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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Normally, yeah... but Hasegawa has excellent fighters and excellent battroids... gerwalks are still nowhere to be seen.
  2. No, it's just that Bandai had a five-year exclusive deal to produce Frontier Valk kits and toys. Now that five years has passed, other companies can get in on it.
  3. But the BIG question is... WHAT DOES HE THINK OF MOMOIRO CLOVER Z...?
  4. The few Chronicles pages that I've translated were maddening, but easier, in a way. The vocab was MUCH more difficult, but at least they were relatively short. When I find myself ten pages into a chapter, with twenty more pages to go before I hit a clear break in the narrative, it gets tough. It also doesn't help that I work wildly different hours day to day. When I was doing "My Fair Minmay," it was simple. I worked eight-to-five, then went to a coffee shop and translated for two hours, pretty much every day. And it ALSO doesn't help that my massive kanji dictionary had to be left in the US, leaving me to the tender mercies of online guides, which (for me at least) take longer to use and are much less helpful. I'll do you a few better. I took all my Macross translations and cleared up all (I think...) of the persistent typos. Here's "My Fair Minmay": My Fair Minmay(v3).pdf Here's Chapter One of the SDF Macross novelization: Before the Launch(v2).pdf (After careful consideration, I decided not to continue with the rest of the books, as they're really just the episode scripts with some minimal description thrown in, rather than real "novels.") Here's the script for "Miss DJ": Miss DJ(v2).pdf And here's the script and liner notes for "Snow Falling in the Galaxy": Macross White Christmas.pdf Snow Falling in the Galaxy(v2).pdf
  5. AKA, I need motivation... Okay, for the past few years, I've been working on the Misa novella. I finished My Fair Minmay in about six months, and I (foolishly) thought that the Misa book would take about the same amount of time. Then I discovered that a full prose book takes a HELL of a lot longer than a book of scripts. Anyway, I was doing pretty well on it, all things considered, until about six months ago, when I suddenly pooped out. I'm about thirty pages from the end, and have been for quite a while now. I look at the book, I sigh, and then I put it away. Part of it is that I'm overworked (in Japan, that's a given), but part of it is that I need more motivation to finish it. And I need deadlines. So here's the prologue. In two weeks, I'll post Chapter One. Two weeks after that, I'll post Chapter Two. My hope is that this will give me a deadline firm enough to actually FINISH those last 30 pages, so I can move on to stuff like the Perfect Memory stories. Anyway, here ya go. No illustrations (yet), but I hope you enjoy it! Misa Prologue.pdf EDIT: It's done. Full book HERE: http://depfile.com/tE8YKdH
  6. Again, RIP Ray Manzerek... producer of of two of the greatest albums of all time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWunSUmEm4 He also apparently played keyboards for some band back in the '60's.
  7. I second this.
  8. My two cents: the far right on Treatment's post is the only one that *I* need... I prefer the "theatrical" version of the movie (i.e. no Flashback ending, and the nice mono mix of the soundtrack), and that's the best version of that. I'm probably alone in this opinion, though.
  9. Heh. Wait'll you see the NEXT ONE...
  10. So... wait... Sivil (possibly) LEAKED SPIRITIA OUT OF HER EYES...? Eww... Man, why are all of Chronicle's revelations about Macross 7 somehow related to bodily secretions...?
  11. Again, that's an excellent price.
  12. I feel your pain, man.
  13. Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings there. I apologize.
  14. I understand. But still, I meet a lot of Japanese people who love Hollywood movies, but they can't speak any English. I think, "Okay, they like movies...that's okay." Am I doing it wrong? Should I get angry at them for not learning English?
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