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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Oh, come ON. Nobody's saying that. But to say that Robotech single-handedly created anime fandom in the west is just as wrong. It helped, sure, but again, there was Star Blazers, which stated, at the beginning of the closing credits "Originally aired in Japan as SPACE CRUISER YAMATO" (and yeah, I know, nobody reads credits and Star Blazers wasn't broadcast in your area...). But I think most visibility for anime came through toys and model kits. Because of Transformers (and, er, Gobots) robots were big, and many toys stores near me were picking up cheap import robot toys and kits from Japan. Dorvack, Orguss, Galvion, Dougram... the boxes showed characters on them, and it didn't take a genius to realize that they all had that "big-eye" look from Speed Racer. Meanwhile, Fred Patten and Ardith Carlton were writing articles for magazines like Starlog, championing anime. And a lot of poorly-dubbed films were getting dumped onto VHS for the growing home video market, or getting shown on Saturday afternoon (in L.A., at least) on Family Film Festival. And a lot of series were being broadcast on the SPanish-language stations in L.A., as well. Robotech is a very important ingredient for the awareness of anime in the west, but it isn't the only one, or even the most important (my bet for THAT would go to Transformers, for opening up the toy floodgate). Of course, none of this addresses why Robotech LLA needs to exist in 2013.
  2. I'm blushing. Thanks, everyone!
  3. Just a bump here... I haven't been adding more posts to this thread, but I'm still updating it every week, pretty much.
  4. Oh, cry me a river. Just 'cause Robotech: Love Live Alive sucked, you try to dump on Macross...
  5. Sorry, silly me... just talkin' to myself, I guess. My apologies. Yeah, the pic is wonderful, isn't it?
  6. Well, it's kinda not. It's ignored by every major source. But please, tell us more about how a 90-minute clip show is REALLY GREAT.
  7. Can you PLEASE just read the book? It took me three years to translate, it'll take you an hour or two to read. And then you might stop posting nonsense in my thread.
  8. This has nothing to do with the novel... still, I stand in awe of your ability to misspell nearly every cast member's name. To everyone else, it was my pleasure.
  9. Well, yeah... it's kinda not. Relegated to a "Parallel Story," singer didn't show up for the most recent Crossover Live an' all that... But still, to answer your question, YES: other franchises double-dip. But the corollary to that is: YES, other franchises' fans get PISSED about that (Oh, you thought only Robotech fans got upset...? Look around, Bucky). Still, you wanted to include failed RT projects in Zor Primus's timeline. That's fine, as long we we allow failed Macross projects in it as well. That's fair, right?
  10. More to come! Honestly!
  11. You're just being snarky now. Look, even in Macross II, Haruhiko Mikimoto and Sukehiro Tomita were involved. They were original creators. Which original creators were involved in ANYTHING Robotech (not adaptors, CREATORS)? And if you think Crystal Dreams, RT3000 (both failed products), and the Anatarctic comics should be involved, then "Macross: Final Outpost Earth" (THE LIVE-ACTION HOLLYWOOD MOVIE!!), Macross 3DVF-X, and the TON of manga that have come out via Macross Ace and Newtype Ace should count, too, right? Please stop carrying water for Harmony Gold. Like Cerebus, they don't love you. They just want your money.
  12. Thanks! (Oh, I should also add, I edited the first post of this thread to include the full book.)
  13. FINALLY FINISHED!! Thanks to everyone for their encouragement, and thanks especially to The Lone Wolf for finding typos and suggestions (some of them I took, some of them I didn't). And to Tom Bateman, who provided me with a copy of the pic of Misa at the party that wasn't simply two pages glued together. The last chapter, incidentally, was a TOTAL BITCH. Anyway, it's done now... more coming soon (I hope)! (Err... unfortunately... the upload limit 100MB, and this file is 108MB... Damn...) http://depfile.com/tE8YKdH
  14. I lost my card as well. I used to go to the first LA store (on 6th St.) occasionally (first time I went, I picked up the Megazone Part 1 soundtrack on vinyl). But I went to the second (on 9th St.) pretty often, since I could drive by that point. And I *might* still have my card somewhere, but it'd be back in the States.
  15. I'm sure that'll be an AWESOME fight! I mean, Harmony Gold is working SO HARD these days!
  16. They don't ship used stuff, but I think if you buy the CDs new, it should be fine.
  17. Here's Ultra Fire: http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロス7-ULTRA-FIRE-Fire-Bomber/dp/B0018BXMN2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1376778190&sr=8-3&keywords=ultra+fire+fire+bomber+best+album And here's the FB7 single: http://www.amazon.co.jp/「マクロスFB7-銀河流魂-オレノウタヲキケ-」主題歌-%7E突撃プラネットエクスプロージョン/dp/B00938Y11O/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1376778108&sr=1-1&keywords=バージンストーリー
  18. Me too! Although I gotta admit, I initially got into it just to hear people say, incredulously, "You like DISCO!?!" Eventually, I told some girl that I liked disco and she said, "Oh, retro." So then I started digging Yoko Ono.
  19. I blame the advertising. Even with Duke Togo coming in and saying "This movie is NOTHING like the trailers, except for the red-band Hit-Girl one," I think I was unprepared for (for example) the man-sized microwave scene. The whole thing left me feeling like I needed a shower.
  20. I can't watch the English dub, since (in the original) Shin is voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa, who was probably my all-time favorite voice actor. But yes, great series!
  21. I saw the first movie. Wasn't impressed. Kinda grossed-out, honestly. Won't be seeing the second, even if Jim Carrey came to me, on hands and knees, saying, "Mechaniac was RIGHT! My views are MORONIC!! I've since adopted all of Mechaniac's opinions, since I'm so concerned that he thinks me culturally literate!"
  22. You win. I'm, er, not sure that's an honor...
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