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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. As I said after I saw it last fall, "I can't think of any other movie where a character trying on a wrong-sized shirt could be so emotionally devastating."
  2. I'm not taking it personally, I just think you're wrong.
  3. I remember reading an interview with the English voice actor for Full Frontal, who said something to effect of, "Get your mind out of the gutter! His name refers to his METHOD OF ATTACK!! That's all."
  5. What about what AnimEigo did with Urusei Yatsura...? Where they would change the script if a joke was untranslatable (as often happened in UY), but then had "liner notes" where they would explain the original joke as well as their thought process behind the change? (For example, in the subs for one episode, Ataru, dying of thirst, says "Wa...water..." The other characters say, "We don't have 'Wa-Water™!'" In the liner notes, they explained that "water" in Japanese is "mizu," but that "mimizu" means "earthworms." So the other characters are REALLY saying, "Why do you want earthworms?" and the best that the AnimEigo staff could come up with was pretending that "Wa-Water™" was some kind of name-brand bottled water...)
  6. 'tweren't me, but considering all the crap I've given you, I'm surprised and heartened that you would even theoretically take a recommendation from me.
  7. "Vajra" also means "Basara." http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/十二神将
  8. Jeez, I'd forgotten about that...
  9. Wow, that's not only an exceedingly negative view, it's also inaccurate. Macross IS a truly massive property. Yes, Gundam is bigger, and yes, so are most animes based on Shonen Jump manga... but in thirty years, we've gotten three TV series, three OVA series, four feature-length movies, and a bunch of one-off OVAs. As well as other stuff like novels, games, manga, and drama albums. Oh, and two different magazines. Honestly, that's not bad. And I think there is a lot of joy in being a Macross fan (although, admittedly, recently nearly everything has been Tokyo-centric). I mean, if you think Macross has a bad track record, try being a Mospeada fan. Or a Dorvack fan. Or a Galvion fan. Or a Laserion fan. Or a Xabungle fan. Or a Dougram fan. Or a J9 fan. Or (even) a Votoms fan... (I could go on for a while. I won't.)
  10. Weird. I've found a lot of Macross stuff (original to Frontier) at Mandarake in Shibuya (some of it, admittedly, rather expensive) over the last year or so. I've also met a lot of people (again, over the last year or so) who really like Macross Frontier. And new exhibits, events, and concerts keep getting announced, so... I'm at a loss. Why would companies be pouring money into something so old...?
  11. So again, if someone wants an accurate translation, they shouldn't get one, just because the translator is feeling "creative"...?
  12. I also played with myself often back in high school. I hear ya.
  13. Gaaah... you've heard "English Fire," right? We don't want that... EDIT: And yeah, Frontier with completely different music wouldn't work, I don't think... Check the US release of Zeta Gundam if you don't believe me...
  14. Neither of those ended up in the actual Top Ten charts, though... unlike Mac7 and Frontier...
  15. Honestly, I have no problem with either the book fans who refuse to watch the show, or the show fans who refuse to read the books. The only people who bug me are the former fans who say that GRRM "totally sold out" after Book Three and is now doing it "for the money." Those people simply don't understand that Books I~III were Act I, and that Act II requires quite a bit of setting up...
  16. BETTER TESTOSTERONE KILLER: EDIT: That said, I appreciate the "Priscilla" reference...
  17. Good question. I dunno. Me, I'd imagine that after more than fifteen years, the value of music would decrease (Hell, MASSIVE hits from the '90s can be gotten for mere pennies these days)... but that's what they say... So... Macross 7 might be affordable these days (who knows...?), but then that brings in the HG problem... which is that they've been using the "Macross" name since 1985, and since they're "watching the store," anyone who wants to bring more Macross to the US has to go through them. (NOTE: This doesn't apply to DYRL, since NO ONE knows who owns the rights to it for the west...)
  18. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. As exposure to the original versions has increased, demands for fidelity have also increased. The same thing happened when Asian literature first started getting translated into English in the early 20th Century. The initial translation of the 11th century Japanese novel (and crown jewel of Japanese lit), The Tale of Genji was an extremely free translation, cutting a lot out (including one entire chapter), adding a lot in, changing character traits and motivations, generally making it more "Western," and other stuff like that. The first complete translation didn't come out until 1975, and another full translation came out in 2002 that hews even closer to the original. One could argue that the first, very free translation built a Western audience for the book, but that's debatable. But at this point, people who want as close a translation as possible should be able to get it. (And of course, I realize that books are different from anime, in that multiple publishers can officially release several different translations, and allow the public to choose. Fansubs, I suppose, work in much the same way, but they're definitely not sanctioned by the rights-owners.) Plus, I think there's just an innate desire for people to know what's actually going on. In Voltron, for example, it seemed clear to me when I first watched it that "Sven" died (ditto "Knox" in Star Blazers), and for a long time, I suspected it, but couldn't confirm it. Still, I wanted to know, and it was rather gratifying to be proven right. Without a more faithful translation (or, er, magazine articles that discussed the original), I might still be wondering.
  19. Well, again, the biggest problem for Frontier (and of course 7) is music licensing. There's an oft-quoted statement to the effect that in the mid-'90s (when anime was selling REALLY REALLY well in the west) it would've taken the combined forces of ALL the Western licensors to afford getting Macross 7... and who knows how well it would've sold? Likewise, I remember Keith sending an email to Bandai, asking about Frontier, and getting a similar answer... that the music rights were INCREDIBLY cost-prohibitive.
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