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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Progress report week 5: Only six pages left now! I'm going to try to see if I can finally finish the damn thing this week.
  2. The big problem is that DVDs (and Blu-Rays...and CDs) are MUCH cheaper in the US than in Japan. If you ask US fans to pay Japanese prices, they won't. Because it's three times more than the usual US price. So Bandai closed because they tried to impose Japanese pricing on American product, and nobody bought it. And Bandai got angry about that.
  3. Then don't say you're leaving. Simple.
  4. Sorry, my initial response to anyone flouncing (http://gothic-charm-school.com/charm/?p=82) is to give them hell when they come back (as they always do). It's not the mismatched tastes, it's the "I'm never posting here again... until I do, because you don't miss me enough" mentality. Anyway, not current, but I've been rewatching Orguss, and finding it pretty great.
  5. No, that was Ep. 11. Have you ever watched the broadcast version of it...? Eugghh...
  6. And, thus, we all lose. Thanks.
  7. You know there's a private message function, right? Failing that, you could always report your own post. Failing even that, you could always, y'know, NOT POST after saying that you won't post any more.
  8. No offense, but didn't you say you were leaving...?
  9. There are still two more chapters to come, but they're both much shorter than Chapters 1 and 2. And yeah... I want to find the Shubie Borts book myself. I'm guessing it's some kind of in-joke that I'm not getting...
  10. Hasn't been enough '60s rock in a while... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR RAY DAVIES!!! "And he wrote 'Waterloo Sunset,' the most beautiful song in the English language." - Robert Christgau
  11. I know, right? But hey... Orguss is coming out on Blu-Ray... O R G U S S is B A C K ! !
  12. Errr... thanks, but if you could arrange to have an "escort" sent to my room, that might be better...
  13. Good point. The "whole enchillada" will also have the illustrations included (including my sweet avatar), so that should be something worthwhile.
  14. I loved the Sopranos... RIP.
  15. Who...? Agreed. Richard Epcar is a really good actor (and singer). Just because I don't like Robotech doesn't mean I don't like Epcar.
  16. Meanwhile, my parents were EXCEEDINGLY protective... ...to this day, when I watch, say, a Friday the 13th movie, and some jerk gets killed, I think, "But he could'a BEEN SOMEONE.." and then I weep...
  17. Totally. And Robotech is the "Greatest anime saga of all time." Miyazaki would be turning in his grave, if he were dead...
  18. And thus, you ended up wedded to your VCR. We don't want the same to happen to Saruta's kid...
  19. You don't need to. And anyone who wants the Sentinels should watch Macross Plus... REPEATEDLY... until the craving dies down.
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