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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I wanted MD Geist to have a plot, good characterization, or good action. It had none of these. Why did you like it, again (apart from the sex scene, of course... in which no sex was actually had, since Geist himself just tossed the girl aside)...?
  2. It's nice, but it's not anime.
  3. Err... no reason. Just wondering. EDIT: interesting reason, re: DualGundam2099... "There is no way to get rid of him short of banning. Even after he pulled a ZOMG LEAVING AND NEVER COMING BACK, he was back in a few days and returned to all his bitching and whining. The only way to get rid of him is to ban him, and then he'll move on to the next forum and constantly whine about being banned from MW."
  4. "Irredeemable as colon cancer," eh? Yeah, that's pretty much it. So...where you goin' next? Robotech.com? RobotechX.com? AnimeSuki?
  5. I think Chris Guanche has pretty much hit the nail on the head. You'd do well to heed his advice.
  6. Hmm... I think there's a really big difference between people who live a foreign country and refuse to learn the language, and people who simply want to watch a movie that's from that country. People shouldn't have to learn an entirely new tongue just to sit down and watch a two-hour movie.
  7. Yeah, we talked about that quite a bit back in 2008 when the single came out.
  8. I vaguely remember flipping through it. IIRC, it was more about shower scenes than about the plane.
  9. That was kinda my point, yeah...
  10. The problem for me (same problem I had with a whole bunch of movies, from Dune, to Troy, to Watchmen, to Inventing the Abbots) is that I like the book too much to see it "stick to the central theme" and (usually) lose what I liked in the first place. If it turns out to be a good movie, that's cool. But I probably won't see it, regardless. I don't need that kind of stress.
  11. Oh, that's easy... I can do THAT for you. EDIT: Er, as soon as I dig out the Master File books from the big pile o' Macross in my room (found the VF-0 book... not sure where the others are...).
  12. I read the book a few times. Loved it (and Speaker for the Dead (not so much the books after that)) so much that I know I don't want to see this movie.
  13. You'd have to retype all the text into Google translate to do it... and if you could type all the text, then you probably wouldn't need the translate program in the first place. It's the Catch-22 of kanji... EDIT: Still, the Master File books are HIGHLY worthwhile, even if you can't read Japanese. Lots and LOTS of pictures.
  14. Indeed. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29211 EDIT: But I think the squadron question is misguided, since in the show, most of the Valks shown, regardless of squadron or team allegiance, are good ol' VF-1A Brownie Cannon Fodder... There is other stuff like the Cavaliers or the Alaska Base colors, but most often, it seems like it's only the main characters that get custom colors, and all that is documented on the Macross Mecha Manual.
  15. I'm sure TONS of elementary school students will be CLAMORING to get in to see a museum exhibit dedicated to Dad's favorite old, boring anime series that isn't HALF as fukkinamazin' as One Piece...
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39009
  17. I always thought it was kinda funny, both for the MASSIVE size of the subtitles he uses, and for his gift of stating the obvious. If Minmay is saying, "Just leave me alone," his caption for the pic will always say something like, "Minmay just wants to be left alone."
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