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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. ...I guess I'm alone in really liking the broadcast version. I don't prefer it to the Deculture version, but it kind of reminded me of M+...some things are better handled in the OVA (the opening), some things are better in the movie (the ending). The Deculture version had better mecha porn, the broadcast version had better, um...character development porn.
  2. Naw, they've gotta save Sinbad for ALF: The Motion Picture.
  3. I need to update my computer or get a new one...the newest version of VLC that will play on my Mac (without the picture being all green and purple, that is) won't play mp4 or 264. Even the HD XviD stuff makes it run slow. So don't worry...it's not that the file is bad, it's just that I can't watch it yet.
  4. Next up: the remake of Mac and Me. You know you want it.
  5. WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY does it have to be mp4? Still waiting for the avi...
  6. To be fair, I noticed while I was there that most anime was on well after midnight. I even managed to catch reruns of SDFM at 3 AM Thursday mornings...complete with commercials for the Wave Macross model.
  7. And thank God they do! Kakizaki in tights, anyone...? (not that Ryu in Gundam was much better, mind you...)
  8. You can still crack lame jokes when you're drunk!
  9. It looks like the Deculture version came in sixth (three points shy of the top five), the MBS broadcast was 2nd, and the TBS broadcast was 3rd. Ya gotta wonder, though...what kind of competition does it have for the Thursday night Two A.M. slot...? At any rate...now we KNOW the ratings were good!
  10. My favorite is the half-hearted little yell one of the Zentradi Battle Pod pilots gives just before Max blows his head off. Pure GENIUS! ACTING!! "Aargh."
  11. Maybe, just maybe...ten fansubbing groups were planning on doing MF...but before they started, they decided to check Macrossworld, and saw so many people attacking the broadcast version, and then said, "Wow, if even Macross FANS dislike it so much, let's just forget about it." Hey, it's possible... *runs away to avoid incoming Itano Circus*
  12. The old Battlestar Galactica is a classic...? When did that happen?
  13. I think this must be a Miclone military secret...
  14. It says, "Old weapon DANIEL." Hmm...doesn't help much, does it?
  15. Not necessarily. I've translated quite a few songs, and only a couple of comics and things of that nature. Of course, I had the lyric booklets, which made the whole enterprise MUCH simpler. I think the biggest problem with songs are if the lyrics are especially weird. I was translating Shiina Ringo, and I was constantly backtracking..."Did she really say he reflected off her LUNGS?" I would imagine that translating Yoko Kanno would have similar perils.
  16. And don't forget the "SORE GA KAN-KEI-NE!" guy. Boy, that joke just NEVER gets old!
  17. And you just KNOW that none of us will snatch it first...probably some guy named something like "RickHunterROOLZ" who joined a few years ago, posted once, and never came back will suddenly show up delivering the news. He'll finish downloading it first, decide it sucks, and delete it...leaving the rest of us stuck at 47.09%.
  18. For flightsuits, I like both TV and DYRL equally (although, honestly, either would be deadly in space). I can't stand Minmay's stage clothes in the TV series (besides, the DYRL outfits GLOW! How awesome is that?), but I like her plain ol' everyday clothes fine. Kaifun's purple suit with red shirt and yellow tie...man, is the guy color blind? But it's so tacky and awful that I think it really fits him. I also like the long hair better than the Riber-cut. My favorite of all time, though, has to be Hikaru in DYRL after he and Misa return to the macross after being stranded on earth, when they go out walking in the city. The high-collared yellow shirt, the vest...man, Disco Stu ain't got NOTHIN' on that mofo! Bridge Bunnies: definitely DYRL. But I've always liked burgundy. I like Myung's otherwise-unflttering pantsuit for exactly the same reason. I could go either way on the Zentradi, but I think Giant Head of TV Exsedol would look EXTREMELY ridiculous in Mac7. (Speaking of 7, I think Fire Bomber's "Rocker duds" look REALLY dated...but I can't quite figure out why; maybe it's because they look more like something a superhero would wear...) The Zolan ponchos are just...dull. Mayan wins for the most realistic fashion...you can tell that the western clothes they wear were either bought used or donated. And what's wrong with red or blue Q-Raus? Hell, I even like them in yellow! But I still think Mac7's Flower Girl wins for best overall Macross fashion. Although Sheryl could give her a run for her money...the militaristic bondage look does nothing for me, but the black leather tube top with spaghetti-strap suspenders is very...um...flattering.
  19. There are a couple of pinned threads that will answer all your questions...although, I admit, wading through thirty-some-odd pages for that one nugget of info you need isn't always the most rewarding experience...
  20. Hmmm...maybe the Megaroad-01 was just behind schedule, so, in order to save herself from a royal tongue lashing, she sent a mesage saying, "Oh, uh, yeah...we're...umm...near the Galactic Center now...yeah...that's the ticket. Uh, there seems to be some static or something...TalkToYouLater!" Then UN Spacy checks the area near where they were supposed to be, finds nothing, and thinks, "OMFG! They've VANISHED!!!" And once Misa hears what a big brouhaha has erupted over this, she's just too embarassed to contact them again. Or, perhaps, the MF galactic map needs a little footnote that says "NOT TO SCALE."
  21. ...and don't forget the VF-X-1!
  22. I'd buy at least ten (as long as they're not, y'know, fifteen bucks each or something...)
  23. No, but I've watched three different versions of M0...one was the Hong Kong DVD (subtitles not TOO bad, considering some of the train wrecks I've seen on HK subs) and two different fansubs. Strangely, even the fansubs had some weird grammar and terminology problems. I'd suggest downloading the "A-F & AF" version, which seems to me to be the least unacceptable (although they do appear to have Robotech on the brain..."Focker" is "Fokker" and "Battroid" is "Battloid." Still, it's way better than the HK one, in which "Focker" is "Fuxutoka" or something...)
  24. What are they cramming in? How many more talk shows where celebrities eat food and shout "OISHII! UMAI!" can Japanese television bear?
  25. Y'know, it's beginning to bother me how much time I spend waiting for the fansub...I wake up, go to the computer, and check animesuki, shinsen-subs, and here. I start doing other things, like cleaning the kitchen, and every hour or so, I scurry back to check animesuki, shinsen-subs, and here. Part of me is hoping the show will suck just so I stop wasting so much time!
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