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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. None. It's a Korean anime. ONE Korean anime.
  2. No, it's not. It's a pure Korean anime, dubbed in English.
  3. So what made 02 MORE awesome? (Let me guess... "MANNING!!") And did you watch "Space Thunder Kids" or are you gonna let MAL dictate your entertainment?
  4. Dude, I *gave* it to you! Just click "PLAY" on Youtube! And really, nothing was bad with Orguss02. What was so bad with the original?
  5. Okay, so you don't know either. Right?
  6. I watched this today. I hated it. As such, I recommend it to DuelGundam2099. He'll probably think it's the best thing ever.
  7. So it depends on if Mao (not Sara's younger sister) is mentioned in official Macross materials, then. That's fine.
  8. But if that info's in a Macross book, shouldn't it be exempt...? I hear ya. But again, what about "Jenius," Shammy," "Focker," and "Global"?
  9. *sigh* You have much to learn...
  10. So please tell me the actual English version of the names "Jenius," "Shammy," the official German for "Focker," and the Italian for "Global," please... And I'm not being snarky. If these are real names, I'd like to know the spelling! EDIT: Oh, and where did you get the info that her parents were fleeing Mao Zedong...? I've looked at Perfect Memory, My Fair Minmay, and Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences, and I don't remember seeing that...
  11. That's honestly probably the best way to think of it...
  12. I've heard that before... I'm not sure the animators thought it through that hard, though. "ミンメイ...? Sure, spell it however you want, guys!"
  13. So... the previous remastered DVDs had no English at all, and now because of (perhaps) one mention of "Reflex" weapons, and a couple instances of spelling "Zentradi" with an extra "e," you're gonna skip it. That makes perfect sense...
  14. Episode 5. But still, "Minmay" appears at least a dozen times. "Minmei" appears once. "Mingmei" appears not at all.
  15. Who's "Mingmei"...?
  16. I was just gonna say the same thing...
  17. Sounds awesome! Thanks for the recommendation!
  18. No, your opinion is your opinion. Rock on wit' your bad self.
  19. True, and she can dance in the backseat of a moving VF with the canopy open. That's pretty amazing dexterity right there.
  20. Yeah, I actually asked the staff at the bookstore to unwrap it, since I didn't see "Macross the First" listed on the cover. After checking the table of contents, I decided not to buy it.
  21. Hrm. Good point.
  22. Yeah, I finally realized that you thought I was referring to Ranka. I wasn't, I was just listing my definition of moe. Anyway, I like Ranka. And I don't think she looks like she's five, nor is she clumsy.
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