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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Given that Central Anime's fansubs were originally distributed on video tape... and then converted to RealMedia files... and uploaded to old Youtube... we should all be impressed that the Fire Valkyrie is still red...
  2. 10 issues can fit in each binder, so no, three won't be enough.
  3. That's what I'm expecting, definitely. And yeah, if he doesn't deliver... head on a stake, skull on a platter, body left for the birds and dogs, an' all that.
  4. Maybe you did... I also said it while watching Ep. 27 at Save's place.
  5. Would've preferred MomoClo, but that works, too.
  6. It's a day early, but here's Chapter 1 of the book. Misa Chapter 1.pdf I hope it reads okay... And I finished five more pages this week. Fewer than twenty left... Again, if I can keep this pace, I should be done by early next month. EDIT: A yes-I-know correction... the last line of Page 3 should read, "...the Commodore wasn't through scolding her."
  7. Possible spoilers for book stuff (I'm keeping my response VERY vague and general, so it SHOULD be safe, but just in case...):
  8. Yes, space was ALWAYS on the cards in VF development. After all, they were meant all along to escort the Macross. I'm guessing the head lasers, but it's just a guess. The storyboards would probably have the answer, but I don't think the storyboards for "Virgin Road" have ever been published.
  9. Seen elsewhere: Huh. Funny. Six months after this occurs in Macross the First (and thirty years after the original Macross), it suddenly comes to someone to do this...?
  10. Too bad, so sad, now you're three stars.
  11. Misa's mom just died. You heard it here first, folks.
  12. As one of my friends said, " I was grinning so hard during that scene, they would've thought *I* did it.
  13. I'm just disappointed that Tochiro cut me singing the HG Macross Theme Song (I *know* the mike was on). "Just a pile of rust was all they found on that isle..." Hell, even "It's King Kong to the rescue!" would've been appreciated.
  14. It's 1200 meters, in both versions. The city is housed in the center part of the ship and both legs. As for the layout, what you see in the show is the only information provided.
  15. And it's less than a second long and no one notices it until it's pointed out to them.
  16. We talked about that. Listen to the podcast.
  17. Again, sorry... it's my fault for not being clear enough... and then blowing up when it gets to be too much. I'm just acting like a Japanese girlfriend... don't mind me. I wish I could. Honestly, I wish I could just rewrite the book... same events, different prose style. What you're proposing would be similar: two separate books. And my plate is full enough as it is.
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