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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I'm guessing most people here have the story memorized anyway, so if you're watching it by yourself or with a group of like-minded friends, I don't see the problem... But yeah... some of those lines are... not good...
  2. Whoops! Thanks. Fixed.
  3. The old website is archived, and reachable from the title page of ourstarblazers. The Tenjin interview is here, but I can't seem to access it... http://web.archive.org/web/20130207083106/http://starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=683
  4. They only redubbed the fourth episode. The problem (IIRC) was that the audio masters that Manga got back in '94 didn't have the dialogue track separated out from the music and sound effects track, so they had to create a completely new audio track for the dub. Since a lot of the music from episode 4 was exclusive to that episode, they had to reuse music (and sound effects) from the previous episodes. So while the voices are "right" in the Manga dub, everything else is wrong, and BV created the newer dub in order to correct the music and sound effects.
  5. Tenjin-san posted himself in the cockpit. I just hope he doesn't eat the Pineapple Salad....
  6. It depends on the gentleman in question...
  7. But gentlemen marry brunettes. You're proving my case for me...
  8. It also gave us Right Said Fred and "How Bizarre"...
  9. Except for the "Idol Boom." That ended in 1991, basically.
  10. No, it's true. X (not "X Japan," but the Los Angeles X) wrote a song about it.
  11. Yeah, I wasn't surprised they mentioned Seiko's debut... but I was surprised they mentioned "The Girl who Leapt Through Time" Girl's debut and Pink Lady's retirement. No mention of Akina...? And the "Oil Shock" was surprising, too. So was Sunshine City.
  12. Heh. Wait'll you see the fan-club's choices for the 50 best scenes.
  13. Well, yeah. It hit the "So bad, it's good" range, which is what we all want to see. Who wants to see "So bad, it's bad" especially when it's DELIBERATELY bad? "So bad, it's bad" films are common as muck. "So bad, it's good" are the rare diamonds amongst mountains of coal.
  14. You forgot the most important page... the CONTEXT for SDFM, including an ENTIRE PAGE (with photos!) about the IDOL BOOM! (Seriously, seeing that single page sold me on the book.)
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW8j3x3GzxY
  16. The original Manga dub had the wrong sound effects and music, yes.
  17. Honestly? I'd prefer Gatchaman II and F on DVD...
  18. And that's the problem. The Japanese companies make American fans wait a year or more before releasing the DVDs in the US...and then expect them to pay THREE TIMES more than they're expecting... THREE TIMES more than whatever Hollywood movie just came out. "That's how it is" doesn't work. Bandai's solution of "Let's just forget about the US market and close our US office" also doesn't work. Me, I bought each volume of Macross Plus on VHS for $19.99. I bought 13 volumes of Evangelion TV for $29.99 each. That seemed expensive at the time. Suddenly upping that price makes people rebel. What if Japanese CDs suddenly jumped to ¥9000? No one would buy them.
  19. RIP Alan Myers, DEVO's best drummer. "Oh, that Alan!"
  20. You're, I think, missing my point. Yes, Japanese fans will pay Japanese prices for DVDs and Blu-Rays, but for Americans, It's MUCH more than they're used to. Japanese albums (on CD) are also ¥3000, but US albums are about $18.00. Asking anything more than $20.00 for an album will result in American fans not buying them. That said, the toys and merchandise for anime is MUCH more expensive in the US. When the first edition of Macross Chronicle came out, the Los Angeles branch of Kinokuniya was charging $15.00 per issue. And I bought them. So did many others. Would Japanese fans pay such a price...?
  21. It's a week early, but I'm trying to light a fire under my own ass (just as Global lights a fire under Misa's ass here)... so here's Chapter 3, "White Parting," which I just finished translating yesterday. One more chapter to go... Misa Chapter 3.pdf "Both"...? You, er... read the Prologue, right...?
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