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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Do you REALLY want that...? Space Devils, Space Amazons, Space Care Bears...? REALLY...?
  2. Week 4 Progress Report: Not good. This week was especially busy and left me exhausted, so even when I had time to translate, I found it like pulling teeth. So yeah... less than a page this week. Thankfully, since I've done extra over the past few weeks, I'm still on schedule. My work load's a little lighter next week, so maybe I can make some extra headway there. Anyway, here's Chapter 2: Misa Chapter 2.pdf This chapter is, I think, the REAL heart of the book. It's also the section I'm proudest of, as I think it turned out pretty well. And, sorry... I gotta ask... is anyone reading this? Any questions or comments? ("I have a question: 'Is this book as awesome as I think it is?' And I have a comment: 'YES!'") EDIT: Oh, and sharp-eyed readers of Macross the First Vol. 5 might notice a little ship-in-a-bottle...
  3. Bizarre... has anyone ever seen it? Googling it turns up nothing...
  4. As Sketchley and others have said, it's not a file. I actually bought the book from Amazon.co.jp and had it shipped to one of my friends in Japan. She then shipped it to me, and I bought her lunch the next time she came back to the States. Also, I don't have a scanner, and even if I did, spending a few hours scanning 136 pages is not really how I want to spend my time. Sorry.
  5. You've JUST noticed that...? This IS Gundam we're talking about...
  6. Heh. You should see the near-life-size cardboard standee of it that Save and Tochiro have at their place... especially when there are a few young women standing next to it, trying mimic Sheryl's pose...
  7. Progress report week 3: Only four pages. If I really bust my butt, I might be able to get one more page done today, but either way, I'm still ahead of schedule. EDIT: Made it. Five pages this week. Currently on page 125 of Japanese book... Gettin' close now!
  8. I'm sorry... are you sucking our brains to fuel your fanfic...?
  9. Nah, that was cool. Honestly.
  10. Which makes it AWESOME, right...?
  11. I don't think so. This is the model for Minmay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA0J4MzzvR0 ...which has nothing to do with the VF-1S cockpit, so why are yo saying this is "on-topic"...?
  12. You should watch the movies.
  13. No, they picked her because she wrote her own songs.
  14. It suddenly occurs to me that all the "tribute" albums (i.e. Mari Iijima Sings Lynn Minmay, Fukuyama Fire!, and Gift 25) are WAY better than the originals. Given that, I can't wait until 2027 when we'll probably get May'n sings Sheryl Nome and Megumi Nakajima Out-Cutes Ranka Lee. Those'll probably be great albums, too.
  15. And don't forget the clown with the handcuffs on the turntable... how will Chronicle explain that...?
  16. Hey, I'm just a guy who thinks Shinji Ikari is pretty damn manly. And he didn't (as far I know) buy the Macross 7 remaster. You're saying you're wimpier than he is...?
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