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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Thanks! Okay...it's settled. I'll pick it up next time I go to Kinokuniya.
  2. It's not the music, it's the hot pants and the whip...
  3. They also had a 1/1 scale Rei...but I don't think you could take off her plugsuit. And many other characters I didn't recognize... Seriously, the Akihabara Anime Center is one of the Gateways to the Abode of the Damned.
  4. Oh, by the end of April you should have your pick of approximately 38,944 different fansubs of it... I saw it three times at Sunshine Cinema in Ikebukuro last fall...on the big screen, with the kick-ass sound system, it was jaw-droppingly great. I'm dying for the next one.
  5. It could be any of a dozen or so '80s music shows...without seeing who the host is, it's impossible to tell. Even the guy who uploaded it said he doesn't know where it's from... ...but DAMN, Mari's cute in that clip!
  6. They do. But they only have completed series, so if you're looking for Gundam 00 or a fansub of the first series, you'll have to wait awhile. They also don't have anything liscenced by ADV or Funimation. Just be careful...they recently implemented some new security that had has banned the IP addresses of a bunch of users (including me). They won't tell me why I was banned, but say I can go to the IRC to make a case for getting unbanned. I don't know anything about IRC, but that's apparently the only recourse, and no one I've talked to there has has been very helpful about getting the situation resolved. Which is fine. They have a great service which they make freely available. They owe me nothing. But I like the site a lot, so the current situation is frustrating for me. So yeah, I highly recommend the site. Just don't do whatever mysterious thing it is that I evidently did...<*/*sour grapes*>
  7. Oooh...get the Remaster boxes! Actually, I don't think there's a good HK set out there...the subs are all variable and they either cut off the opening and endings, or the next episode previews, or the last few seconds each episode of D7. You're probably better off just downloading Central Anime's fansub.
  8. Kakizaki was ALWAYS cannon fodder, right from the moment he was introduced...he just needed to to...um...ripen or marinate or whatever cannon fodder does to get ready for that eventual big boom.
  9. I started rewatching all of Macross recently, and for soem reason, a short scene in SDF episode 10 really stuck with me. It's when the asteroid fragments are hitting the Macross and one of them kind of casually drops down and rolls over a poor little Destroid Defender...it's a quick scene, and it always made me kind of chuckle, but this time I was struck by how many silly, pathetic deaths await bystanders, Destroid pilots, and CF pilots throughout all the various chapters of Macross. So, which one made you wince, or laugh, or just say, "Man, sucks to the THAT guy!"? Give me your favorite cannon fodder deaths! (My other faves: "Hikaru's infamous first kill," the guy in DYRL who gets decapitated, and the ship getting destroyed in Frontier...although I'm not sure that counts.)
  10. Thank you, Graham! But, y'know...of all the things I was expecting from Macross F, someone shouting "PLANET DANCE!! FIRE!!!" was NOT among them... I feel pandered to...and I like it!
  11. Like a lot people, I was pretty disappointed by MacII (I don't even like the VF-2SS), but the character designs were great, weren't they?
  12. Hmmm...I wonder what the ratings are like for that time slot...although I've noticed that after midnight seems to be anime prime time on Japanese TV. (On an unrelated note: I'm thinking I should change my avatar...I keep getting yours and mine confused!)
  13. Good grief! Are they really broadcasting it at 2:00 AM??? (Oh well, at least we KNOW it won't be a kiddie show...if Gilliam getting crushed wasn't proof enough.)
  14. In the Shinsen sub version, they have a little note about the proverb being something like, "Smoke and idiots both rise." Not entirely sure what it's supposed to mean, though...maybe when someone at work who you hate gets promoted over you or something...?
  15. Bah, it's not as creepy as the 1/1 scale Asuka Langley Sohryu (with REMOVEABLE DRESS!) I saw at the Akihabara Anime Center a few months back...which could be yours for a mere ¥330,000... That said, I still think I'll pass on this one.
  16. Are you kidding? I'd LOVE to see the monthly Zentradi reading group as they struggle their way through Marcel Proust's seven-volume masterwork of high modernism, Á la recherche du temps perdu! Talk about drama...!
  17. Actually, um...I voted for the cute Chinese girl... Sharon Apple is my favorite, music-wise, so Minmay's next on the list. Sheryl might move up once I've heard more of her songs, though.
  18. I've only watched Frontier three times. Does that make me a bad fan? I've watched the entire Macross Megaseries twice all the way through (once before Zero, once after), and I'm about to start going through it all again (if I watch two or three episodes or a movie per day, Frontier should have started by the time I finish...) SDF Macross: twice raw, three times with the Animeigo set, and once with the ADV set. (and LOTS of watching those old Robotech Perfect Collection tapes, but of course they never finished that series. DYRL: I first got a copied VHS tape of it in 1985...I've completely lost track of how many times I've watched it, but it's A LOT (i.e. well over thirty times). With subs? Maybe five or six times. Flashback 2012: Again, I've had a tape since soon after it came out, and it gave me a nice, quick fix, so I watched it quite a bit at the time. Maybe fifty times? More? MacII: I only watched one-third of it dubbed, but I've seen it subbed three times. Mac+ OVA: Maybe ten to fifteen times. The movie: three or four times raw. Four times with subs. Mac7: Twice raw, twice with subs. Ditto Encore, but the movie I saw maybe four times raw. MacD7: Once raw (Part four was DAMN hard to track down!), twice with subs. Mac0: I watched the first four parts again and again and again. But I've watched the whole thing five times. And, like everyone else, I've watched bits and pieces here and there... And right now, I think I'm just ging to sit back and watch Booby Trap...
  19. When I was in college, I took a class in Ancient Greek (NOT a fun language), and a bunch of us rented Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. When Socrates spoke at the end, we struggled to understand what he was saying, but none of us could...because the actor was speaking MODERN Greek. I think we'd all have been happier if he'd been speaking like a Brit...
  20. GOTHIC MYLENE?!? Okay, I need this CD.
  21. Heh...believe me, I already checked all the torrent sites I could think of (to no avail)...so I just put it on my growing list of stuff to get when I go back to Tokyo this summer. I'm not in a hurry, so it's no big deal. (...that said, if you knew a site to download it, I wouldn't say no... ) And I didn't realize you could listen to samples on CDJapan...I've never used them before. EDIT: I can't seem to get the samples from the website anyway. Some kanji that I'm too lazy to look up in a dictionary pops up...
  22. Thanks for the effort, Graham! Y'know, in reading the comic, I just realized that "Saotome" means "young girl," and we all know what an "Alto" is...so not only does Alto look like a girl, he's also got a girly name... Kamille Complex squared...?
  23. Yeah...that was one of the problems with Mylene Jenius Sings Lynn Minmay...the Prologue was the only bit that sounded like Mylene!
  24. I'm glad that they're reissuing some of the kits (I'm praying for the VF-1D to make a comeback...) but I wish they'd come out with something new that's NOT Zero related...I need a VF-11B, a VF-17, and a YF-19 battroid. Hell, even the Fire Valkyrie would be great. (I would mention my all-consuming desire for a Hasegawa VF-4, but it'll never happen...)
  25. ...and is it any good? http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=GNCA-7109 The tribute albums always seem to be rather mixed bags...although when the singer is in charge of the project (i.e. Mari Iijima Sings Lynn Minmay and Fukuyama Fire), the results tend to be better, IMHO. So...is there a verdict on this one yet?
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