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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Something of a downshift in the action department, but that's fine. Again, it's the little details that get me... And, as someone else pointed out: Ranka's buns...yummy!
  2. Are you kidding??? That's AWESOME! It'd be like Desperately Seeking Susan...but MACROSS!
  3. Hmm...well, I wouldn't say it RAPED my adulthood exactly, but that video definitely touched it in a place that its bathing suit covers...
  4. That's the one. And you're making me realize it's been far too long since I've watched 0083...
  5. They have the same glasses, and similar voices. There. I did it. And if Lennon was right, the Beatles were bigger than Jesus. So if Basara and John Lennon are alike, then Basara is more than 1/4 the size of Jesus. (I'm trying to kill this thread by wrapping up all the loose ends into a neat little bow. Can you tell?)
  6. Oooh...man, you fight dirty.
  7. I wonder why Shinsen changed the Nyan-Nyan song... Other than that, I'm glad I actually got to see the episode subbed. (DAMN YOU, H264!!!)
  8. They still look more like Eva Unit-02 to me...but lobster works.
  9. Thanks! I'll download it as soon as I've finished downloading Daitarn 3 (Raw, alas).
  10. Hey, at least it's better than that "I'm not lookin' for a one night stand" song from 0083!
  11. I hate to say it...but I don't have a lot of sympathy for anyone who REALLY needs to be led by the hand in understanding Macross. If someone sees episode one of Macross Zero, and doesn't get what's going on, that information is easy enough to find. Hell, the original TV series is easy enough to find... A prologue about the Macross would simply be confusing..."here's this huge alien space ship we're telling you about at the beginning...and we won't show it again in this movie." What would be the point?
  12. So it's just the Australian release of the Animeigo set...?
  13. Wait a sec...we've got Mikhail: a guy with glasses...in a blue Valk...who's got great aim and an eye for the ladies... And ALTO's the one who reminds you of Max?
  14. And, as I said, Newtype Girls Must Die. Chris didn't die. Ergo, Chris is not a Newtype.
  15. Well, you'd better find out soon, or I'm gonna go all Basara on your ass and start singing at you! "CANNN'T YOU SEEEEEE, THAT YOUUUUU ARE SWEEEEEEEEEET..."
  16. AgentONE may be gone, but his ghost still haunts the dank halls of Macrossworld... Don't touch the doorknobs, people.
  17. Whiny? I defy you to show me any scene where Basara whines. Gets angry, sure. Acts like a total ass, yes. But whiny...? Not odd at all. He didn't have many scenes, but the scenes he had were good ones.
  18. Well...considering that the voice actors for Hikaru and Kaifun have both passed on, I'd feel pretty iffy about something like that. (And yeah, I know they replaced Hikaru for the PS2 game...but still...) And why do you think that anyone here has Kawamori's ear...? If anyone does, they're keeping awfully quiet about it...
  19. I bet a thousand internets it'll be Ranka. I would've bet a million, but I'm not quite THAT sure of myself...
  20. ...unless it's man wearing spandex who thinks a few carboard boxes on his torso painted red makes him look like Optimus Prime. I saw that. It was horrifying. And the spandex had a hole in it, just below his buttcheek. Sometimes...I feel dread in my heart.
  21. Could be. I'll try it. Thanks!
  22. Good point. Amuro cut through one of those like it was butter, and he: A) was piloting a less advanced mobile suit. B) had no idea how to drive it. So either the Alex isn't as good as it's cracked up to be (unlikely), Bernie's REALLY REALLY good (again, unlikely), or Christina just plain sucks.
  23. True, Christina wasn't a Newtype, but I think ANYONE would be intimidated by testing a mobile suit due to be given to Amuro Ray... (And how do we KNOW Christina wasn't a Newtype? Because of the ironclad rule of Gundam: "NEWTYPE GIRLS MUST DIE!" And she didn't.)
  24. Yeah...I was expecting Shin-Getter Fansubs to pick it up again, but they recently said they weren't interested in it...which is odd, since it seemed like they were going on a Tomino-spree: Raideen, Zambot, Ideon, L-Gaim... I found Xabungle raws at Tokyo-Toshokan, but I haven't downloaded them yet (I'm still working on downloading -and uploading back- Legend of the Galactic Heroes, which takes up a lot of time and HD space...). Let's hope SOMEONE takes a crack at them.
  25. Well, again...maybe Gunther liked being host to Geperunichi...or maybe there's just no justice. There certainly wasn't for the connon fodder Varauta and Macross 5 pilots who were controlled by the Protodeviln...only to be blown up by an exuberant Docker... DOCKERRRRRR!!!! (sorry, had to say it.) I see what you mean about the ending...but hey, Battle 7 blowed up real good, didn't it?
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