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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Please! Itano is my all-time favorite truck-driver-turned-insanely-obssessive-mecha-animator!
  2. I agree with Valkyrie Addict...Remember towards the end of DYRL (once the get into Bodolzaa's fortress) when Hikaru's Valk salutes Misa, turns, and then (PRESTO CHANGE-O!) suddenly, it's a fighter. Or the fight between Isamu and Guld in Mac+. Or almost any scene in Mac Zero. Heck, even in the SDF TV Series, there's that oft-reused shot of the Battroid going into an explosion and coming out a Gerwalk. As far as I can tell, the only slowly transforming Valks are the Mac7 ones. And even then, it's only sometimes, in order to pad out the episode by reusing the same transformation footage over and over. So, no, I'm not seeing how the VF-25 transforms too fast, either.
  3. It doesn't look like it...I downloaded it a while back. The picture looked too good to be a VHS rip, but the thing had Greek subtitles. So I guess it's available there, but not here. Yet. (Great movie, BTW. Up there with Star Crash and Escape from Galaxy 4!)
  4. But...but...it's FIFTY YEARS LATER! You'd think the Macross Consortium would've come up with something better by now. Maybe they were too busy working on creating AI singers and figuring out how a guitar could be used to pilot a Valkyrie, and didn't spend enough time trying to figure out a better way to protect their ships... Macross Tech Guy 1: Hey, have you made any progress on that workable omnidirectional barrier yet? Macross Tech Guy 2: No, but check it out! I made these awesome Marshall stacks that pilots can attach to the backs of their Valkyries! Finally, we can ROCK THE F%#*IN' GALAXY, MAN! Macross Tech Guy 1: *slowly edges away*
  5. You might want to check this http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14098 which should answer your question.
  6. Damn...as soon as I saw this thread, I thought, "Huh, I wonder if anyone's mentioned Turkish Spiderman yet..." ...and WHOOMP! There it is! (Turkish Star Wars is better, though. Just barely.)
  7. I wish I could see what Hasegawa would do with that thing...I'm sure it would be beautiful. (And they probably wouldn't have it ready to release for another couple of years...I guess Bandai has its good points...)
  8. Okay...we're going WAAAAY off-topic here, but I feel compelled to reply. I think you're forgetting what can come from "scripted celebrity." Most of the time, just crap (did ANYONE buy Paris Hilton's album?), but sometimes, playing a role on stage (and I'm guessing that's all the militaristic fetish stuff Sheryl wears on stage is, part of a fictional character named "Sheryl Nome, the Galactic Fairy") can really open an artist up to creating great music, and sometimes, the more artificial the character, the better the music. cf. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. (Yes, I just compared Sheryl to David Bowie. In which case, Basara must be Iggy Pop. Let's hope they work together to make a couple of albums as good as "The Idiot" or "Lust for Life.")
  9. What I don't understand is why they're using a Pinpoint Barrier System at all. I mean, it was the best defense the Macross could muster at the time, and it was pretty underwhelming then. Why would they still be using a marginally effective defense which born of desperation FIFTY years before?
  10. I know they made the '80s miniseries "Shaka Zulu." I think they may have produced some movies, as well. Nothing big, mind you. *crosses fingers that this doesn't turn into an HG-bashing thread that has to be locked*
  11. ...Because so few companies outlive their founders.
  12. I voted for "I'm not sure." A lot would depend on how much the shipping is, and how fast they could ship it. And is HG still blocking Macross merchandise? I thought they stopped a few years back...
  13. And unless the Vajra decide to start flying Valks, you probably won't.
  14. Okay, now that the black spoiler bars have been lifted, I just have to say...four minutes into the episode... ITANO CIRCUS, BABY!!! Man, I love this show.
  15. Be sure to tell her that!
  16. Hey, ALL the gay characters in Macross have great hair...Mash, "Honey" Suzuki, Basara, Gamlin, Isamu, Guld...the list goes on and on...
  17. ...But Japanese Wikipedia didn't say WHO she married... It just said that Global introduced her to her future hsband.
  18. Oh, come on! It's FUN! My favorite part was when Alto ed Ranka in the with a !
  19. I just watched it again, and I have to say... !!!SPOILER!!! ...I really like Ranka's voice. She sounds super cute.
  20. Are you talking about this? Or about Shammy? I don't think it said who her husband was, it just said that Global was the matchmaker... In any case, I was close. The character's name is Kenichi Machizaki, and he's based on Kenichi Matsuzaki, the script editor.
  21. Everyone liked it? Is this really still Macrossworld...? Where are the nattering nabobs of negativism?
  22. Ah. Thanks. I went through the previous posts, highlighting all the way, but I did it perhaps too quickly...
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