i.e. Federation having so many mobile suits at a time when they were supposed to have exactly three), but the story ended up being really great. And "Last Resort" was totally NOT the epilogue I was expecting, and is all the more perfect for it.
  21. Yeah, it is. It's just that such an idea had never occurred to me before, and I was surprised by it.
  22. Not really... since I know what (for example) the Sgt. Pepper album cover looks like, it looks fine on my tiny iPod screen. If I wanted to scrutinize every detail, I'd just buy the LP again. I still don't get the "Hey, let's make a NEW album cover instead of using the ACTUAL album cover" mentality. Maybe I'm just dumb...
  23. BEST FACE-OFF DUEL EVER!! (Also best tits, but that's another story, and may be told another time...)
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