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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well, if it makes you feel any better, you also share your birthday with Haikaru and Misa's wedding anniversary (Can you imagine THAT conversation? Minmay: "Hikaru, you jerk! You jilt me and then you're getting married ON MY BIRTHDAY???" Hikaru: "Uhhh...sorry...I guess we weren't thinking..." Misa simply smirks). And Keith of course is right...I have no idea why I was thinking she was eleven...
  2. The old girl turns eleven today...or at least she would if she were real...
  3. Yeah, that's right. In the TV series, there were also presumably survivors on the Moon Base (Bases...?) and, apparently, in some space colonies. In DYRL, I suppose there could have been some survivors that Hikaru and Misa missed, but nothing in the movie implies that.
  4. Yeah, that's right. In the TV series, there were also presumably survivors on the Moon Base (Bases...?) and, apparently, in some space colonies. In DYRL, I suppose there could have been some survivors that Hikaru and Misa missed, but nothing in the movie implies that.
  5. or,Oct 7 2003, 12:36 AM] iand didn't it really tear up the inside of the ship to do the "transformation" i only seem to remember them transforming once or twice in the show, and then it just stayed in "man-boy" mode. Well, it didn't tear up the inside of the ship once they rebuilt everything to fit the transformation process...that first time was a doozy, though. As I recall, Captain Global was initially against transforming at all, because of the havoc it would cause in the city...
  6. I'm guessing that it could transform...I doubt that's something that the humans would have been able to engineer. They refitted and fixed up the ship, they didn't rip it to pieces and build a new one with the parts... And we still don't know whether or not the SDF-2 could or couldn't transform...Kawamori hasn't said that it can't...
  7. It's just the shot of Roy flying past the VF-1D to check out any damage, except it's in space.
  8. It's not, so post away, if you wish. Call me a ungreedy, ungrateful fan if you will, but I wish that the first episode opening, the fanracer edning, the SD opening, and maybe even Macross Mecha Grafitti were on the Animeigo set. That would have made it TRULY definitive...although the Ishiguro interview is a great, great bonus.
  9. Gubaba

    Little Guy

    Wow...that takes me back. I did a couple of those when I was about fourteen or fifteen. Needless to say, none of mine look anywhere NEAR as good as yours...awesome work!
  10. Is it really? I'll have to try it...
  11. Bottom line is, video wise, AnimEigo could only use what HG handed them, and unfortunately those weren't included. Which is odd, since both the first epsiode opening at the fanracer ending are on the Robotech Perfect Collection Vol. 1...
  12. One thing that's been bugging me about Mac0 which I haven't seen covered here (at the new server -- I have no idea about the old) is, well...isn't pretty much everyone in M0 doomed? Sure, Shin, Edgar and Aries might end up on the Macross (I kind of doubt it, though), but what about the people of Mayan? The "Rain of Fire" is going to hit in two years and wipe out most of the planet. I'm beginning to wonder if Mayan Island itself isn't some kind of ship (all that "turtle shell" stuff), but that seems like a cheesy theory. Any thoughts?
  13. Very, very nice. Thank you!
  14. She also did Hoquet in Mospeada, Naoko Akagi in Evangelion, Jet's ex-girlfriend in Cowboy Bebop, and many many others. Don't forget Megumi Takani in Rurouni Kenshin. And Naoko Akagi in Eva...I guess getting called an old lady for the second time really proved to be the breaking point...
  15. Now if I could only figure out why the label on Blendy coffee says, "Coffee tastes better when you're naked with your family," I'd say that today was a good day for learning more about Engrish...
  16. Hands off! Chiaki Kuriyama is MINE! MINE, you hear?!?
  17. It's not bad...the Battroid and Gerwalk modes look pretty accurate. The fighter mode is rather unconvincing, though. They're pretty easy to put together. Paint helps, but isn't necessary. The foil stickers are pretty hideous, though.
  18. Yep, "tatsu" is dragon, and "Tatsu no Ko" (lit. Dragon's child) is the Japanese word for "seahorse." But yeah, it looks like Tatsunoko has the rights to the animation, and Big West has the rights to the characters and story ideas. How this will play out in the eventual assualt on HG is unclear to me, but then, i know almost nothing about law...
  19. Point well taken... But other than that, yeah, I pretty much agree with everyone else. I'm guessing the Megaroad-01 had a specific destination in mind, rather than just a random colonizing attempt.
  20. I don't really expect any answers to these, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway... First off, the Megaroad-01 launches in September 2012. Then, in 2016, they cease communications near the galactic center. Yet the Macross 7 (which presumably is a much faster ship) is still not at the galactic center after seven years of travel. The only answer I can think of is that the Megaroad did an extremely long fold directly to the core, but the M7 is checking out other planets on the way... That, or maybe it's just that Macross 7 is a bit more lame... Second, I'm pretty positive that the Minmay Guard Valk is in no way canonical, but I'm wondering...the first version (the one shown in...um...Hobby Japan, I think) is for a 2012 Minmay concert; that's fine. But the second version (the one recently released by Hasegawa) is for a 2013 concert on the moon...how's that possible? Did the Megaroad just float in orbit for a year before taking off to parts unknown? Maybe they were waiting for Misa to give birth first?
  21. No offenes, but... Since when is the Spartan an aircraft? Whoops! Sorry...forgot about that little detail in the title.
  22. I just realized that we all forgot about that Spartan Hikaru piloted in episode...what? 33? 34?
  23. I'm not so sure my point needs a defense as with most literature it is just my interpretation of it (but being an English minor it is always nice to have a better back you up). You do bring up a good point though that almost all cultures have the same "Story elements", they just call them different names. One man's Oedipus is another man's Genji. Also, all of the elements do not need to be present for something to be seen a certain way... if there are enough of them you can construe any point you want. I bet if you dig deep enough you can classify and quantify Macross as almost any kind of story. I always viewed it as a story about how crappy consumer culture will always defeat militaristic jingoism. Just as Macross 7 is about how if one keeps doing the same thing over and over, no matter how stupid, someone will find some use for it somehow. EDIT: Sorry again. I'll shut up now.
  24. Yes, it was definitely his VF-1J, or else another that was painted just like it. And the Flashback Valk was a VF-4 (the VF-X-4 was some early prototype or other, I believe). And in the flashback in episode 1, I do believe that Hikaru is flying some kind of bi-plane, although there is another flashback where he's running through a field. And I can't believe you left out the fact that he once flew a bicycle! Sure, it was in a dream, but it still counts! Oh, and they showed him training in a VF-1J (CF colors) in episode 6. At any rate, should we continue? For Max, we have... TV: VF-1A Regult VF-1J (with FAST packs in episode 30) VF-1D (that "Virgin Road" special that's causing such a commotion in the Model Forum) DYRL: VF-1A VF-1S Queadluun Rau Macross 7: VF-22S And, just for comparison, Kakizaki: TV: VF-1A Regult DYRL: VF-1A
  25. Yup, and you're lucky if you even see it coming. (Or maybe you're not lucky.) It's quite poignant when you think about it. Roy was great. He wasn't invincible. No one is. JsArclight: The Oedipal take on the topic is interesting, but you have to remember that the specifics of the Oedipal myth are part of western culture, with a bit of extra emphasis coming from Freud. They're not universal. In a more general sense, we can certainly say Roy was somewhat of a father figure, that Roy's death is a key step in Hikaru's growth, and his eventual choice of Misa--a mature woman who comes from the world of responsibility, the kind of woman he used to think of as a "sourpuss" and a nag--is a manifestation of that growth. No...I think JsArclight has a good point here. The Tale of Genji (generally considered the supreme masterwork of Japanese literature, as well as the world's first novel) is shot through with Oedipal themes. Prince Genji's mother dies soon after bearing him; when his father marries a girl who everyone says looks EXACTLY like her, Genji starts getting interested. And yes, he does eventually sleep with her. Even worse, she has a kid by him. Perhaps I'm pushing the analogy too far by pointing out that that Genji is often referred to in the book as Hikaru, or "the Shining One." Sorry, this is somewhat off-topic. As a former English major, I just had to jump to JsArclight's defense...
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