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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Here you go... http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Dice/4...oinami/yfr.html Make sure you have a barf bag handy...
  2. Still, it's got you beat in one area...I've looked all over your otherwise beautiful site, and I can't find the YF-1R anywhere!
  3. I'm guessing that most of the editors and writers will be Macrossworlders, and we're pretty trustworthy, don't you think? Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go off and edit the SDF M entry to say that it's just a badly done Japanese translation of Robotech.
  4. But it's worth emphasizing that the content is, as you say, sh!t.
  5. Fixing mistakes or importing content from the old Compendium. That said. I think there's a lot of stuff that wasn't covered in detail at the old site which should be improved for this one...I'd like to see more information about chapters of the Macross story which are a little less accesible to us, like the short stories or drama albums... But who's gonna write those entries?
  6. The only exception I'm aware of was the "Macross Special" in '82...but, as we all know, that was pretty much unplanned. And it wasn't really an hour-long episode. And I think Legend of the Galactic Heroes started with an hour-long movie as well, but that was an OVA...
  7. Very true. In fact, I'd go a little further and say that there are very few battle scenes of any intensity at all in mac7 ("Nightmarish Invasion" was an exception, and even then, it never really seemed like Sound Force was in any danger). But watching Mac7 for the mecha scenes is like watching Fist of the North Star for the love stories.
  8. I've made a few pages, but only with information from the old Compendium (and I got to Minmay first! SCORE!!! )
  9. Stupid Aniserv...releasing the Deculture Edition on same day that the "official" version airs... BTW...what should we call the new version? I'm opting for the "Culture" version or the "Yaak" version... EDIT: Or maybe the "Gorgeous Delicious" version...?
  10. Three. One right after the OP, one in the middle, and one right before the ED. And I'm still waiting for a DivX version so I can actually SEE the blasted thing...
  11. That's the Deculture Edition. The new one hasn't been subbed yet.
  12. At least you can see it! I'm still waiting for something that my old Mac with old VLC will play...
  13. Talk about a short honeymoon...
  14. My feeling for a long time was that M7 had all the ingredients for a great show, they just never quite came together properly. Watching it again recently, I thought it was somewhat better than that. I like all the band stuff, but I practically lived in the alternative rock clubs in Hollywood in the mid-'90s, so that figures...unfortunately, it also makes me see where M7 is a little...unrealistic. Monster of the week...? Sure, if it's the same four monsters again and again... But to continue from where I left off before, I don't think Basara is presented as perfect. He's hard to sympathize with at the beginning, and I think that's deliberate on Kawamori and Amino's part. You don't know what he's doing or why, and when Gamlin tells him to get out of the battle area, any sane viewer will side with Gamlin. When he hits the thugs who shoved Mylene, he blamed her for MAKING him hit them; anyone can see that he's just being self-absorbed. It's not until Basara's singing has some unintended consequences that we're meant to come around to his view. And again, Basara's power was completely accidental. I'd be interested to see him go up against the Vajra...something tells me they wouldn't listen to his song... And look at Dynamite 7...he tried to change the poachers' minds, change Graham's mind, and let the White Whale hear his song. He accomplished only one of those goals. So if you hate Basara, and you think the whole series is promoting his view...well, I don't think it's that simple.
  15. I agree. It's been twelve years since Dynamite 7, and nine since VF-X2...why couldn't the VF-19 have just been replaced at this time? And, um, we also might not see the 19 in MF because a CGI model wouldn't work. Not sayin' that definitively, but it's possible.
  16. DAMMIT!! Why does it have to be x264??? My Mac is old and can't play it...
  17. I can't wait to see HG's "VF-19 Fire Veritech with Protoculture Audio Boosters" which focusses Musica's songs into a "Flower of Life" beam which disrupts the Invid...
  18. Same here. Someone's dragging his ass on this one...
  19. Cool. I just signed up.
  20. What the hell is the VF-4 doing there???
  21. I agree with a lot of what you say, and disagree with some of it...but I've been searching for Mcross F all over the place, so my eyes are a little glazed from staring at the computer too long, so give me time to formulate a response. But simply: I don't think Macross 7 is "one guy is right and here's why." If Basara had known he had the power of Anima Spiritia, and knew it was the only thing that could defeat the Protodeviln, then yes, it would have been as you say. But the whole thing seems like a lot of luck, prayer, and duct tape. And Basara was kind of wrong...at first, his music had no influence over the enemy at all. Later, it was used as a weapon (and, strangely, he seemed to be kind of okay with that). Finally, the Protodeviln realized that singing could be used to create Spirita, but I'm not sure Basara ever really moved them the way he wanted to. I can't imagine, for example, the Protedeviln going out and buying a Fire Bomber CD... Gavil: "Geperunichi, listen! The Beauty of rockin' out!" Geperunichi: "Yes, and Mylene's fresh bass echoes through my dream like thudding drops of rain on a dry watercolor palette." Svil: "Keytar spiritia! OOOOOOOOOOO!" OK, now I'm just getting weird. More later...
  22. Actually, I'm going to have to give up soon, at least for a few hours. I'm pretty sure something will turn up by tonight. And if not, there's always tomorrow.
  23. I've been doing searches for "macross f" (to find western sites) "マクロスf" (to find Japanese sites) and "超時空要塞f" (to find Chinese sites) It looks like there's some recent activity at the Chinese sites, but I haven't joined any of the sites (so I can't download the torrents), and it looks like it's it's all RMVB anyway. Does anyone really still use that...? Apart from that, I haven't found anything promising.
  24. I still head over there sometimes when I need a laugh or my blood pressure gets too low. The main criticism of MF that I saw over there was that it was "eye-candy." I'm hoping that this will be followed by other slams such as, "the story's too interesting," "the characters are too involving," and "the mecha looks too awesome." BTW, I just watched the full video for "Triangular." Is it just me or is there something perverse about using that song for an anime with cutting-edge CGI, and yet using the cheapest stop-motion animation in the video?
  25. It's bad enough having people at RT.com calling the X-Gear a rip-off of a Cyclone, but...et tu, Bruté?
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