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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. ...And I'm sure SOMEONE involved with the production saw the 10 minute Lanka loop on youtube, and thought, "Yes! We've got a winner, here!" ...whether they'd already decided to put the ad in or not. As you say, though, it would be fun to see it in the show itself...I was half expecting it to be a DVD bonus, like Appale Genki showing up in "Macross Zero Zero."
  2. So...does that mean you're NOT interested in reading my thesis on the influence that Anthony Trollope's Barsetshire Novels had on the works of Kawamori...?
  3. Thank you, assless chaps Basara, for teaching us to laugh about love...again.
  4. OUR day and age? Ye gads, have you read a Victorian novel recently? Or Shakespeare? Or the Bible? Or Greek mythology? Or Norse mythology? Or even Sumerian mythology? Coincidental character meetings and dubious connections are as old as storytelling itself! Or if I'm misunderstanding your post, please elaborate...
  5. Y'know...I wonder if they put the Nyan Nyan ad in there was part of the plan from the beginning, or if its popularity after the Deculture Version was aired inspired them to make it...
  6. I liked seeing Max and Millia (and Exsedol) in 7 and Focker in Zero, but I do agree that the rarer that kind of thing is, the better. I certainly don't want to see the Macross Frontier fleet come across the Megaroad-01 but get attacked by the Marduk, only to be rescued by a search team headed by Gamlin and Ismau...not that I think that will happen. I think one of the important things to recognize about MF is that it's on television, and as such, can't be narrowly aimed at only the Macross fanatics, but has to draw in a new crowd as well. Sure, they can throw us some fan service in the form of Sheryl shouting "Atashi no uta o kike!" or Alto's VF-25 being the spittin' image of Hikaru's VF-1D, but they certainly can't expect the audience to have a every moment in Macross history memorized. Look at U.C. Gundam...Zeta and Double Zeta had some recurring characters from other series, but the focus was always on a new batch. (Even then, the amount of Gundamology one had to know to watch any new series was so daunting that they came up with the AU stuff to start over from scratch.) Max and Millia remain mostly in the background in 7, while Fire Bomber struts its stuff. We may come across more "echoes" of previous events, and a couple of familiar names and looks may turn up (not to mention voice actors and actresses), but recurring characters from previous series? I don't see it happening...unless the ending of Zero was left open specifically to tie it up here, but I kind of doubt that. All that said, we've only seen the first episode, so I suppose anything can happen between now and whenever it ends. But I'd be willing to place a (small) bet that it won't.
  7. Sheryl Nome: Macross Galaxy's answer to Ashlee Simpson...
  8. Yeah...double-sided tape seems a little iffy, but I think they look a hell of a lot better than the "official" Macross stands...
  9. *cough* Max. *cough* (I agree with the rest of your post. Basara's skills are puzzling, to say the least.)
  10. I don't know why you're making such a big deal about "Frontire." It's a perfectly cromulant word.
  11. Does this mean that HG "owns" Orguss as well, because of the Orguss Valkyrie...? Sheesh...
  12. Don't worry...it simply doesn't exist yet. Any day now...
  13. I think it's time to restate my earlier theory that Sheryl is not a decendent of Mao...Shin and Sara, after getting whisked into space, were thrust forward in time and metamorphosed, 2001-style, into a perfect, hermaphroditic being, which then called itself "Sheryl." And until we get a crotch shot of Sheryl that proves she DOESN'T have testicles, I will continue to cling to this theory.
  14. *sigh* Sometimes I miss that magnificent bastard...
  15. ZOMFG!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY CUT OUT SHERYL MURMURING "STRAWBERRY PIE"!!! I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE AWESOME BUT NOW IT'S CLEARLY THE WORST WASTE OF ANIMATION SINCE YAMATO 2520!!!! Nah, it was fine. Sure, some of the space battle got cut, but I liked the added Sheryl bits, especially when she made it look like Alto knocking her off the glacier was all part of the act. She's kind of a shrew. I like that. In some ways I liked it better than the Deculture Edition, in some ways I didn't. Probably throwing everything together for the DVD would be the best course. Whatever, I'm already fired up for the next episode.
  16. Don't forget the all-important assless chaps!
  17. You took the words right out of my mouth. If there's knife fight coming up in MF, it's guaranteed to look better than Max and Millia's...
  18. Hey, I'm only at 20% downloaded...don't blame the messenger!
  19. Damn. That's impressive. I'm far from fluent in Japanese, but still, it takes me hours even to translate a SONG, much less a half-hour show...and that doesn't even count the work to slap the subs onto the video file. EDIT "the work," not "to work."
  20. Shoot...I was hoping we'd have to resort to single combat to claim ownership. Another day, another disappointment...
  21. This is the first series that I've followed in real time...how fast is fast?
  22. No, it's raw. But my old Mac with old VLC refuses to accept that 264 is the wave of the future, and simply won't play it. I'm assuming I can't be the only one here unable to play the Q-R version, so I figured it's debut in another format was worth a mention. Patience, patience...fansubs should be arriving in a few days. Shinsen Subs got their Deculture version out three days after it aired.
  23. FINALLY! Zero-Raws has a DivX version which is up on nyaatorrents! Yoshinols for everyone! My treat! (Unless it turns out not to be the broadcast version...)
  24. Dude, quit ripping off my punch lines.
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