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Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Gubaba replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
Thank you! Makes perfect sense now. I hear you on searching for Episode one...I even just joined torrents-jp because there was a Macross F topic...only to find nothing there. The last time I was this excited to see something I've pretty much already seen was...well, actually, I was last fall, with Evangelion 1.0. I guess I'm just a consumer whore. -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Gubaba replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
Y'know, even after you explain the acronyms, I still don't understand them. "please send tell"? "For the loss"? Huh? BTW, How I shot web? -
The Nek Basara Fan Worship & Love Thread
Gubaba replied to VFTF1's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
7) Because he can sometimes sound eerily like a Japanese John Lennon. Because he sang "Angel Voice," arguably one of the best Macross songs ever (although I like Mari Iijima's version a little more). 9) Because he looks especially cool in the OP and ED for Dynamite. 10) Because the scene where he high-fived Gamlin was inspired. 11) Because he turned an entire Meltrandi fleet into drooling Fire Bomber groupies...who WOULDN'T want to be part of the orgy that followed that episode? -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Gubaba replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
The only thing I didn't like about the Shinsen Sub version was the HUGE logo that they put at the beginning. I never saw the other one, but isn't that the infamous "Brief-25" sub...? EDIT: "other one," not "only one" -
I think, for a lot of people who take SDFM very seriously, Millia shouting "Who's an old lady!?" and Exsedol blushing are probably difficult to swallow. As I said before, I like Macross 7, but it took some time to adjust to it. And my favorite episodes are the last six or seven, where it really does get much closer to the feel of the original. That's a problem? Man, I wish I liked 7 as much as some of the other series! I'm just about to finish my "Month-Long Macross Madness Marathon" (watching EVERYTHING, three or four episodes a day, for almost six weeks) and almost half of that time was taken up with Macross 7-related material. I'm not sure Macross Plus feels much like the original series, either (SDFM is a grand space opera, and a war story. Plus is neither of these. And Plus has a definite creepy vibe that's not in the original). But for some reason, the tone of Plus is more acceptable to most of the fans I've met. SDFM is mostly a serious story, but there are a lot of light touches to it. Plus is darker, Zero is grittier...only 7 retains the lighter aspects of the first series, but I think a lot of Macross fans don't want a bright and colorful Macross. (I dislike the 08th MS Team for a similar reason...it felt too cheery for a Gundam show...if something is U.C. Gundam, I want angst, death, and despair, dammit!) At least you can say that, whatever you like, there's a Macross that you'll enjoy. But there will also probably be a Macross you don't. But...you didn't like the music in Plus??? Wow...okay, I take it all back. you're just weird.
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Gubaba replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
Me too. And I'm sure this will be a high-priority fansub...after all, the Deculture Edition got unanimous rave reviews everywhere except RT.com... It bums me out that I was in Tokyo in time to see the Deculture Edition (I was bouncing off the walls in my hotel room that day), but I'm back in the U.S. now...so I've gotta wait. As a wise man once observed, "Enh, the Waiting Game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos." -
Macross Frontier Episode 1 Talkback Thread *READ 1st Post*
Gubaba replied to azrael's topic in Movies and TV Series
I've never followed a series in "real time" before...how long does it usually take for quality fansubs to show up? (Please forgive the n00bity of this question...) -
This is begging to be turned into a trailer, at least.
1. Maybe instead of "they botched it up," I should have just said, "They failed to save the lives of billions of people." Few would disagree with the latter statement, I think. Who was who said something like, "A few more victories like that and we'll be finished"? They did the best they could, but they lost most of the planet. I call that a botched attempt to save the earth, but I guess I'm alone. 2. He doesn't have to be a good pacifist...I was just arguing one of many reasons why he and Basara have nothing in common. 3. I bet you anything Gandhi couldn't fly a VF-19! 4. I've always found this logic specious. If, in the last episode of SDFM, Minmy had run to the bridge of the Macross and launched it all by herself, and Kamjin micronized himself so he could give Misa flowers and blush a lot, and Hikaru spontaneously combusted, a lot of us would feel very strongly about it indeed. Because it would suck. I'm not saying that Macross 7 sucks (I don't think it does), but the strong condemnation it gets is not solely due to the work itself, but the work in relation to previous works. No one would hate Macross 7 if it were an original series...the would either like it or ignore it. But the fact that it carries the name "Macross" measn that, if you're a Macross fan, you can't quite bring yourself to ignore it. In addition to that, it's the series with the most ties to the original SDFM, but (superficially at least) it's nothing like SDFM. Hence, some people hate it. "American Grafitti" is not a controversial movie, but if George Lucas rereleased it, and retitled it "Star War Episode VIII: The Cruising Years," it would immediately BECOME controversial. Likewise, the controversy surrounding Macross 7 is not because the story elicits strong feelings, but because the tension between its tone and tone of SDFM and M+ are at so different.
Awesome ideas...what would you do with the Land of Make-Believe? Another idea: The Revenge of the Great Space Coaster: Gno More Mr. Gnice Guy.
CGI effects could do wonders with Mr. Ed...
Thanks. But any way you look at it, you gotta admit that Basara puts his money where his mouth is in a way that Kaifun would be incapable of. Also, I don't think Basara hates the military, he just thinks they're going about it the wrong way. But if he cut his lip, and Sally S. Ford offered him a tissue, I think he'd accept it. And then sing "Planet Dance" at her.
Not that he's not a nice person, but...let's face it, Ghandi he ain't. I think he's just a hypocrite But I'm willing to back off a bit and say that maybe he IS a pacifist...he's just really, REALLY bad at it.
Thanks! I'll check it out. One of my friends used to work at Mrs. Gooch's (now Whole Foods) health food market in North Hollywood, and Joel used to shop there. He finally asked for his autograph to give to me. It says, "Did you know that 'Manos' means 'hands' in Spanish? Tell your friends! Joel Hodgson." I still treasure that...
A pacifist is someone against violence and hate, embracing communication and understanding. Kaifun is violent and full of hate, and shows no signs of trying to understand much of anyhing. Therefore, Kaifun is not a pacifist. Didn't I already cover this a few posts back...?
As I said before, KAIFUN IS NOT A PACIFIST! He just hates the military. Two COMPLETELY different things!
You have missed nothing. Really.
When I first started reading the article, I thought, "They'd better not mention the Prisoner," and then they went ahead and did. Dude, don't mess with perfection. But then they won me back by mentioning MST3K (which doesn't need a revival...their new project, Rifftrax, is just as good or better...but I still miss Joel). Me, I'd like to see a remake of Mork and Mindy, but this time, make it an action show, where Mork has to stop an alien invasion by aliens that ride in sleek alien ships and ooze goopy alien blood. They destroy Boulder to get Mork, but he escapes. Mindy's father gets killed, though, so Mindy joins Mork to get revenge on the aliens. Each episode will feature them going to a different town to warn them about the aliens, but no one believes them. Then the aliens come and blow up the town. Mork gets into his space egg and blows the crap out of the aliens, with lots of cool CGI effects. Then Mork kneels by some dying person and says, "She could have been saved if they'd only believed us...Shazbot! WHEN WILL THEY BELIEVE US???" It'll be great. Or they could remake Three's Company, but have it on HBO or Showtime, so everyone could be naked most of the time. EDIT: I'll just toss this one out there for others to feed on: MANIMAL REBORN!!!
I mostly agree with you that it would have been impossible for the earth forces to fight off the Zentradi...too many variables, too much new information about the Zentradi, a changed plan on the part of Bodolza...but the fact remains that the Earth forces were completely unprepared for the threat, even after ten years of getting ready. The attempt to save the earth failed. Hence, it was botched. All the reasons WHY it was botched are good, logical reasons, but the earth was still fried. And I still think that Admiral Hayase was naive to reject his daughter's information. He simply didn't WANT to believe it. And yes, Kaifun is an idiot (Kamjin is too, of course). It's one thing to be against war, it's another to assume that everyone in the military is a bloodthirsty monster. before the end of Space War I, he was a jerk. After Space War I, he was probably drunk most of the time, so of course most of what he says makes no sense. Either way, he has nothing in common with Basara, which was my original point.
Bah...he should have written it anyway and kept the manuscript locked up, to be published after his death. Mark Twain did it that way, why couldn't dear ol' Doc Smith?
Oh, it's always a valid viewpoint, and I think Kaifun says quite a number of important things...but that doesn't make him any less of a slug. Obviously, a lot of the survivors in the last nine epsiodes of SDFM are recpetive to his views, but his intentions aren't terribly good, and he certainly doesn't practice what he preaches. But hey, the military on earth DID botch things badly in Space War I. Their belief in the superority of the Grand Cannon is exactly the sort of naive thinking that some accuse Basara of. Speaking of Basara, I think someone else here mentioned that the second Macross 7 Plus episode shows him walking around on the ruined earth. I think if one were already inclined towards an anti-war stance, that would clinch it. Well, that and watching DYRL...
Too bad he never wrote Book 7...it would've been, um, quite revolutionary. But yeah, the books are a lot of fun if you can get past the paid-by-the-word pulp style...
Yep. Apparently, that's covered in the comic that came with the album...I have no intention of buying it, so I'll never know for sure... But there's also a reference here: http://www.macross.co.uk/77077/English/Engcred.asp That's to be expected. I think both fans and detractors will agree that it's a very unusual show which requires a large investment of time to watch, the first clutch of episodes are quite repetitive, the overall plot unfolds slowly, and the animation is generally just passable (even considering that it's almost fourteen years old). It's not a show for mech-addicts, the romance is almost invisible, and if you don't like "Planet Dance," it's almost a certainty you won't get past episode eight. I like M7 okay, but I had to work at it (and I certainly don't like it as much as I wanted to like it), and if I hadn't already been a big Macross fan, I wouldn't have given it a second look.
Crap...I almost forgot. The Gap series by Stepehen R. Donaldson is absolutely stunningly brilliant. It's long, and it's REALLY dark, but it's among the best space operas ever. Plus, it's a "space opera" in more ways than one!
I agree. Kaifun was not a pacifist; he was angry, violent, and self-absorbed, and his unspoken motto was "Whatever it is, I'm against it." He was against authority just for the sake of being against it, and luxurated in feelings of persecution. Basara, on the other hand, puts his money where his mouth is, and strives to be consistent in all aspects of his life. Granted, sometimes he fails and ends up punching someone or launching a missle, and he has an annoying tendancy to blame others for his own mistakes, but there is none of Kaifun's hypocricy and opportunism in him. And, speaking of opportunism, we all know that Kaifun was quick to jump on Basara's bandwagon by managing the completely execrable Fire Bomber American...make of that what you will.