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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I think pretty much ANY movie with Oliver Reed counts as a guilty pleasure...
  2. Hey, it saved me when the time came. 'Course, I had to plug my ears, too (the part they don't mention).
  3. No, you're right. I guess I could've shoplifted it. But shoplifting is WRONG and ILLEGAL, so I paid money for it instead.
  4. I'm wondering... I get the feeling that while Hikaru rescued Misa in Alaska, I'm not sure that that's where they (or the Macross) ended up, since the weather in the post-war arc (to say nothing of Plus) doesn't seem terribly Alaskan. If I were to say something about Plus, I'd note that Macross City there is based on Orlando. Not sure if that means much, though.
  5. *sigh* Okay, I'll betcha.
  6. I was hoping for Richard Aoyade, honestly. Oh well, maybe next time.
  7. Bear in mind that DuelGundam2099 doesn't like anything if other people like it. Just ignore him.
  8. VERY COOL, DarrinG! It looks extremely life-like.
  9. I kinda dislike the novels, but I definitely want to hear JT's take on them!
  10. Well, the blu-ray is coming out this year, which might stimulate some new interest... but yeah... don't get your hopes up.
  11. And that's pretty much what he said. "It looked like they turned the FAST Packs upside down, colored them red, and stuck them on an F-14. It kinda looks like something made in China." To which Tenjin replied, "And someone's getting sued over it!"
  12. I'm back in Tokyo after nearly 36 hours of nonstop darkness, weirdness, fun, Valks, music, Astro Boy, mysteriously missing fish 'n' chips, eyebrows, princesses, "To be fire," and general malaise and sleeplessness More later. For now, I'm crashing.
  13. http://www.shortpacked.com/2013/comic/book-15/03-sdcc-2013/harmonygold/
  14. That was actually the very first Macross pic I ever saw, way back in 1984... and it's still one of the greatest.
  15. Didn't you decide that Mikuru was your ideal woman BEFORE you ever saw any Haruhi...? That's kinda weird right there.
  16. Thank you! Only two pages left! Friday is my new deadline.
  17. In comparison to Gundam, yeah. In comparison to anything else, no. I mean, I don't see a life-size Golion going up any time soon...
  18. Hey... at least they're not remaking Unidentified Flying Oddballs or Heartbeeps...
  19. I think you're BOTH missing the point of my story, which is that I was about to invite the girl back home with me (imagine the grandkids asking, "Grandma, how did you and Grandpa meet?"), until Renato went and c*ckblocked me.
  20. An yet, the Spanish-speaking contingent is probably greater than the English-speaking contingent overall...and yet they get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. And no, as English-speakers, we aren't respected. But someday, we may be, if we can prove that we can fork over cash in big enough quantities to make it worth Bandai Visual's while. If you're sorry you bought the set, fine. An email campaign could work, too. But SOMEHOW, we need to make them listen. (Telling them outright doesn't seem to work, unfortunately.)
  21. I know, which is why I said, "the only way to make it widescreen would be to hack off the top and bottom of the picture."
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